^^ Privileged ^^
No. Standing Bear on 132nd & Fort. South shore.
question. Would my fence post 8 inch auger work for a ice hole? any of you Ice holes can answer.
Jest go buy a cheap ass hand auger.
Take you a couple minutes is all. Power augers are really just for lazy myself.
Jest go buy a cheap ass hand auger.
Take you a couple minutes is all. Power augers are really just for lazy myself.
Me neither, but my pa does. He’s an amputee ice fisherman. Can’t get around any other way.
The ice is gonna be perfect within jest a few short days. Time to go get that record Blue Gill!
Then get the $50 conversion plate that you can attach your electric drill to.
Power ice auger for $100.
No more gas or propane.
I've been eyeballing that Clam Plate this year. But the wife said that it will have to wait. No worries, I bought a a new Strikemaster Honda Lite last year and it works great. I like not having to mix my fuel.
I have already bought the Milwaukee Fuel drill for when I do get the plate, tho.
Yup.Any 'non-brush' 18v drill will do.
Preach on. Sonar, too. I don't want to wait around for a bite to see if there are any fish down there. I poke a hole through the ice, drop the puck and see for myself.
I haven't caught a blue gill in a couple of years. The lake I was on in Minnesota was a walleye /Perch lake.
Nothin like the adrenaline rush of thinking you have a small largemouth hooked and then you pull out a fatass blue Gill
I don't keep largemouth or smallies.
If it isn't walleye or northern, then just panfish like bluegill, crappie, white bass, trout, perch are kept.
Bluegill is great out of the ice. Gimme a 5 gallon bucket full of handsize and the fish fry is on.
Just got back talking with my buddy he been trapping muskrats and got a few mink he's going to go trap some bobcat and some raccoons he said years past he's pulled out 500 raccoons
Nothin like the adrenaline rush of thinking you have a small largemouth hooked and then you pull out a fatass blue Gill
I have one Vexilar fl8 se and two Marcum vx-1i's. I forgot to take one once and drove 1 1/2 hours back home to get it. They spoil a fella. I can't fish without them now....Dad and I share a Vexilar. Love the shit out of it
Other than green sunfish, nothing fights like a big old bull bluegill. They are my favorite to catch through the ice. I prefer eating Perch, but have never walked away from a plate of bluegill filets.
Come to think of it, I've never walked away from a plate anything....