No. He's nice to look at, but that's it. What I meant was that if I was seeing someone I really liked and Troy Polamalu came along I wouldn't just dump the person I was with to "take" him. That's idiotic. I've had enough of purdy boys anyways.
Actually, I think it WAS me, but it was just a joke, intended to divert the Netster from the warpath. He challenged me to 9-irons at 100 yards, and I'm much better with a 7.
Glad ya like the pic; I took that last fall, when a bunch of us (Elks) went out at dawn to catch fish for the Lodge. We hold fish fries every Friday, starting in February and running thru Lent.
Can't complain, though I'm still puzzled over Net's challenge.
What were we supposed to do with those 9-irons at 100 yards, anyway? Throw them at each other? Hit balls at each other? Drivers would be better for that. Maybe it was supposed to be a "closest to the pin" contest from 100 yds out. That would be fun, and no one would get hurt, unless one of us happened to shank a shot. me an amateur golfer who claims that he has never shanked, and I'll show you a liar. Golfers of such character is why they don't put erasers on golf pencils.
I'll have to wait to ask what Net had in mind. If he enjoyed the Nuge as much as I did when he played the Burgh a few yrs back, he'll be sleeping it off until at least 3 PM EDT.