Reigning "Last to post" Champion

Your boy is in the closet!!!!
LOL!! I can't believe this thread is up to part 3
I remember how it randomly started one day in the water cooler, was forgotten about, then bumped by someone months later, I started moving it around, and you dadburn people still found it.
It landed here and I guess this thread stays here LOL
Obviously only wishful thinking on your part psych!
LOL!! I can't believe this thread is up to part 3
I remember how it randomly started one day in the water cooler, was forgotten about, then bumped by someone months later, I started moving it around, and you dadburn people still found it.
It landed here and I guess this thread stays here LOL
This thread is really slow to what it was in the later part of part 1 and part of the 2nd one. This one has been moving really slow lately especially since got rid of the rep.
We should start up a petition to bring back REP!!!!
I think people have tried but doesn't seem like they wont. Some people complained about it so much and ruined it for everyone and got butthurt about getting negged.
I think people have tried but doesn't seem like they wont. Some people complained about it so much and ruined it for everyone and got butthurt about getting negged.
I think there was more pissing and crying over people just handing out the rep...Bitching cause they felt rep was being handed out just for the sake of handing it out... I mean if I have a six pack of beer and want to give 5 of them to my buddies...who gives a fuck, its mine to give out. I know a lot of the butt hurt bitches were complaining cause the Steelers people were repping eachother like daily. But like I said it was ours to give out..... Fucking people starving in the world and a few assholes want to get a hard-on because "Oh he has more rep than I do"
Yeah, over 5,000 members here, but yet only like 4 or 5 had to ruin it for everyone. Who cares how it got handed out, it was just a neat little feature to have fun with. People took it way too seriously, I mean, it's not like your boss is going to get on here and say "omg, you have too many neg repz, YOU'RE FIRED!!!". The bottom line is, some felt that they made quality posts, but weren't getting repped as often as some that they felt were in an "inner circle". And they cried about it being "abbused" any time they got the chance.
I think there was more pissing and crying over people just handing out the rep...Bitching cause they felt rep was being handed out just for the sake of handing it out... I mean if I have a six pack of beer and want to give 5 of them to my buddies...who gives a fuck, its mine to give out. I know a lot of the butt hurt bitches were complaining cause the Steelers people were repping eachother like daily. But like I said it was ours to give out..... Fucking people starving in the world and a few assholes want to get a hard-on because "Oh he has more rep than I do"
Yeah, over 5,000 members here, but yet only like 4 or 5 had to ruin it for everyone. Who cares how it got handed out, it was just a neat little feature to have fun with. People took it way too seriously, I mean, it's not like your boss is going to get on here and say "omg, you have too many neg repz, YOU'RE FIRED!!!". The bottom line is, some felt that they made quality posts, but weren't getting repped as often as some that they felt were in an "inner circle". And they cried about it being "abbused" any time they got the chance.
And WTF is up with your Braves Red????
Fucking killing me!!!!
Everyone's a Braves fan.Hell I used to be one also.