How's it going everyone?
Doing good Red! My wife wants me to make my potato soup today. Soooooo,thats what i'm doing today,along with watching games. How about you bud??
I love potato soup!
I am on way to Lincoln for game today!
Well have fun and be safe!!
Will do! Who do your Wildcats play today?
Bye! But they do play Samford next....maybe a win???? lol
I would hope you could beat Samford. Probably should kill the football program if you can't!
At least basketball season has started so at least you have that to watch a winner
Nebraska basketball is as awful as Kentucky and bengals football so once football is done then I don't have much to cheer for
Well now that we're looking for a new head coach,who knows whats next! :popeye:
Nebraska basketball has brand new basketball facility and brand new arena for games and a new coach that seems to be a really good coach. Things are looking up for us too. This year will be very rough but future should be better
Good luck either way!!