Padded cells optional

Lol, perfect timing for power to go out!
Why do they keep calling when you keep saying you wont go in?![]()
There are 4 supervisors with no communication skills!!! So the day shift Sup called me and two of the night shift Sups have called me now!!! Only one left and I dont think I'll have to worry about that one!!!
I do paper work....I have learned to print shit out four times and put a copy in each dumbasses mail box!!!! They think I am being a smart ass, but for the first month I got real fucking tired of reprinting stupid fuckin reports cause these dipshits dont communicate at all!!!!
That would get really frustrating. You wonder how some idiots get supervisor jobs with ZERO communication skills![]()
I know....I mean fuck just email one of the assholes and cc the other two!!!
Fuckin as simple as 1+1....but I guess that would put them in another pay bracket!!!
Yep exactly. It is ridiculous. We have some really bad communication issues at where I work sometimes. All they have to do is send an email but sometimes it just doesnt happen.