Omar 382
Well-Known Member
O Brother, Where Art Thou?[:] 3/5 stars. This is the second Coen Brothers film I've given 3/5 stars in the last 7 days, though I did definitely enjoy No Country For Old Men More.
This movie's plot was a bit unfocused. Obviously, the treasure turns out to be a MacGuffin, which is fine, but I would have wished there was a bit more character development or witty dialogue in its place. This movie kind of felt like a video game in the sense that it went from scene to scene, each with a new boss to beat, and then it all (kind of) ties together at the end.
Clooney was awesome, as were both Turturro and Tim Blake Nelson (I particularly liked Turturro's backup dance moves during their recording session and subsequent stage performance).
I haven't looked this up, but did anyone notice all the homages to Cool Hand Luke (4/5 stars) that appear in the film? I thought it was really cool. Here are all the ones I noticed.
1. The four-way crossroad shot
2. The arch villain guard with dark sunglasses
3. Both films have prisoners slaving away, doing manual labor at the beginning
4. Both main characters (Clooney and Newman) have atheistic tendencies, while doubting their atheistic beliefs at times as well
5. Clooney and Newman both lead the way for other prisoners
6. Clooney and Newman are both smart, cool, and really handsome fellas
Anyone else notice any others?
I'll leave you all with this awesome tutorial in dancing from the legendary John Turturro
This movie's plot was a bit unfocused. Obviously, the treasure turns out to be a MacGuffin, which is fine, but I would have wished there was a bit more character development or witty dialogue in its place. This movie kind of felt like a video game in the sense that it went from scene to scene, each with a new boss to beat, and then it all (kind of) ties together at the end.
Clooney was awesome, as were both Turturro and Tim Blake Nelson (I particularly liked Turturro's backup dance moves during their recording session and subsequent stage performance).
I haven't looked this up, but did anyone notice all the homages to Cool Hand Luke (4/5 stars) that appear in the film? I thought it was really cool. Here are all the ones I noticed.
1. The four-way crossroad shot
2. The arch villain guard with dark sunglasses
3. Both films have prisoners slaving away, doing manual labor at the beginning
4. Both main characters (Clooney and Newman) have atheistic tendencies, while doubting their atheistic beliefs at times as well
5. Clooney and Newman both lead the way for other prisoners
6. Clooney and Newman are both smart, cool, and really handsome fellas
Anyone else notice any others?
I'll leave you all with this awesome tutorial in dancing from the legendary John Turturro