Well-Known Member
I don't follow soccer - so no clue if they've actually revived someone multiple times on the field and then finished the game - if they did...does that make it right?I was all in favour of a week 19 and scuppering the off week before Super Bowl.
But they should have finished the game that day. If soccer players can do it, so can they.
The players said they weren't playing. The NFL was stuck with either eating a really bad shitburger PR nightmare if they forced them to play, or tried to make up the game.
The right path forward was the no-contest and to follow the rules already on the books for such an issue. The only issue I took exception to was changing the rule on the fly - that was stupid. But, how the original rule was laid out - I have no real issue with. Sometimes things aren't fair - and that's life. You roll with the punches. Even if that meant the new stupid rule would have forced the Bengals to go to BMore - you know what...they shouldn't have started 0-2. Sucks - but in the end, the games were close enough (16 games to 17 games) for the teams to have control over their own outcomes.