DCWV4life---since you are in my neck of the woods--you are welcome to travel to Manassas and watch the game with me. 65 inch Ultra HD 4k TV, a fridge full of beer, lots of liquer, and a pass out room chilled to 64 degrees to eliminate the bed spins. LoL
Something is wrong. All of the talking heads on TV and radio have repeatedly mentioned UK is ranked in the 200's in defensive rebounding. When I go to NCAA.com… I see the numbers quite differently. But, I cannot imagine every single talking head could be that wrong.
They repeatedly talk about WVU's offensive rebounding excellence vs UK defensive rebounding problems, and how this could be a huge advantage for WVU.
They aren't going to change the style of play that has gotten them this far.I don't see WV doing anything differently than they have been doing. They are going to press Kentucky, play man to man, and try to make them as uncomfortable as possible. They may throw in a few zone possessions but not many if at all.