New Member
is snoogy still defending faggots and the heroism they show
Except their pageviews and traffic is way down ....
He wants to be a faggot in the public eye? Fine. Go for it.
But this "hero" and courageous" nonsense?
Only an idiot who lives vicariously through his or her TV screen and eats up what he or she is told by people on their TV screen believes that.
"Wow! You suck dick! And you told me about it! What a fucking hero!"
That's because of the spike they get with March Madness.
Look at the daily trends. That big drop you're looking at is 30 day trailing.
They killed the boards on 4/16.
Not 3/28.
Jerruh Jones drafted a TE and WR...Guess he feels as though you can't have enough of those guys...
Why doesn't he feel same the way about guys in the trenches like the better teams do?
damn pickles...thats a quality circle and arrow you've drawn there
No it doesn't.
Straight men can love other men. Straight women can love other women.
Gay men can love women. Gay women can love men.
Doesn't mean they're having sex with them.
HomoSEXuality is about having sex with the same sex. That's it. Nothing more. Nothing less.
"Hey why you always telling me to go fuck a goat man?"
No i know ... but even there trailiing 7 day is down about 10%
Trust me, we aint gonna make or break them LOL. But they will see a big reduction in pageviews / traffic.
I think you're reading a little too much into this JD
He probably is a "hero" to some ... or maybe its the word "Hero" you're just humping.
Regardless things like this do go a long way in helping people that are gay have an easier time admitting or coming to grips with themselves
I think the word "hero" is a little much but its the concept of it. You're being too literal
I am?
What part of "courageous" "hero" and "leader" am I reading too much in?
You're not a hero, or courageous, or a leader for admitting that you're gay.
Just like you're not a hero for admitting that you enjoy jerking off to National Geographic.
It's all just media spin.
I am?
What part of "courageous" "hero" and "leader" am I reading too much in?
You're not a hero, or courageous, or a leader for admitting that you're gay.
Just like you're not a hero for admitting that you enjoy jerking off to National Geographic.
It's all just media spin.
There is more to it than that.
Just like there is more to heterosexuality than banging chicks.
One of the biggest things is that he's opened himself up to the kind of hate that you and I are seeing in this very thread. Because a huge chunk of this country doesn't respect his right to be who he was born as.
It makes them uncomfortable... So they deal with it by spewing hate.
He wants to be a faggot in the public eye? Fine. Go for it.
But this "hero" and courageous" nonsense?
Only an idiot who lives vicariously through his or her TV screen and eats up what he or she is told by people on their TV screen believes that.
"Wow! You suck dick! And you told me about it! What a fucking hero!"
It's a story...concocted by our media to advance an agenda.
That's it.