The season is too long.Raptors Sixers game
No Barnes
No Barrett
No Quickly
No George
No Maxey
No Lowry
No Embild
The NBA needs to fox this
I immediately turned the game off
Wouldn't even think of spending a dime on this
And I know it's not the only game tonight or at this time of year with the same problem
Lonnie Walker or Stephen Strasburg lolUh, not really. NFL teams and MLB teams that are playing out the string will play a lot more of their prospects as well.
Kobe was never compared to MJ the way LeBron is.
If you really followed the NBA, which it seems you don't, you would know that.
If you choose to disagree with me just ask any of the regulars in the NBA threads old enough to remember MJ's career and they would agree with me.
The season is too long.
NBA won't fix it because they won't identify the problem.
bridges is for lookin out for his teammates@Pastafazul any insight?
Where are the Julius Randle haters on this beautiful morning? I would like a word with you