I'm just here to troll everyone
Cavs retiring K Love's jersey!

Cavs retiring K Love's jersey!
LaRussa got in for longevity and wins
1963-2022 like 3rd overall in wins
Not because he came up with the idea of changin pitchers every 3 innings
Error detected. Target does not function in that manner.
Matter of time. Good for him. He deserves it.Cavs retiring K Love's jersey!
Ws just retired Iguodala's the other day, nice postgame ceremonyMatter of time. Good for him. He deserves it.
Take your other B-ball talk elsewhereThere are 6 coaches in the 150 years of baseball that have more World Series wins.
He's fifth all time in appearances.
The series I’m talkin aboutYou think CLE will bring in better ratings than BOS or NY?
Matter of time. Good for him. He deserves it.
Take your other B-ball talk elsewhere
What's up, bro.....just wondering if you're okay with post #13083 ^ above?
Seems like it's bot generated spam..with possible malware attached.
Of course, that's the discussion; playing your starters too many min utes.
Man, i laugh at all these comparisons about who was the goat , was the game more physical back then Yada yada yada
If ya get a chance log onto Shawn kemps game
That dude could have possibly been in the discussion for the GOAT if he had more support
I’d take him over LeWRong any day of the week
Man, i laugh at all these comparisons about who was the goat , was the game more physical back then Yada yada yada
If ya get a chance log onto Shawn kemps game
That dude could have possibly been in the discussion for the GOAT if he had more support
I’d take him over LeWRong any day of the week
Man, i laugh at all these comparisons about who was the goat , was the game more physical back then Yada yada yada
If ya get a chance log onto Shawn kemps game
That dude could have possibly been in the discussion for the GOAT if he had more support
I’d take him over LeWRong any day of the week
One of the most intimidating athletes to ever play game, athletic , vertical 60 inch , beastly dunks …Come on dude.
Truly unbelievable take.