Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Knicks Grizz a good one too
Hell of a win for Miami
Jenkins screwed up not taking a TOBrunson
I don’t know how he got so open
Again bailing on your team because of one regular season game is pretty soft. You guys ain’t the KD Warriors, you’re going to lose some gamesMaybe that pre title series Vs he spurs they choked away
Not even counting that, just meaning post title
That is so bad to foul in that situation
You are welcomeMiami starting to gain separation on Orlando and Atlanta.
You are welcome
Again bailing on your team because of one regular season game is pretty soft. You guys ain’t the KD Warriors, you’re going to lose some games
Ah yes by all means LOLCan you just let me have my unhealthy coping mechanisms lol
Definitely a contender in the westThe Lakers are really good
I might have to throw a little something on them to win it all depending on the odds
GheyCan you just let me have my unhealthy coping mechanisms lol