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Texas: Glory Days


The Original Husker+ Fan
Aug 2, 2011
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I have expressed my feeling about Brasky plenty of times. If I am not mistaken, he has also posted in this thread.

What the fuck does it matter that you don't understand when Texas had any glory days? I am guessing you don't understand quantum physics either. That doesn't mean there is no such thing as "dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions of energy and matter."

Texas has a proud tradition, ranks at the top of the all time wins column and has owned our Huskers for a while. (I can say that the only Nebraska/Texas game I ever saw live was the Husker win in San Antonio.) Harp all you want. The fact is that they are an elite program and have had their share of "Glory Days" over the years.

ETA: Fuck you too
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Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
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I have expressed my feeling about Brasky plenty of times. If I am not mistaken, he has also posted in this thread.

What the fuck does it matter that you don't understand when Texas had any glory days? I am guessing you don't understand quantum physics either. That doesn't mean there is no such thing as "dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions of energy and matter."

Texas has a proud tradition, ranks at the top of the all time wins column and has owned our Huskers for a while. (I can say that the only Nebraska/Texas game I ever saw live was the Husker win in San Antonio.) Harp all you want. The fact is that they are an elite program and have had their share of "Glory Days" over the years.

ETA: Fuck you too

And when have we seen the Texas Glory Days?

They surely haven't been in my lifetime, and I'm not exactly young.

4 teams have left the Big 12 due to their douchebaggery.

God Bless Texas.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0yjoSybmhs]Alan Jackson - God Bless Texas - YouTube[/ame]

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
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The glory days, as I see them (and yes, they were spread pretty far apart, basically my lifespan):

1969 Wishbone year. Watching the Tex/Ark game on a little b/w shit tv, out in the dust bowl of West Texas. Pretending I was James Street in the sandlot (was 7 yrs old or so).

1977 The Earl years. Saw him in the Astrodome when Tyler play Reagan(Austin) and my friends big brothers for championship. Earl ate em alive. Then watched him run over people at Texas.

1980-82 When I was at UT. Number one Defense in country (Nebraska had number 1 offense). Sat with friends and family of best friend who started at DE for Texas in Cotton Bowl, as we lost on a fumbled punt. Driving home, listened as Nebraska lost to Miami in Orange bowl. If we had won our game, would have been national champs. That one hurt.

4 year span when OU was higher ranked, and Peter Gardere helped lead Texas to upset OU, and win four in a row at RedRiver game.

Upsetting Nebraska for first Big 12 Championship. 7-4 Texas beat 10-1 Nebraska.
Ending Nebraska's 47 game home winning streak.
Watching Ricky Williams run like hell, win the Heisman.

2002-2009, becoming a top flight program again, first time since, really, 1970. Winning a NC in the best game I've ever seen. I actually got teary eyed, because I really did not think I would ever see that again in my lifetime.

Now, just waiting to reach that level again. While it looks like it is going to be a good wait, you just never know.


Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
Lincoln, NE
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The glory days, as I see them (and yes, they were spread pretty far apart, basically my lifespan):

1969 Wishbone year. Watching the Tex/Ark game on a little b/w shit tv, out in the dust bowl of West Texas. Pretending I was James Street in the sandlot (was 7 yrs old or so).

1977 The Earl years. Saw him in the Astrodome when Tyler play Reagan(Austin) and my friends big brothers for championship. Earl ate em alive. Then watched him run over people at Texas.

1980-82 When I was at UT. Number one Defense in country (Nebraska had number 1 offense). Sat with friends and family of best friend who started at DE for Texas in Cotton Bowl, as we lost on a fumbled punt. Driving home, listened as Nebraska lost to Miami in Orange bowl. If we had won our game, would have been national champs. That one hurt.

4 year span when OU was higher ranked, and Peter Gardere helped lead Texas to upset OU, and win four in a row at RedRiver game.

Upsetting Nebraska for first Big 12 Championship. 7-4 Texas beat 10-1 Nebraska.
Ending Nebraska's 47 game home winning streak.
Watching Ricky Williams run like hell, win the Heisman.

2002-2009, becoming a top flight program again, first time since, really, 1970. Winning a NC in the best game I've ever seen. I actually got teary eyed, because I really did not think I would ever see that again in my lifetime.

Now, just waiting to reach that level again. While it looks like it is going to be a good wait, you just never know.

Damn, you all really did hate Nebraska before the Big 12. Makes a lot of sense,.... now.

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
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well, not really. I just included the Nebraska points because of the thread.

Actually, when our 7-4 team went to play the Huskers that first time, you have to understand that yall were the Goliath of college football. We were a fairly crummy team, coming off the Macwilliams mediocrity years, and had that guy Makovic (the wine drinking, jim dandy guy who didn't fit at Texas).

There was no way in hell we were going to win that game.

Then, as we played you guys in the next few years, we were still the underdogs, and beating Nebraska was huge for us. It really was a stage that set the program up for future growth. At least, that's how I saw it.

Our hatred was always reserved for OU and the Aggies. Playing Nebraska to us was kinda like, playing college football royalty. We had been down for so long, and Nebraska was ruling the landscape. Just the way it was.

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
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I don't care if other fans don't see it that way, just the way I saw it. I know the people I was with, we all were giddy when we beat Nebraska those first few times.


Oklahoma Sooners
Jul 2, 2013
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The Texas program has had 1 period of time they could call their 'Glory Days'
It was under Oklahoma All American Quarterback and Bud Wilkinson trained and mentored Darrell Royal.

Royal Coached Texas from 1957-1976, and won 3 NC's.
The best time under Royal would probably be in the late 60's/early 70's where he.....
1) Won Back to Back NC's, an AP title in 1969 and a Coaches Title in 1970.
2) Had a 30 game win streak that spanned '68-'69-'70, which puts them at #11 in the all time Win Streak List.
3) Won 6 Consecutive Conference Titles, '68-'69-'70-'71-'72-''73, and 11 CC's overall.

Royal served at Texas longer than any other coach in their history at 20 years, and won 167 games while there, leaving with a winning percentage of 77%.

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
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Hell, Matt McConaughey was so giddy in one game here in Austin, he was running the sideline with our ball carrier, all the way to the goal line and TD. Think it was that night, he was found naked playing bongo drums. Those were good times.


Till We Can't Be Beat. WON'T. BE. BEAT.
Jan 9, 2010
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Hell, Matt McConaughey was so giddy in one game here in Austin, he was running the sideline with our ball carrier, all the way to the goal line and TD. Think it was that night, he was found naked playing bongo drums. Those were good times.

Remember the time he went balls deep in your asshole?


Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
Lincoln, NE
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I don't care if other fans don't see it that way, just the way I saw it. I know the people I was with, we all were giddy when we beat Nebraska those first few times.

Fair enough.

Had really good times with Texas fans that visited Nebraska for games as well as my travels to Austin.

No offense to you Jefe, but your online fans are pretty much a bag of assholes. But I guess that goes as par for the course for most fan bases. The people that have nothing better to do in their lives dominate the online conversations.

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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yes, DKR years were the thing. My mom was a senior when he came, then worked for the Texas Coaches Association after graduation. She loved that guy. As do all Texas Longhorns people.

I got a picture, of DKR talking to Street at the Cotton Bowl, think it was against Notre Dame. Classic.


Till We Can't Be Beat. WON'T. BE. BEAT.
Jan 9, 2010
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huskerOC, no idea what you are expecting here in this thread.

Every Texas fan can pretty much point to the scoreboard, 9-1 against Nebraska in Big 12 play.

The last time Nebraska beat Texas in Nebraska was in the 1930s.

All I know, according to Texasexes rules of Irrelevance that he defined over on the ESPN boards, Texas has joined Nebraska in being irrelevant.

BTW, Texas does own one record Nebraska does not, to have played for a national title and the next season to post a losing record. How do you do that when you had the 2009 COY and all four and five star recruits?


Go back to disney and post with your fake facebook account bitch.

People even mentioning how shit was done there.... I cry every time.

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
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I was having a conversation with others, and you got to stink it up.

Rest of you, have a nice day.


Working with my wood
Jul 19, 2013
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Still crying about our recruiting.


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May 19, 2013
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Hell, Matt McConaughey was so giddy in one game here in Austin, he was running the sideline with our ball carrier, all the way to the goal line and TD. Think it was that night, he was found naked playing bongo drums. Those were good times.

Nope, I lived in Austin at the time. It was not the same day.


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Fair enough.

Had really good times with Texas fans that visited Nebraska for games as well as my travels to Austin.

No offense to you Jefe, but your online fans are pretty much a bag of assholes. But I guess that goes as par for the course for most fan bases. The people that have nothing better to do in their lives dominate the online conversations.

Are NU fans the biggest fucking hypocrites on earth? They start threads bashing states and other programs then get mad and cry when people throw back rebuttle. So fucking glad these cry babies are now your problem B1G peeps.....Just wait when they start bitching and crying about the B1G CCG being 10 hours away and the B1G conference headquarters being in Rosemont, even though that's what the conference voted in favor of.


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The biggest problem is that Texas fans can't accept that Nebraska has a better history.

Hell, it is close over the past 20 years even with the shit play from Nebraska to make it close.

Texas fan can't accept that. Afterall, they are Fucking Texas where everything is bigger and better.

Texas fan can't accept reality, and they can only dwell upon beating a real champ more times than not in largely meaningless games.

Congrats. Your football program is still a national joke and as much as you try, STILL isn't as good as Nebraska.

Show one post from any Texas fan that says anything about NU's history not being better than Texas. NU has a great history and tradition, but so does Texas. Again, the only time you'll hear Texas fan, like myself, start bashing NU is when you people start running your mouths. Not really sure what you expect to hear when some of you dumb fucks start bashing the state of Texas, then talk shit about our program, who owns your ass mind you. I mean, you fucking tools start bashing Wisconsin for no fucking reason which makes zero sense since they laid 70 points on your football team the last time ya'll played. Like I said before, I'm just glad people are finally seeing what douchebags you people really are. Greatest fan base my ass......