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Texas A&M threatens to sue double amputee, cancer survivor


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May 19, 2013
grand lake, ok
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Friggin' insanity. I understand the concept of negative casting of a favored icon, but when the intent is not there it's wrong.

On a side note, could Texas sue and win to prevent t-shirts with cut Horns or fans who put the Hook'em Horns gesture down?

I understand why some lawyers and the profession is hated by some, now.


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May 19, 2013
grand lake, ok
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It's plagiarism. Plain and simple.

"It's a shame that people can actually buy and own words"

This person does not understand how the world works.

I bought the trademark for "It's a shame that people can actually buy and own words".

You owe me $100,000. I would have made it a million but I got tired of typing 0 and didn't want to type another ','.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
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There are legitimate reasons for trademarks. To keep some company from making a drink and selling it as "coca cola", or to keep someone from trying to claim they are affiliated in some way with coca cola.

All fine.

But the color of a football field and a saying is fucking retarded.

I wonder if Alabama has trademarked "Roll Tide".


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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It's plagiarism. Plain and simple.

"It's a shame that people can actually buy and own words"

This person does not understand how the world works.

Even if that were true, and it's not, then A&M plagiarized the phrase to begin with. They did not invent it in any way, shape or form. It's a general term started somewhere else that after many years of using it they decided they liked it so much they wanted to own it. Didn't matter that it was used elsewhere during that same time. This is what's fucked up with it.

The gig'em horns example someone used, well that's really a texas thing. No one else uses that as a general football term. The 12th man is just that, a general football term not unlike the 19th hole in golf or the 10th frame restaurant in bowling alleys all over the country. It is a non unique phrase that describes the impact fans can have on the outcome of football games.

They aren't alone in gay trademarks that have been approved that never should have. No one is arguing it is just them, but this shows just how bad and out of control the trademark abuse really is.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It's plagiarism. Plain and simple.

"It's a shame that people can actually buy and own words"

This person does not understand how the world works.

I believe the word you are looking for is copyright, not trademark.


Till We Can't Be Beat. WON'T. BE. BEAT.
Jan 9, 2010
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I believe the word you are looking for is copyright, not trademark.

I believe you are quoting and responding to the wrong post :)


Till We Can't Be Beat. WON'T. BE. BEAT.
Jan 9, 2010
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Texas fans in Nebraska and TAMU threads... They show up like mosquitos to a blue light.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Texas fans in Nebraska and TAMU threads... They show up like mosquitos to a blue light.

Husker fans in an aggie thread where they think they may be able to insert Texas. More like gnats.


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Aug 2, 2011
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Husker fans in an aggie thread where they think they may be able to insert Texas. More like gnats.

Pretty sure it was an OU guy that brought up the fact that Texas does very similar things. This case is pretty simple. It doesn't matter that the guy is a double amputee cancer survivor...A&M has the rights to the phrase, and if they want to keep those rights (and they would be stupid to not want to) they have to defend it. Doesn't matter if it is not for profit...do you think Texas would be cool with someone using their logo, name, or some other trademark property without their permission on a t-shirt, even if said t-shirt was meant to support some good cause? Hell no, they wouldn't. Schools want to be in exclusive control of their brand. "The 12th Man" is a part of their brand (because they were smart enough to get it trademarked). If you all want to bitch about something, bitch about the fact that they were able to get it. For them, it was a VERY smart move.


Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
Lincoln, NE
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Pretty sure it was an OU guy that brought up the fact that Texas does very similar things. This case is pretty simple. It doesn't matter that the guy is a double amputee cancer survivor...A&M has the rights to the phrase, and if they want to keep those rights (and they would be stupid to not want to) they have to defend it. Doesn't matter if it is not for profit...do you think Texas would be cool with someone using their logo, name, or some other trademark property without their permission on a t-shirt, even if said t-shirt was meant to support some good cause? Hell no, they wouldn't. Schools want to be in exclusive control of their brand. "The 12th Man" is a part of their brand (because they were smart enough to get it trademarked). If you all want to bitch about something, bitch about the fact that they were able to get it. For them, it was a VERY smart move.

Not sure why this is so hard for everybody to understand.

Trademark laws are Trademark laws. Where was everybody bitching about Texas A&M in 2004, 1994, 1984, 1974, 1964, 1954, 1944, 1934, 1924 after having Trademarked the "12th Man"?

Now that 4 guys (more importantly a cancer surviving double amputee to spice up the story to attract readers) in Buffalo have infringed their Trademark, they have to take action or forever will not be able to take action to protect their Trademark.

It is that simple.

Fucking amazing how people can be wooed by shit journalism simply looking to create noise and readers by digging into their easily influenced emotions.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
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Not sure why this is so hard for everybody to understand.

Trademark laws are Trademark laws. Where was everybody bitching about Texas A&M in 2004, 1994, 1984, 1974, 1964, 1954, 1944, 1934, 1924 after having Trademarked the "12th Man"?

Now that 4 guys (more importantly a cancer surviving double amputee to spice up the story to attract readers) in Buffalo have infringed their Trademark, they have to take action or forever will not be able to take action to protect their Trademark.

It is that simple.

Fucking amazing how people can be wooed by shit journalism simply looking to create noise and readers by digging into their easily influenced emotions.

Everyone understands the laws. I just don't think people believe they are just. Not the first time this has come up. Generally, paying off is cheaper than fighting. That is why many of these things exist.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I have trademarked the following words and phrases:

fuck, fucktard, asshat, en sech, Natty on a Platter, butthurt, rustled jimmies and your jimmies are rustled.

Pay up ya bastards!!


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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I have trademarked the following words and phrases:

fuck, fucktard, asshat, en sech, Natty on a Platter, butthurt, rustled jimmies and your jimmies are rustled.

Pay up ya bastards!!

fuck you asshat. Get butthurt, I don't give a shit en sech. Rustled jimmies means your jimmies are rustled fucktard.

You can have that other one.


Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
Lincoln, NE
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And I feel the same about this, it's inane.
Come on, Aggie fans, time to man up.

Are you really asking Aggie fans to man up about a Trademark that is older than 10 people combined on this site, yet the Smurf Turf shouldn't "man up" as you say, in its Trademark?

We are talking about 4 fans from Buffalo having to remove "12th Man" from the name of their website as opposed to high schools that have invested real time, money, and effort to install a blue field on their premises denied by Boise State's "Trademark".

Your high horse is about 1 inch high, and shrinking with every comment you make.


Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
Lincoln, NE
Hoopla Cash
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I have trademarked the following words and phrases:

fuck, fucktard, asshat, en sech, Natty on a Platter, butthurt, rustled jimmies and your jimmies are rustled.

Pay up ya bastards!!

Only question remaining is when will Oregon posters declare bankruptcy?


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
God's country
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I'm claiming & owning "Living Rent Free". Who's that Bama fan that always says thi?. Pay up bitch!


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Not sure why this is so hard for everybody to understand.

Trademark laws are Trademark laws. Where was everybody bitching about Texas A&M in 2004, 1994, 1984, 1974, 1964, 1954, 1944, 1934, 1924 after having Trademarked the "12th Man"?

Now that 4 guys (more importantly a cancer surviving double amputee to spice up the story to attract readers) in Buffalo have infringed their Trademark, they have to take action or forever will not be able to take action to protect their Trademark.

It is that simple.

Fucking amazing how people can be wooed by shit journalism simply looking to create noise and readers by digging into their easily influenced emotions.

I guess you didn't see any of the Seattle media when those fuckers sued over their generic term trademark then? :rollseyes:

Just because they have this trademark doesn't make it right. Legal doesn't equal right and never has. Morality and legality are not the same thing.

It's fucking lame no matter what you think.

Seattle talking about their fans as the 12th man doesn't take ANYTHING in any way away from their traditions nor cost them any lost income in merchandising. Since it doesn't it shouldn't be a problem. Forcing others to pay for general use terms is the definition of asinine.

As for bitching about their trademark in the years not bolded, that wouldn't have been necessary. Why? Because TAMU didn't even apply for the TM until Dec '89 and it wasn't granted until the end of '90. Seattle had retired the number 12 in '84 and have records of calling their fans the 12th man going back as long as the franchise existed. BTW, they didn't raise the lawsuit until 16 years after being granted the trademark and the Seahawks had used that term before, during, and after that time.

You don't see anything stupid with that? Well that's fine. But stop giving lectures if you don't really know the full story.

Also the term is well used in soccer as well. Another sign it is a generic term.