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Surprised and embarrassed at the reaction of the Hoop to the SB


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
Seattle, Washington
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Seriously, I've seen about 50 threads either kicking the Seattle fanbase while they're down, or talk about how classless the Seahawks are, yet look in the mirror.

There are countless threads on here celebrating the Seahawks loss, basically rubbing the loss in the face of a fanbase who before Mike Holmgren came around, never had anything to cheer for. We were 1 play away from winning the biggest game in American sports. 1 play. Put yourself in our shoes, could it have been anymore heart breaking than that?

You all should be embarrassed of yourselves. You all act like class is such an important virtue, yet I see absolutely none of it from a lot of you.


Fly, Eagles Fly
Sep 2, 2014
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I have nothing against the Seahawks. I was rooting for them. But this is a pathetic post. Seahawks fans earned a lot of the hate coming their way with a smug and superior attitude.

I do feel bad for the fans because I did put myself in your shoes. But honestly, if you don't want to hear haters and criticism, maybe stay away from message boards?


Polite as fuck.
Jul 2, 2013
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In before someone uses the b-word and hammer loses his shit.



Well-Known Member
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Seriously, I've seen about 50 threads either kicking the Seattle fanbase while they're down, or talk about how classless the Seahawks are, yet look in the mirror.

There are countless threads on here celebrating the Seahawks loss, basically rubbing the loss in the face of a fanbase who before Mike Holmgren came around, never had anything to cheer for. We were 1 play away from winning the biggest game in American sports. 1 play. Put yourself in our shoes, could it have been anymore heart breaking than that?

You all should be embarrassed of yourselves. You all act like class is such an important virtue, yet I see absolutely none of it from a lot of you.

Nice switch from the 100 deflategate threads. Thanks Sherman and his 5 or 6 like here. You reap what you sew,unfortuantely most Seattle posters here are classy and fair, but the few make people forget that, with their obnoxiousness. Sherman 24, 24 when a ref blocks Revis Karma baby


Fly, Eagles Fly
Sep 2, 2014
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Dragon's Bane
Nov 30, 2014
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Seriously, I've seen about 50 threads either kicking the Seattle fanbase while they're down, or talk about how classless the Seahawks are, yet look in the mirror.

There are countless threads on here celebrating the Seahawks loss, basically rubbing the loss in the face of a fanbase who before Mike Holmgren came around, never had anything to cheer for. We were 1 play away from winning the biggest game in American sports. 1 play. Put yourself in our shoes, could it have been anymore heart breaking than that?

You all should be embarrassed of yourselves. You all act like class is such an important virtue, yet I see absolutely none of it from a lot of you.

You are surprised people on the internet are acting like assholes? Well, this must be your first day. Keep safe search on and you'll be okay.

But seriously, I hear what you're saying. After Green Bay's loss a couple of weeks ago most (there were, of course, a few dicks) people here were reasonably sympathetic or, at least, didn't try to rub salt in the wound. Yet this week almost everyone is piling on the Seahawks.

I'm pretty new around here, so maybe there are one or 2 Hawks fans that have been really obnoxious that I haven't seen, but I generally dislike it when people try to poke fun at a fan add when they are down. Give it a week or 2 then we can all make our jokes.

Regardless, from a bitter Packers fan, congrats on the great season. There are 30 other teams in the NFL that wish they were where you guys were.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
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While I agree it is maybe getting out of hand this whole past off season and season there was quite a bit of rudeness that came from the Seahawks fan base on this message board. Heck most of this past season any threads that were about anything but the Seahawks somehow found Seahawks fans upset that it wasn't about their team and how great they were/are. Now given this is not all Seahawks fans and I realize each of our fan bases on here have some jerks but it definitely got out of hand. so I think what you are seeing here is fans just responding to how bad things at times got on this message board of the superiority of Seahawks fans (again not all).

Throw in you have to remember with success comes the haters. If you can't handle the fact of your team being ridiculed then switch to a team that doesn't have success. It just comes with the territory. You guys had a great season and unfortunately for you guys it did end badly but honestly I would have much rather had my Broncos lose last year in that fashion than the way we did the year before. It was a great game and you guys were very close but this is what happens when you lose on the biggest stage after your fans, players, and even some of the coaches were so outspoken this entire past season.


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Apr 18, 2013
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I was rooting for the Seahawks but they were a little classless at the end. I don't seem to remember too many brawls breaking out in past SB's.

As for people kicking the fanbase while they're down, that happens to every team. If Carroll had decided to run Marshawn Lynch then we'd all be bashing and laughing at the Patriots. I know I would be!


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2013
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I am not surprised nor do I really care that people are doing it. They are free too. I understand the Seahawks are an easy team to hate if you don't root for them. As long as they don't let this loss divide them, they have the talent to be right back in the mix next year.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
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As for the rest of the OP:

Your team has a lot of players who get loud and boisterous when they are winning. They have large egos, people always root against those types.

As for the fans, there were several posters that spent most of last offseason treating the general board as the seahawks board and getting in a huff when you mentioned anything but praise for some part of their team. You could not say Richard Sherman is a good DB but I like Revis more without 10 seahawk fans jumping down your throat to tell you how wrong your opinion is.

This is not limited to the seahawks. If your team wins a SB, the following year will have a lot of a-holes talking about the team's greatness. Happened to the Ravens, happened to the seahawks, will likely happen to the pats, and would happen to any team, including my broncos.

Take the douche baggery and move on. We will hit the doldrums of football soon and all will be forgotten.


Boomer Sooner
Jul 5, 2013
Central PA
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Fuck the 12's out there that deserve it and they know who they are. If it's not you don't worry about it.


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
Seattle, Washington
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Nice switch from the 100 deflategate threads. Thanks Sherman and his 5 or 6 like here. You reap what you sew,unfortuantely most Seattle posters here are classy and fair, but the few make people forget that, with their obnoxiousness. Sherman 24, 24 when a ref blocks Revis Karma baby

I mostly post in the general forum. My opinion on the deflategate thing is who cares? The Patriots crushed the Colts and I felt like everyone made too big of a deal about it.

The main point I'm trying to make here is, people call the Seahawks (and their fans) out for being classless, yet in retaliation to one of the most heartbreaking losses in NFL history, you return the favor by being classless?

If class actually matters, then just simply say good game and move on. That's what class really is.


Most Popular Member
Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
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Bruh you need a lifetime supply of Kleenex?