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Stop the presses...I actually agree with Paul George on something


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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There is no place in the NBA for Zaza and his antics anymore. He is a repeat offender that needs to be punished.

It just seems to me that Golden State is able to get away with more than the standard NBA team...The Draymond kick to Adams' groin also comes to mind in this instance.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Yeah, I don't know if some or all of what Zaza does is intentional or if the guy is just one of those clumsy, "herky-jerky" type players.

But I do agree that he seems to be involved in more than his fair share of this type of thing. It's probably time for the NBA to start looking at maybe giving him at least a flagrant 1 for some of this stuff. I just don't know if they can necessarily target one player like that.


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There is no place in the NBA for Zaza and his antics anymore. He is a repeat offender that needs to be punished.

It just seems to me that Golden State is able to get away with more than the standard NBA team...The Draymond kick to Adams' groin also comes to mind in this instance.

I'm not OK with dirty play. I would be more OK with it if they stopped giving him the benefit of the doubt. I think they should fine, give a flagrant, or suspend depending every time. And if they suspend him when it was truly an accident, it'll make up for a different time when they didn't. They say he's clumsy, but that's an excuse that I don't believe more than once. In other words, any given time, I could be wrong in assuming it was purposeful. But it's too many times for me and I don't care if the suspension or fine is matched up with one that was accidental. It'll even out if they stop giving him the benefit of the doubt.

I say this realizing that my team had Karl Malone. I believe several of his few missed games are suspensions and I do agree that his physical play went into the dirty side at times. I do think his elbows were intended to keep people away and not to hit people (most times). But I don't think he cared if he hit anyone. The threat was obviously there and people got in the way going for the ball. It's not right to just swing your elbows and you should care if you hit somebody of course and I know there have been times where it was intended. But if people did back away, they wouldn't get hit.

So I understand that I am bit of a hypocrite. I am not a fan of the Golden State Warriors, San Antonio Spurs, Oklahoma City thunder, or any of the teams that were involved. I think in general, I don't like intended shots that you play off as accidental. I of course don't like intended shots either, but I think the former is worse in some cases. At least with the latter, there is more likelihood of suspension. Playing it off as accidental is trying to do the act but don't get the consequence. Doing it intended can be brash and I don't always think that just because you are willing to do the time that it is OK to do the crime. In other words, it is not black-and-white and I do know that my fandom is a factor.


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Dec 17, 2013
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I find it funny that they have two guys that are known to be such dirty players when by and large they might be the biggest group of pussies in the league. It’s not like pachula or Green are bad asses in any way though.


Most Popular Member
Apr 16, 2013
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There is no place in the NBA for Zaza and his antics anymore. He is a repeat offender that needs to be punished.

It just seems to me that Golden State is able to get away with more than the standard NBA team...The Draymond kick to Adams' groin also comes to mind in this instance.

If he doesn't get punished then one of his teammates will unfortunately have to pay for his actions if this keeps up


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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I find it funny that they have two guys that are known to be such dirty players when by and large they might be the biggest group of pussies in the league. It’s not like pachula or Green are bad asses in any way though.

Zaza I have no defense for. You're absolutely right on that one.

But outside of the Steven Adams incident, tell me another time Draymond has been seen as a dirty player? And don't give me that Lebron situation. Lebron clearly put his balls on Draymond's head, he deserved a swipe.

You may not like Draymond's mouth or antics, but he's not a dirty player.


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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I'm not buying the clumsy excuse. That smells a lot like Dellavedova's hustle excuse to me. Even if true, you have to know better.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2011
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I find it funny that they have two guys that are known to be such dirty players when by and large they might be the biggest group of pussies in the league. It’s not like pachula or Green are bad asses in any way though.

And it doesn't serve their purpose. For example, Stockton was small so he had to be physical setbacks and to not be picked on. Yes, his pics can be seen as dirty and of course they were intended to leave a mark. But he probably developed that and needing to be physical to make up for his size.

However, strategically falling on a player to injure them, grabbing their arm when you fall down to tackle them, and stepping underneath the shooting player is not strategic in the form of playing basketball. It can serve purposes of intimidation, but they are not intimidated by size or toughness but rather how cheap you are.


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Aug 6, 2011
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Zaza I have no defense for. You're absolutely right on that one.

But outside of the Steven Adams incident, tell me another time Draymond has been seen as a dirty player? And don't give me that Lebron situation. Lebron clearly put his balls on Draymond's head, he deserved a swipe.

You may not like Draymond's mouth or antics, but he's not a dirty player.

And doesn't Steven Adams have a history? Or was that later in retaliation for the prior event?


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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And doesn't Steven Adams have a history? Or was that later in retaliation for the prior event?

I don't believe so. They didn't have any prior history. And what I've seen with Adams I don't believe he has any sort of dirty player in him. He's a throw back big though, very physical. Things will happen when it comes to these two guys because neither is willing to budge an inch.

Draymond has a history though of kicking his leg up when he jumps for rebounds and/or blocks. It's just the way he does it. You can youtube all sorts of videos and for the most part he does it every single time. It's just unfortunate that when it happened with Stevens it hit him square in the junk. Adams doesn't even hold any ill will towards Draymond. That's why I don't believe it was dirty at all.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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I'm not buying the clumsy excuse. That smells a lot like Dellavedova's hustle excuse to me. Even if true, you have to know better.

You know how there are drivers out there that get into tons of accidents, but none of them are technically their fault? Yeah, by definition, you weren't at fault. But by the sheer volume of incidents, you have to be somewhat responsible for putting yourself in those positions. I feel like that applies to Zaza at the very minimum.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2013
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And doesn't Steven Adams have a history? Or was that later in retaliation for the prior event?

Adams has just a little history but it was years ago. He is actually a pretty easy going guy but I worry about all this building up and him retaliating and hurting someone pretty bad and getting hammered for it.


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I'm in the minority, but I like it and want to see more of it. Not just from him, but from the league in general. They have become a bunch of pussies.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Considering that really hard fouls has been part of the NBA for the at least 50 or more years; I find it short sighted to call out one player in the entire NBA for actions that has been allowed for decades. Now if the NBA were decide to take a closer look at their policies and regulations across the board, That would be a good thing. If they do look at this then the hard fouls is not the only thing they need to look at. My list is such:

The obvious issue of intentional tanking - it's not professional and unfair to the players on bad teams.

The whining done by players virtually every time they get a foul called on them

The missed calls by the referees that leads to the players whining like little girls

The hard fouls across the board. I remember Karl Malone, the Detroit bad boys and even players like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and many others were well known for putting some elbows intentionally into the faces of other players. My opinion is that most of them or all of them got fouled hard a lot and they did it to protect themselves when the ref's stood around and did nothing.


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I'm in the minority, but I like it and want to see more of it. Not just from him, but from the league in general. They have become a bunch of pussies.

Hardfouls and fighting can be no-pussyish. But falling on someone? Putting a leg underneath a shooter? I'd prefer them to set hard picks, physically box out, be competitively physical. It does nothing for depussifying the league to have cheap "accidental" tricks.


Sports discussion
Oct 22, 2014
In a house
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Nothing wrong with a pit of grit in a player's game but the Warriors are taking it to far. Time to scale that back a bit.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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There is no place in the NBA for Zaza and his antics anymore. He is a repeat offender that needs to be punished.

It just seems to me that Golden State is able to get away with more than the standard NBA team...The Draymond kick to Adams' groin also comes to mind in this instance.
Stop it regarding Dray. Adams was called for kicking someone in the same area this season. So is he dirty too?


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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I find it funny that they have two guys that are known to be such dirty players when by and large they might be the biggest group of pussies in the league. It’s not like pachula or Green are bad asses in any way though.
Hahaha so you're saying that Dray is a dirty player?


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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Stop it regarding Dray. Adams was called for kicking someone in the same area this season. So is he dirty too?

For a while there, Dray was flailing arms and legs at every contact, often making what could be construed as intentional fouls. Didn't he basically kick someone in the face too? Couple that with his constant whining with the refs, and he needs to make some changes. It seems he already has with that flailing bit at least.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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For a while there, Dray was flailing arms and legs at every contact, often making what could be construed as intentional fouls. Didn't he basically kick someone in the face too? Couple that with his constant whining with the refs, and he needs to make some changes. It seems he already has with that flailing bit at least.
I think sometimes the line is blurred when it's regarding a player that is vocal or plays with extreme passion. Dray does both. He actually takes a beating down there in the paint guarding 4's & 5's. He often times is hit and pushed without the benefit of the call.

Some will say it's related to his rep & is his fault. But really? I mean if you weren't afraid to be vocal would you want that to be a free pass for others to foul you constantly? And in terms of complaining, A LOT of guys do it - including the so-called best player in the world & he isn't blackballed for it. Hell, he even complained during the AS game. lol