Even that is not a legitimate excuse. When you get to this level, and you're making this kind of $$$ you need to be responsible enough to fulfill your obligations. If he had to stay up all night to be sure to make that test then so be it. My father was a foreman at a nuclear power plant in Tennessee----TVA. If he was late for work twice in a year FOR ANY REASON he would have been fired. Accountability is difficult to find these days, especially in spoiled athletes that are not mature enough to handle it.
Jesus Christ, dude. He was late for a test. Lol.
For the record, I'm with you, BOSS (although, maybe just not quite as fired up about it. Lol). I'm not condoning it, or saying it should be excused at all. Rules are the rules. If they say show up on time or you fail... then you'd better be there on time.
Then again, we don't even know if his story is even true, or not. Remember, JoLonn Dunbar made a similar statement when he got busted. Could be that Bailey did fail the test, straight up. Still trying to track down more info, though.
Jesus Christ, dude. He was late for a test. Lol.
For the record, I'm with you, BOSS (although, maybe just not quite as fired up about it. Lol). I'm not condoning it, or saying it should be excused at all. Rules are the rules. If they say show up on time or you fail... then you'd better be there on time.
Then again, we don't even know if his story is even true, or not. Remember, JoLonn Dunbar made a similar statement when he got busted. Could be that Bailey did fail the test, straight up. Still trying to track down more info, though.
Brilliant...Gets himself suspended for 4 games for Ped"s...What the fuck is wrong with these assholes ??? It's on NFL.com front page...Way to fuck your team ...Damnit, this pisses me off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!