Never go full Husky
Kaep is donating his first $1M earned this year, plus his take from jersey sales (although I'm not sure it really works that way) to the cause.
Some of you guys are getting awfully upset over "not saluting the flag won't move the needle". These guys know that can't individually do anything about the issue, so they're trying to get more and more people to take notice and pressure their local congressman or whomever.
That's where you and anyone supporting Kaep or any of these tools are wrong. Donating money won't do a thing. Join the police force, do something instead of stomping feet. I'm guessing you also think the Civil Rights act happened because of a peaceful protest not because people got into politics to vote for it to pass. Donating money and donating time doesn't do anything until you actually do something about it, which he has the fame and fortune to do. Though his female companion is going to ruin any chance