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Sounds like Kevin Love is staying in Cleveland


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Sep 2, 2014
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I'm pretty sure you are wrong on 3 of the 4 players.
The only one locked in is Kyrie.
Both James and Love will opt out and get a 1 year max.
Tristan isn't taking 7M. It's speculated that he's going to get a max or near max offer.

My math says those 4 add up to around 80M.

No one in going to offer Thompson a max deal. Lol. That's laughable.

He's the one the Cav's have to worry the least about losing IMO. He is schedule to make $7.5M. Some team might come in and offer him a $11M per over 4 or something silly like that knowing where the cap is going. But why would he accept? He will get offers above that in all likelihood a year down the road when the cap jumps and anyone and everyone has cap space to burn.

And even if he does get that offer, the Cav's can match and go above the cap no problem. They still would be well below the tax threshold.

Delly is the guy that might draw the biggest raise on the RFA. But I doubt any team tries to construct an offer for a guy like him that would scare the Cav's off. Even an overly generous overpay for him still keeps his contract well south where the mid-level exception will be a year down the road.

And the two max 1 year offers for both Lebron and Love are almost identical to what they are already scheduled to make. Lebron's salary would go up I want to say something like $1M and Love's not quite that much.
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Sep 2, 2014
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Edit: Just googled both Love and Lebron. Lebron's salary would jump $1.5 if he opts out and comes back on a one year max and Love's would go up $2M.

So even with those two opting out and coming back on a max offer, it would only change the Cav's payroll by less than $4M next year.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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I think you're right even though what players say usually do not say what they intend to do and are often less than truthful. It's also possible, however that Cleveland looks else where if Love wants a max contract. Due to his being so injury prone, he is a high risk and if Cleveland were to win without Love, they are going to be embolden to think that he is expendable. Anything is possible really

Yeah, but max really doesnt matter in this case more than others bc of the Bird Rights.


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When did Love become injury prone?

He has missed time in his career for two injuries. A broken hand (actually missed action twice for this injury because the T'Wolves idiotically let him come back before it healed). And now the shoulder.

Neither are the type of injuries that would make him more susceptible to injuries in the future.

A guy who blew out an ankle or knee which might lead to future problems can be said to be injury prone (Hi Derrick Rose). A guy who separated his shoulder and broke his hand is just unlucky.


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Apr 17, 2013
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No one in going to offer Thompson a max deal. Lol. That's laughable.

He's the one the Cav's have to worry the least about losing IMO. He is schedule to make $7.5M. Some team might come in and offer him a $11M per over 4 or something silly like that knowing where the cap is going. But why would he accept? He will get offers above that in all likelihood a year down the road when the cap jumps and anyone and everyone has cap space to burn.

And even if he does get that offer, the Cav's can match and go above the cap no problem. They still would be well below the tax threshold.

Delly is the guy that might draw the biggest raise on the RFA. But I doubt any team tries to construct an offer for a guy like him that would scare the Cav's off. Even an overly generous overpay for him still keeps his contract well south where the mid-level exception will be a year down the road.

And the two max 1 year offers for both Lebron and Love are almost identical to what they are already scheduled to make. Lebron's salary would go up I want to say something like $1M and Love's not quite that much.

TRISTAN ALREADY TURNED DOWN 52M /4 years and that was way before his play during these playoffs.
He shares James' agent. He'll get WHATEVER James says.

Once James and Love opt out, what makes you think they won't demand the longest, highest dollar contract available with another opt out after next year?

Delly blows without having James on the court with him.
Look at the games he's played without him.
He's yours to keep.


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Sep 2, 2014
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TRISTAN ALREADY TURNED DOWN 52M /4 years and that was way before his play during these playoffs.
He shares James' agent. He'll get WHATEVER James says.

I don't believe that for a second. Anyone who gives Tristan anywhere close to that kind of dough is an idiot. He can't play C full time. He's not good enough. And he's not a good PF because he can't score. He's your classic tween. He's nice to have for certain but he isn't a guy that is going to scream pay me to a team that needs a starting PF. And he isn't a legit starting C.

But I guess I have been shocked by the idiotic moves by NBA GM's before....but I don't see anyone going that type of crazy for Thompson.

Once James and Love opt out, what makes you think they won't demand the longest, highest dollar contract available with another opt out after next year?

What I am telling you is that the very max that Love and Lebron can make next year is only $3.5M more in 2016 than what they are already scheduled to make.

NBA contracts don't work like other leagues. You just can't say I want $25M. A player can only make a certain amount based on how long they have been in the league. And in the case of Lebron and Love, the max amounts they can get paid next year by any team is something like $23M and 18M respectively.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I don't believe that for a second. Anyone who gives Tristan anywhere close to that kind of dough is an idiot. He can't play C full time. He's not good enough. And he's not a good PF because he can't score. He's your classic tween. He's nice to have for certain but he isn't a guy that is going to scream pay me to a team that needs a starting PF. And he isn't a legit starting C.

But I guess I have been shocked by the idiotic moves by NBA GM's before....but I don't see anyone going that type of crazy for Thompson.

What I am telling you is that the very max that Love and Lebron can make next year is only $3.5M more in 2016 than what they are already scheduled to make.

NBA contracts don't work like other leagues. You just can't say I want $25M. A player can only make a certain amount based on how long they have been in the league. And in the case of Lebron and Love, the max amounts they can get paid next year by any team is something like $23M and 18M respectively.

Believe what you want. Most people around here already knew and have discussed this.

Report: Tristan Thompson turned down four-year, $52 million contract extension with Cavaliers | ProBasketballTalk

And, I know how it works with the others, I just didn't know the exact numbers for year 1 of a new deal.
That's why I estimated 80M, which assuming Tristan gets his, will be pretty accurate.


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I would LMAO at any team that paid Thompson anything close to that. He's a 3rd big on any good team. He's simply not a plus starter in this league. Salaries are about to jump but no guy who is ideally suited for coming off the bench is going to be making close to $15M annually.

And you don't need to ever link an NBA article for me. I don't believe 90% of NBA rumors. Worst reported sport BY FAR. Most of NBA reporting is just stuff that writer's completely make up. That is why most trade rumors never happen and the trades that do happen usually happen without any reporting on them before they are completed.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I would LMAO at any team that paid Thompson anything close to that. He's a 3rd big on any good team. He's simply not a plus starter in this league. Salaries are about to jump but no guy who is ideally suited for coming off the bench is going to be making close to $15M annually.

And you don't need to ever link an NBA article for me. I don't believe 90% of NBA rumors. Worst reported sport BY FAR. Most of NBA reporting is just stuff that writer's completely make up. That is why most trade rumors never happen and the trades that do happen usually happen without any reporting on them before they are completed.

It was no rumor.
It was an extension offer, that he declined.

A rumor is 'Love is leaving', 'Love is staying', which I agree means nothing.
A real offer though, which is what happened, is quite the opposite.


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Sep 2, 2014
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It was no rumor.
It was an extension offer, that he declined.

A rumor is 'Love is leaving', 'Love is staying', which I agree means nothing.
A real offer though, which is what happened, is quite the opposite.

No it's a rumor. In the article you linked it is said "sources told Yahoo sports".

It is interesting that Lebron has the same agent and could leverage the cav's into vastly overpaying Thompson just to keep Lebron happy. But I can't imagine another NBA team willing to offer anything close to that. Again: Thompson is a 3rd big on any good team. 3rd bigs get paid....but they don't get paid like THAT.


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Apr 17, 2013
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No it's a rumor. In the article you linked it is said "sources told Yahoo sports".

It is interesting that Lebron has the same agent and could leverage the cav's into vastly overpaying Thompson just to keep Lebron happy. But I can't imagine another NBA team willing to offer anything close to that. Again: Thompson is a 3rd big on any good team. 3rd bigs get paid....but they don't get paid like THAT.

At the time, it was all over the place and never denied by anyone.
There was no risk, because of the fact they share James' agent.
Worst case for Thompson was, he gets the same offer later.
Best case for him is exactly what happened. Love goes down, and he plays great.

Regardless of any phony letter, or whatever else you think may have happened, James can't stand Gilbert.
He will rake him over the coals at every opportunity if it's in his or 'his peoples' best interest.
He couldn't care less what the Cav's luxury tax bill will look like.

Point blank...Gilbert's his bitch.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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At the time, it was all over the place and never denied by anyone.
There was no risk, because of the fact they share James' agent.
Worst case for Thompson was, he gets the same offer later.
Best case for him is exactly what happened. Love goes down, and he plays great.

Regardless of any phony letter, or whatever else you think may have happened, James can't stand Gilbert.
He will rake him over the coals at every opportunity if it's in his or 'his peoples' best interest.
He couldn't care less what the Cav's luxury tax bill will look like.

Point blank...Gilbert's his bitch.

I can agree with that and if the Cavs somehow win the title. Gilbert will literally bow down to James, he already will do whatever he says but if they win I could see TT getting whatever he tells Lebron to put on the table. Basically James will be his agent.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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I would LMAO at any team that paid Thompson anything close to that. He's a 3rd big on any good team. He's simply not a plus starter in this league. Salaries are about to jump but no guy who is ideally suited for coming off the bench is going to be making close to $15M annually.

And you don't need to ever link an NBA article for me. I don't believe 90% of NBA rumors. Worst reported sport BY FAR. Most of NBA reporting is just stuff that writer's completely make up. That is why most trade rumors never happen and the trades that do happen usually happen without any reporting on them before they are completed.

While I agree with you about him being basically a 3rd big option, but it is more than that. He would of came in for a star PF Love and a team that made it to the Finals and started. He has dominated every PF he has played against to this point, the best of the East. He might not be worth max, but he has certained done what he has needed to do a contending team and possibly a championship team.

I guess I wouldnt be surprised if it went either way.


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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First off, cleveland is proving they do not need kevin love, who really would not fit right now. Varejao is Lebrons buddy and Lebron would prefer Shumpbert to take some of the defensive responsibility instead of someone taking shots.

The bigger win would have been keeping Wiggins.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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First off, cleveland is proving they do not need kevin love, who really would not fit right now. Varejao is Lebrons buddy and Lebron would prefer Shumpbert to take some of the defensive responsibility instead of someone taking shots.

The bigger win would have been keeping Wiggins.

Yeah, but imagine of frontcourt of Varajeo and Love and a bench frontcourt of Thompson and Mozgov. That's easily the best in the NBA.

No way they could keep all those guys. Varajeo or Mozgov would most likely be gone.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I can agree with that and if the Cavs somehow win the title. Gilbert will literally bow down to James, he already will do whatever he says but if they win I could see TT getting whatever he tells Lebron to put on the table. Basically James will be his agent.

Damn. You actually admit this. Kudos.

Are you sure you're a Cavs fan?


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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Damn. You actually admit this. Kudos.

Are you sure you're a Cavs fan?

Well when Gilbert picked up JR, I had no other choice, James was the only guy who wanted him in the organization. I have also learned that James knows what he is doing, it seems he has transformed JR for the most part.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Well when Gilbert picked up JR, I had no other choice, James was the only guy who wanted him in the organization. I have also learned that James knows what he is doing, it seems he has transformed JR for the most part.

Gotta admit. I thought that getting JR was going to be a disaster. It still could be and if I were a Cavs fan, I'd be waiting for the other shoe to drop. But, so far, so good for the Cavs.

In a way, it reminds me of when the Lakers got Ron Artest. I think all Lakers fans knew that sooner or later, he would go Ron-Ron, which he did. But, he provided what they needed to get past the Celtics and win the title in 2010. I don't think the Lakers would have won that series without him.

If the Cavs get the same result, even if JR eventually goes JR on them, it's still worth it.


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, but imagine of frontcourt of Varajeo and Love and a bench frontcourt of Thompson and Mozgov. That's easily the best in the NBA.

No way they could keep all those guys. Varajeo or Mozgov would most likely be gone.

Not with the way LeBron plays, thats clogged lane just like Derrick deals with. You arent seeing Thompson and Mozgov playing that much together, you have the floor spread so james gets separation and dishes or shoots.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 506.35
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Not with the way LeBron plays, thats clogged lane just like Derrick deals with. You arent seeing Thompson and Mozgov playing that much together, you have the floor spread so james gets separation and dishes or shoots.

They dont have to play together. Plus Love spreads the floor and Mozgov actually can too, he can knock down the deep jumpers just not as consistent. Varajeo can also shoot mid-range very well.
They just have a bundle of options for foul trouble or most importantly injuries.