All players are rendered in three dimensions, which these days is several dimensions short of what would be required to display all of Dustin Byfuglien.

Calgary Flames - Will probably just talk endlessly about how we're going to be making them for sure while hoping nobody notices that we don't have any sort of actual plan that would… wait, did you say layoffs? Sorry, we thought you said "playoffs".
not that funny
12:00 noon - Everyone breaks for a lunch of sandwiches and cold cuts with the exception of Jeremy Jacobs, who as usual subsists entirely on champagne flutes filled with the tears of hockey-loving children.
lol - This paragraph is gold, Jerry, gold.
Alright, let’s just get started on dividing some of you up into teams. You guys over there, the ones who are holding your sticks the wrong way and forgot to take their skate guards off? You can take these Columbus Blue Jackets jerseys. Everyone who marked down on their application form that they’ll never be available after the first week of April, skate over there and grab your Maple Leafs gear. And you, the guy who can’t seem to skate three strides without falling down for absolutely no apparent reason? Come on over and get your #17 Canucks jersey.