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..... So you have a new coach .....


Board Chancellor Emeritus
Jan 9, 2013
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So, you have a new coach because the old one wasn’t working out. Your team hasn’t been winning enough, and you’re down in the dumps.
What do you tell your new coach to do:
A. A. Quickly pull together the team and try to do well right from the start. Keep in mind, we brought you here to win. Start winning. Start the best players in the best scheme to fit the team you have in hand. I mean, you owe it to those Seniors and Juniors who came to play at the University. You can start implementing the scheme and culture as you go along, but definitely start winning now.
B. B. Build YOUR team. You have a Honeymoon period. We know the team is not that good right now, and we don’t expect you to win coming out the gate. Implement the schemes you want to implement. Go ahead and start and rotate-in the younger players and your recruiting class so that the team can be good in 3 years. Don't worry about the older players. We want you to build a solid winning culture for the future; take your time.


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For the first year you have to start with option A and gradually switch over to option B when the new guys develope. Year 2 is all option B.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
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Sometimes it just takes a fresh approach to work with the talent you already have, and improvement is made quickly. College coaches have to because it isn't like the NFL were a coach can come in and has the ability to blow up a roster if they require it.

In the Texas's situation, Strong will possibly keep some of Mack's former assistants, but you're going to see a lot of new faces, and some tweaks to this years recruiting class. But as the roster goes, the coach is going to have to work with mainly the 2014 seniors, juniors, and sophmores that are currently at UT.

At least the season is over and the next couple months the new coaching crew once it's completely assembled will go to work with analyzing who is on the team and what are their strengths. And go from there. They have to work with the talent that's already there.

We at UW got a new coach and he's made it clear already that we're going to run a similar type of offense and defense as the previous coaching staff did because the team is built for that. But also made it clear some new things were going to be inserted as well. Sarkisian ran a very pro-style offense. Petersen tends to spread things out more with spread motion and pistol looks. But he'll still have to work with the talent he inherited.

At least be thankful that in the Texas situation, Mack retired, rather than bolted somewhere else and took a bunch of the committed recruits with him. That will help a lot down the road as your 2014 class won't suffer much at all.

Sark took half the 2014 UW class within days of him going to USC. We were left with almost nothing and our new staff is scrambling to put a class together.


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Saban has always gone option B. It is the logical choice. Coaches know they get a pass the first yr, so it is a good time to build up your youth and get them ready.


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I'm a scheme C proponent. Play the best players and use a scheme that maximizes their abilities and minimizes their inabilities.


Board Chancellor Emeritus
Jan 9, 2013
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Saban has always gone option B. It is the logical choice. Coaches know they get a pass the first yr, so it is a good time to build up your youth and get them ready.

Didn't Rich Rod do a mix of both and crud it up? ... playing his Vets and quickly instituting a radical new offense?


Board Chancellor Emeritus
Jan 9, 2013
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I'm a scheme C proponent. Play the best players and use a scheme that maximizes their abilities and minimizes their inabilities.

That's Option A, brosef.


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Your statements, "I mean, you owe it to those Seniors and Juniors who came to play at the University. You can start implementing the scheme and culture as you go along, but definitely start winning now." confused me. It implied that Seniors and Juniors would start over others.

Many coaches have schemes that they try to force players to utilize. I disagree with this approach.


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Didn't Rich Rod do a mix of both and crud it up? ... playing his Vets and quickly instituting a radical new offense?

At Michigan?

He kind of forced his scheme when he didn't have the personnel to run it... Steve Threet is not a spread qb... Neither was Sheridan...

MI Nightmare

Slow Roller
Apr 19, 2013
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Didn't Rich Rod do a mix of both and crud it up? ... playing his Vets and quickly instituting a radical new offense?

Big time. RR forced his system on players that weren't cut out for the rolls.

1)He put two QBs (Nick Sheridan, Steven Threet) in the spread that had no business being there.

2) The existing OLinemen had been running a pro-style O and now had to adjust to RR's spread O, basically on the fly...

I could go on (didn't even get into the 3-3-5 defensive woes) but I think you understand. Also it's important to note the number of transfers and decommits (I think Texas has had 3 from the DLine alone) a new coaching staff will endure. The attrition at Michigan under RR was ugly. And what made it even uglier was that RR had a difficult time developing the talent he brought aboard (outside of Denard the running game was crap and the defense remained shitty). Cap it off with coaching conflicts and school tradition "issues" and there ya have it; a recipe for disaster.

Personally, I think Charlie's a better coach. Good luck.


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
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The D-line decommits were expected long before Strong took over. Texas understood that those guys were doing that no matter who was the coach. They were very weak verbals and looking towards USC.

It is a DEAD period still.
So, any commits or de-commits around the nation have nothing whatsoever to do with coaches.

We actually have no idea what Strong is doing with recruits as he is not allowed to do anything until the 15th of January. Strong will have a chance in a few days to actually talk with all the recruits "face to face". At that point, we will see what guys fit his vision and vice versa.

I am actually hoping he loses a few guys to open up some more spots for his Florida kids he has relationships with already.

Texas was already maxed out.
If they lose 5 or 6 guys, it gives Strong a chance to get his own recruits for his system earlier than 2015.


Roll Tide? What? FUCK YOU! lolz
Hoopla Pickems Staff
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It's a QUIET period. Not a DEAD period.


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Saban has always gone option B. It is the logical choice. Coaches know they get a pass the first yr, so it is a good time to build up your youth and get them ready.

Normally I would agree with this, but we return a damn good roster next year. Imagine a year where our guys are playing inspired and healthy. Most people don't realize how many starters we actually played without last year. Oregon got us without at least 7 I think.

Maybe I'm just optimistic, but I like our team next year. Especially if we can get through the first 5 games 4-1 and Gray comes back.


Board Chancellor Emeritus
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I'm starting to think that the new staff deserves the grace period... that the coach's scheme should be implemented and the Vets will have to prove themselves in that scheme or just miss out.

It's tough, but something has to give.


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Depends on the place, if your Texas ect. you better win (at least 8-9 wins) right away unless there are sanctions involved. If not there has to be a grace period and that period varies from fanbase to fanbase imo.

If Im Texas I get Ron Zook on the defensive side somewhere for recruiting and maybe Calvin McGee to run the RichRod offense with the QB's/RB's Texas has.

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
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C.C. Ask Red McCombs and the rest of the boosters?

Yesterday, Thursday, McCombs called Strong to apologize. He also contacted media, and publicly apologized.

He also said he would support the new coach and staff.

For whatever it's worth. I at least halfway respect him for apologizing personally to the new coach, and also apologizing to the media. I guess some of his buddies told him he was being an ass, and that he ought to get on board.


Board Chancellor Emeritus
Jan 9, 2013
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Strong answers my question (relayed by 'sources')
Strong expectations:

Players will attend all of their classes and sit in the front two rows of all of their classes. GAs, academic folks, position coaches will be checking constantly now.
No headphones in class. No texting in class. Sit up and take notes.
If a player misses a class, he runs until it hurts. If he misses two classes, his entire position unit runs. If he misses three, the position coach runs. The position coaches don't want to run.
No earrings in the football building. No drugs. No stealing. No guns. Treat women with respect.
Players may not live off campus anymore, unless they're a senior who hits certain academic standards. The University will buy out the leases for every player currently living off campus and put them in the athletic dorm.
The team will all live together, eat together, suffer together, and hang out together. They will become a true team and learn to impose accountability on each other. The cliques are over.
There's no time for a rebuild. "I don't have time for that." The expectation is that Texas wins now.
Players will learn that they would rather practice than milk a minor injury.
The focus is on winning and graduating. Anything extraneous to that is a distraction and will be stamped out or removed.
Strong met individually with seniors and key leaders and re-emphasized that the plan is to win now. They can lead the new culture or be run over by it.
"I don't want to talk about things. I'd rather do things. We just talked. Now it's time to do."
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Strong answers my question (relayed by 'sources')
Strong expectations:

Players will attend all of their classes and sit in the front two rows of all of their classes. GAs, academic folks, position coaches will be checking constantly now.
No headphones in class. No texting in class. Sit up and take notes.
If a player misses a class, he runs until it hurts. If he misses two classes, his entire position unit runs. If he misses three, the position coach runs. The position coaches don't want to run.
No earrings in the football building. No drugs. No stealing. No guns. Treat women with respect.
Players may not live off campus anymore, unless they're a senior who hits certain academic standards. The University will buy out the leases for every player currently living off campus and put them in the athletic dorm.
The team will all live together, eat together, suffer together, and hang out together. They will become a true team and learn to impose accountability on each other. The cliques are over.
There's no time for a rebuild. "I don't have time for that." The expectation is that Texas wins now.
Players will learn that they would rather practice than milk a minor injury.
The focus is on winning and graduating. Anything extraneous to that is a distraction and will be stamped out or removed.
Strong met individually with seniors and key leaders and re-emphasized that the plan is to win now. They can lead the new culture or be run over by it.
"I don't want to talk about things. I'd rather do things. We just talked. Now it's time to do."

Strong can't enforce the football players to live on campus since the NCAA won't allow athletes to live in the same dorm anymore.They have to be treated like regular students.
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Strong can't enforce the football players to live on campus since the NCAA won't allow athletes to live in the same dorm anymore.They have to be treated like regular students.

Not true, the players just cannot have a special dorm built for them and them alone (must house 50 percent ratio of regular students to athletes). If you are using A&M and Cain Hall for an example, it was an all athlete dorm not open to regular students for a long time. Then for awhile it was 50/50 and A&M decided it wasn't worth the hassle and made it office space.