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So wade is signing with Chicago


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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This might have already been said but it's gonna be weird seeing Wade in a Bulls uni next year.


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
Salt Lake City
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I think the Heat are smart to not give the Wade the Kobe treatment. What they did with Kobe left the cupboard bare and removed LA as a free agent destination.

Lakers are reloading now, but it is all with assets that came from Kobe tanking the entire franchise at the end.

Wade leaves and they still have a starting lineup of

1. Dragic
2. Johnson(I assume they match now)
3. Winslow
4. Bosh
5. Whiteside

Not a contender yet, but still good enough for the playoffs. Dragic is going to be way better now that he will have the ball in his hand more, which his entire game relies on.


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Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think the Heat are smart to not give the Wade the Kobe treatment. What they did with Kobe left the cupboard bare and removed LA as a free agent destination.

Lakers are reloading now, but it is all with assets that came from Kobe tanking the entire franchise at the end.

Wade leaves and they still have a starting lineup of

1. Dragic
2. Johnson(I assume they match now)
3. Winslow
4. Bosh
5. Whiteside

Not a contender yet, but still good enough for the playoffs. Dragic is going to be way better now that he will have the ball in his hand more, which his entire game relies on.

No, the Dwight and Nash trades left the cupboard bare.


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Riley is already looking at westbrook and blake griffin next year. Riley needed to clear wade from this team so the next guy is not immediately taking the team over with upset heat fans.

He wants it to look like Wade was the one that disappointed the fans.


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Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Those did not help, but have such a large portion of the cap tied into an over the hill Kobe hurt more IMO

Right, but the Lakers used to make their living off of trades, they burned through all of their assets assuming (along with the majority of the NBA) that those trades would net the Lakers a championship. This was after the nixed CP3 trade too so you could call a plan that most people at the time called genius a mere backup plan.

Upon further thought I can't really blame Riley for letting Wade walk. That's just the way it is now, ownership has no loyalty to the player and the player has no loyalty to ownership. Superstars will sign short term deals in order to test the waters and try for a quick championship elsewhere. Kobe will probably end up being one of the last lifers. If he doesn't come back in 2 years and joins the Wizards that is.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
Hoopla Cash
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Those did not help, but have such a large portion of the cap tied into an over the hill Kobe hurt more IMO

I don't think the top FAs were coming whether they were paying Kobe $25mil or $10mil those last couple of seasons. He was broke down and the top FAs wanted to be on legit contenders.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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Riley is already looking at westbrook and blake griffin next year. Riley needed to clear wade from this team so the next guy is not immediately taking the team over with upset heat fans.

He wants it to look like Wade was the one that disappointed the fans.

Westbrook, the fashionista, would love being in Miami. I could easily see that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Westbrook, the fashionista, would love being in Miami. I could easily see that.

Maybe he will, maybe he won't...but some day soon one of these superstars will be smart enough to at least come to the EC.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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Those did not help, but have such a large portion of the cap tied into an over the hill Kobe hurt more IMO

...but that helped them retain those protected draft picks a few extra years, thus the young core they have now.

Plus, that 60 pt final game made up for a lot of suffering through losses the past few years.


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It's a shame. Wanted to see Wade retire a Heat. Wanted him to be solely ours. I get that not tying that much money into him was probably the best move for the franchise. Still hurts a little.

He's my favorite athlete ever, I don't like the Bulls for him. Rondo/Wade/Butler is pretty bad 3 point shooting. Seems like a lot of crowded lanes for a 34/35 year with bad knees this season. I hope I am wrong, but I think Chicago will accelerate Wade's decline.


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Jul 7, 2013
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Also, if Wade has an injury or goes into decline, he will take way more shit from Bulls fans vs Heat fans who at least got the benefit of his greatness and would give him somewhat of a free pass.
He really could do no wrong here.

I think he made an emotional decision, that he probably will end up regretting.

Wade is going back to his hometown and getting paid more, sounds like a win/win to me. Also he will have a consistent star in Butler to carry majority of the weight on offense so he may endure less stress on his body. This is not a bad move for Wade.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Wade is going back to his hometown and getting paid more, sounds like a win/win to me. Also he will have a consistent star in Butler to carry majority of the weight on offense so he may endure less stress on his body. This is not a bad move for Wade.

We shall see.
It might be 6 years too late.
Bulls fans were pretty upset in 2010, if I recall.
He could have come 'home' then, and brought LeBron with him.


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,109.09
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Wade is going back to his hometown and getting paid more, sounds like a win/win to me. Also he will have a consistent star in Butler to carry majority of the weight on offense so he may endure less stress on his body. This is not a bad move for Wade.

All your perimeter players have no ability to shoot 3's. The lanes will be crowded. Wades ppg and shooting % are falling each season. I really do hope you are right and I am wrong, I really do.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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All your perimeter players have no ability to shoot 3's. The lanes will be crowded. Wades ppg and shooting % are falling each season. I really do hope you are right and I am wrong, I really do.

The only Heat fans that now feel overpaying Wade for multiple years vs having tons of cap space next year was the best move would be the same ones who were pissed we weren't the 8 seed 2 years ago.

Looking back, would you rather have those 4-5 playoff games or Winslow/Richardson for the next decade?

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't know why Chicago offered Wade that contract. Now is the time to rebuild with the way the Dubs and Cavs are assembled. Instead, the Bulls splurge on an aging veteran backcourt with very little shooting between the two of them. Chicagos front office needs to be replaced already. It's full of a bunch of gunshy executives who overrate the talent of their own draft selections and blames the lack of results on the coaches they bring in. Paxson and Forman need to go.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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I think the Heat are smart to not give the Wade the Kobe treatment. What they did with Kobe left the cupboard bare and removed LA as a free agent destination.

Lakers are reloading now, but it is all with assets that came from Kobe tanking the entire franchise at the end.

Wade leaves and they still have a starting lineup of

1. Dragic
2. Johnson(I assume they match now)
3. Winslow
4. Bosh
5. Whiteside

Not a contender yet, but still good enough for the playoffs. Dragic is going to be way better now that he will have the ball in his hand more, which his entire game relies on.
i would think one of the tipping points for wade to leave was the Bosh situation.....it seems they are not going to clear him and want to see him retire.

its impossible to operate with such uncertainty...if Bosh came back and had a re-occurence in like January again it would totally screw the HEat for another year. Is that worth the risk?

Bosh at 3 years 75 million at this point is not exactly the best spent money in the first place...add in the risk and Riley's lack of loyalty and he - i think - is done....

the interesting part will be if he fights it and asks for a trade or something then....that might actually be interesting....all though- no team in their right mind trades for him right? It should be very very intriguing to see how that situation goes down.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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I don't know why Chicago offered Wade that contract. Now is the time to rebuild with the way the Dubs and Cavs are assembled. Instead, the Bulls splurge on an aging veteran backcourt with very little shooting between the two of them. Chicagos front office needs to be replaced already. It's full of a bunch of gunshy executives who overrate the talent of their own draft selections and blames the lack of results on the coaches they bring in. Paxson and Forman need to go.
Chicago never gets trades done- or rarely anyway- because they do over value their players seriously...they dont realize you have to give something to get something.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
$ 14,727.00
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The only Heat fans that now feel overpaying Wade for multiple years vs having tons of cap space next year was the best move would be the same ones who were pissed we weren't the 8 seed 2 years ago.

Looking back, would you rather have those 4-5 playoff games or Winslow/Richardson for the next decade?
when i say this about hte Cavs and Gilbert not spending money directly after LeBron left that would have resulted in best a 7 or 8 seed you call him cheap you hypocritical asshole.

like i said all along- MUCH better to try and get a big time talent...especially when your team is decimated....

that heat team shit the bed with "the most dominant center in the league", Wade and Dragic.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 42,000.00
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i would think one of the tipping points for wade to leave was the Bosh situation.....it seems they are not going to clear him and want to see him retire.

its impossible to operate with such uncertainty...if Bosh came back and had a re-occurence in like January again it would totally screw the HEat for another year. Is that worth the risk?

Bosh at 3 years 75 million at this point is not exactly the best spent money in the first place...add in the risk and Riley's lack of loyalty and he - i think - is done....

the interesting part will be if he fights it and asks for a trade or something then....that might actually be interesting....all though- no team in their right mind trades for him right? It should be very very intriguing to see how that situation goes down.

I think the scale is tipped way more towards certainty then uncertainty.
Bosh won't be cleared.

So, if that is correct, then are the Heat in a better position having Wade and enough money for 1 max addition next year or no Wade and enough money for 2 max players?

I'm not sure what Bosh can fight unless there is a breakthrough in medical science.