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So wade is signing with Chicago


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Apr 17, 2013
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when i say this about hte Cavs and Gilbert not spending money directly after LeBron left that would have resulted in best a 7 or 8 seed you call him cheap you hypocritical asshole.

like i said all along- MUCH better to try and get a big time talent...especially when your team is decimated....

that heat team shit the bed with "the most dominant center in the league", Wade and Dragic.

Gilbert never spent money EVER before.
It wasn't just after James left PLUS, Gilbert is the fucking genius that PROMISED a Cavs championship before the Heat would win on the night James left, right?
Need the quote again?


So either he's:
1. A liar
2. Stupid as fuck
3. Delusional

Heat may have a bad season every now and then.
Cavs are bad by the decades.


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not really sure why but Bulls are a little more interesting now. 35 yr olds usual decline quickly

His production was pretty good last season: 19ppg, 4.6apg, 4rpg, 1.1spg and he really stepped up in the playoffs.

If I had to pick between him and Rose? I'd take Wade, although I like what the Knicks did.

Win TWINS!!!

Least Racist Member
Jul 23, 2013
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Miami is in the need of a rebuild anyway - It's not like Wade would have helped win more games. It would be the same thing if the Lakers had signed Durant this year. Wade gave them three titles and made them relevant - Now it's time for the Heat to move forward

You don't think that will be difficult to do? What star will want to go there, after seeing how Wade was treated?

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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You don't think that will be difficult to do? What star will want to go there, after seeing how Wade was treated?
It might be, but they can do like the Lakers and rebuild from the draft. Riley is a talented GM and one of the smartest minds in the NBA so he ill figure it out

Win TWINS!!!

Least Racist Member
Jul 23, 2013
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It might be, but they can do like the Lakers and rebuild from the draft. Riley is a talented GM and one of the smartest minds in the NBA so he ill figure it out

Then they'd have been better off doing exactly what the Lakers did with Kobe. Kept Wade and let Whiteside go, and tank.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
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Then they'd have been better off doing exactly what the Lakers did with Kobe. Kept Wade and let Whiteside go, and tank.
I don't think you will ever see other teams doing what the Lakers did for Kobe though. It's just the dark side of business and something I wouldn't have done. No player will ever get the respect that Kobe got and Wade is actually a better player who deserves to be paid where Kobe in the same situation wasn't worth 10 million let alone 25 million. The Lakers most likely got there money in that farewell tour which is something the Heat would never get out of Wade. Wade is a good player, but not admired or recognized like Kobe was

Win TWINS!!!

Least Racist Member
Jul 23, 2013
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I don't think you will ever see other teams doing what the Lakers did for Kobe though. It's just the dark side of business and something I wouldn't have done. No player will ever get the respect that Kobe got and Wade is actually a better player who deserves to be paid where Kobe in the same situation wasn't worth 10 million let alone 25 million. The Lakers most likely got there money in that farewell tour which is something the Heat would never get out of Wade. Wade is a good player, but not admired or recognized like Kobe was

I know that, but as a fan, I'd have respected the decision to pay up to keep Wade, after what he'd done for the Heat. There's something to be said for team and player sticking together through thick and thin.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I know that, but as a fan, I'd have respected the decision to pay up to keep Wade, after what he'd done for the Heat. There's something to be said for team and player sticking together through thick and thin.
Unfortunately - that does not happen quite often, but for what it is worth - I think the Heat made a pretty decent offer the last time. The first time - they really did low ball the guy, but I don't think Riley understood that a whole lot of players were going for max contracts and was caught off guard. He should have called Wade up, apologized and asked for a meeting. That was sad really


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Gilbert never spent money EVER before.
It wasn't just after James left PLUS, Gilbert is the fucking genius that PROMISED a Cavs championship before the Heat would win on the night James left, right?
Need the quote again?


So either he's:
1. A liar
2. Stupid as fuck
3. Delusional

Heat may have a bad season every now and then.
Cavs are bad by the decades.
are u a half tard? HE HAD JUST BOUGHT THE TEAM!!! LOL.


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The only Heat fans that now feel overpaying Wade for multiple years vs having tons of cap space next year was the best move would be the same ones who were pissed we weren't the 8 seed 2 years ago.

Looking back, would you rather have those 4-5 playoff games or Winslow/Richardson for the next decade?

I'm with you. We weren't winning a title with Wade. With Wade and Bosh playing.. we may have been able to give Cleveland fits in the ECF, but that would be about it. Wade and Bosh are aging. We have some good young talent in Rook 1 and Rook 2. Whiteside is good piece. Tank this season, get a high draft pick, bring in Westbrook/Blake.. whatever, we can rebuild this thing quickly.

It still hurts that Wade is gone though.


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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i would think one of the tipping points for wade to leave was the Bosh situation.....it seems they are not going to clear him and want to see him retire.

its impossible to operate with such uncertainty...if Bosh came back and had a re-occurence in like January again it would totally screw the HEat for another year. Is that worth the risk?

Bosh at 3 years 75 million at this point is not exactly the best spent money in the first place...add in the risk and Riley's lack of loyalty and he - i think - is done....

the interesting part will be if he fights it and asks for a trade or something then....that might actually be interesting....all though- no team in their right mind trades for him right? It should be very very intriguing to see how that situation goes down.

If Westbrook refuses to sign an extension in OKC and Miami offers in Winslow... That could be REALLY intriguing for OKC and Miami.


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You don't think that will be difficult to do? What star will want to go there, after seeing how Wade was treated?

Wade wasn't treated poorly. 2 years 40 millions for a guy that turns 35 in January and has bad knees was a completely fair offer. I think most of the world can agree on that. There will likely be a statue of Wade outside the AAA soon (hopefully in that "This is my house" pose) and his jersey will be hanging from the rafters. I would be okay with both those things happening when the Bulls come back next season.

These breakups are part of sports. Most franchises goes through similar things at some point. It's not like Micky Arison fired off a letter call him a traitor and a horrible person. If Dan Gilbert's rant didn't stop Kyrie from resigning, then Miami's treatment of Wade will have no lasting affect.

Win TWINS!!!

Least Racist Member
Jul 23, 2013
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Wade wasn't treated poorly. 2 years 40 millions for a guy that turns 35 in January and has bad knees was a completely fair offer. I think most of the world can agree on that. There will likely be a statue of Wade outside the AAA soon (hopefully in that "This is my house" pose) and his jersey will be hanging from the rafters. I would be okay with both those things happening when the Bulls come back next season.

These breakups are part of sports. Most franchises goes through similar things at some point. It's not like Micky Arison fired off a letter call him a traitor and a horrible person. If Dan Gilbert's rant didn't stop Kyrie from resigning, then Miami's treatment of Wade will have no lasting affect.

I get ALL of that... but he signed contracts that were below value previously... just so the "team" could earn those 2 titles and have 4 Finals appearances. Without Wade having done so, is Riley considered a "genius?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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are u a half tard? HE HAD JUST BOUGHT THE TEAM!!! LOL.

James was gone 4 seasons in which Gilbert had no clue he'd return.
When James left, Gilbert PROMISED, that night that he'd bring a winner.
He'd now give them what the deserve.
The self proclaimed chosen one / quitter was finally gone.

Spin it anyway you choose, he stayed under the cap and only thing he won was an award for worst cumulative record of all 30 NBA teams.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I get ALL of that... but he signed contracts that were below value previously... just so the "team" could earn those 2 titles and have 4 Finals appearances. Without Wade having done so, is Riley considered a "genius?"

You act like Wade did those things just for Riley.
Fact is, everything he did was for himself.
He wanted to play with his friends.
He wanted to play in Miami.
He wanted to win championships.
He wanted all the publicity and endorsements that come along with winning.

Now, he sees the finish line and wants money vs the other things.

Bad business for Riley to share THAT vision.


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Apr 17, 2013
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If Westbrook refuses to sign an extension in OKC and Miami offers in Winslow... That could be REALLY intriguing for OKC and Miami.

Winslow/Dragic is best mock offer I've seen, assuming Lakers are trying to keep all new young guns.


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Apr 18, 2013
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I'm with you. We weren't winning a title with Wade. With Wade and Bosh playing.. we may have been able to give Cleveland fits in the ECF, but that would be about it. Wade and Bosh are aging. We have some good young talent in Rook 1 and Rook 2. Whiteside is good piece. Tank this season, get a high draft pick, bring in Westbrook/Blake.. whatever, we can rebuild this thing quickly.

It still hurts that Wade is gone though.

That's the thing in the modern NBA, you gotta have something to get something (like the Warriors). The Lakers don't have any players enticing enough to play with yet so they didn't sign anyone, maybe next year they will prove that their young core is worthy of a superstar signing with. Whiteside staying is huge for the Heat because at least you have someone putting up all star numbers. It made the most business sense for the Heat to let Wade take his "earned it" contract elsewhere but in terms of how the NBA's been for the last several decade before this one, it's a bit of a shell shock to some, myself included at first. Cap space alone will not net you a superstar these days.

It was also a genius move by Riley convincing Whiteside to take less if KD signs. Riley is still a mastermind to this day, say what you like about him.
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Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I get ALL of that... but he signed contracts that were below value previously... just so the "team" could earn those 2 titles and have 4 Finals appearances. Without Wade having done so, is Riley considered a "genius?"

Wade was below value so his friends could play here and he could win titles. Wade also made up some money in endorsements once the big 3 were here. Miami also paid Wade more than market value last off season...which no one is bringing up. Nobody would have given him 20 million going into last season. So I just find the disrespect angle being played as utter nonsense, although I do believe Wade feels that way.