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So two scrub Big XII twelve teams made the SEC better?

outlaw okie

Racer X
Apr 19, 2013
Badlands, Oklahoma
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"Did the SEC make Missouri and aTm better" this is how the thread should have read.

Of course they got better cause they had something to prove by moving there. Most of the talk was how they were going to get beat every week and how they might win three conference games.

With JF, aTm would have rolled thru the B12 like a hot knife thru butter.

Missouri had quite a few good years in the B12 but couldn't capitalize at years end.

I'm not surprised by the success but without JF it wouldn't be near as profound.

If Oklahoma had moved to the SEC they would be twice the program they are today. Not a great analogy here but as soon as Manning moved to the Broncos the whole offensive line got better. The whole backfield and WR's got better. Hell, the defense probably got better as well.


Who is Mike Riley?
Jan 10, 2010
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The stars aligned for Texas A&M to pick up Sumlin and recruit Johnny for the first year in the SEC....

Not sold on Missouri, I think the win against UGA could've been a fluke. Jury is still out.


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Jul 2, 2013
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You are being a troll, but I will respond.

- TAMU gets a new coach and Heisman QB ... still loses two games in the SEC last year, one this year, but pounds the snot out of your team last year. Maybe they aren't a scrub team right now, like yours?

- Mizzou - beats UGa without their no. 1 and 2 RBs, their no. 1 - 3 WRs, and a crappy young D. Still has to play UF, USCe, and TAMU. Why don't we watch a few more games before crowning them in the East.

I would also point out that in 2007, 2008, and 2010, this scrub team was the co-champion of your conference's North Division. So much for being scrubs.

I know you are just a troll, but there you go.

maybe, maybe not. Sherman left the cupboard full for Sumlin, leaving him a senior laden team last year with tons of experience. I believe Sherman was 10 total pts away from having a 1 loss season in '11. Sherman would have dominated the SEC in '12, too. Don't forget, it was Sherman who recruited JF, not Sumlin. Sumlin has never won with his own players. Briles left Houston with the cupboard full as well and left Sumlin with Case Keenum. Let's see how Sumlin can do 2 years from now when he is forced to recruit his own QB and players for the 1st time ever since he's been a head coach.


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Lol, true, but he doesn't need much of an excuse to come on here and post the latest thing he learned from Wikipedia. I think he lives mostly by recycling his own hot air.

the butthurt is strong with this one ^^^^^^^

still in denial about the south being racist eh?????


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"Did the SEC make Missouri and aTm better" this is how the thread should have read.

Of course they got better cause they had something to prove by moving there. Most of the talk was how they were going to get beat every week and how they might win three conference games.

With JF, aTm would have rolled thru the B12 like a hot knife thru butter.

Missouri had quite a few good years in the B12 but couldn't capitalize at years end.

I'm not surprised by the success but without JF it wouldn't be near as profound.

If Oklahoma had moved to the SEC they would be twice the program they are today. Not a great analogy here but as soon as Manning moved to the Broncos the whole offensive line got better. The whole backfield and WR's got better. Hell, the defense probably got better as well.

Not last year. People forget Aggy was just an average team until they played Bama. Aggy was an ass hair away from 4 losses before the Bama game. They turned it on after whipping Bama and were one of the best teams at the end of the year, but Aggy would have had at least 2 losses in the Big 12 last year as well. I know I would have paid money to watch Aggy and Baylor play at the end of the year.....


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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So if someone from an SEC team posts, then jimmies have been rustled, but if a troll thread is made, its not SEC envy or Jealousy. Right?

I will second the sentiments of the one poster so it has nothing to do with the SEC, If my team has lost its bowl game last year in an embarrassing fashion to team they are trying to use in this thread and then got embarrassed just this past weekend, i wouldnt be making ridiculous threads like this.

Oh, and so there is no mistaking it, My jimmies are not rustled, why would they be. We have won 3 of 4 and are currently headed towards a date for a possible 4th and three in a row as of right now. Top that then you can talk. Roll Tide

Jimmy rustled. :lol:


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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LOL @ Pariah and romeo getting their jimmies rustled itt!!

I figured your rectums would've healed by now...guess not.

Show me where my jimmy was rustled. I'm not posting in here incessantly.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
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So if someone from an SEC team posts, then jimmies have been rustled, but if a troll thread is made, its not SEC envy or Jealousy. Right?

I will second the sentiments of the one poster so it has nothing to do with the SEC, If my team has lost its bowl game last year in an embarrassing fashion to team they are trying to use in this thread and then got embarrassed just this past weekend, i wouldnt be making ridiculous threads like this.

Oh, and so there is no mistaking it, My jimmies are not rustled, why would they be. We have won 3 of 4 and are currently headed towards a date for a possible 4th and three in a row as of right now. Top that then you can talk. Roll Tide



2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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ever seen a lynchings per capita stat

now thats some fucked up shit......

Doesnt mean that their isnt racism in each state. Prove their isnt racism in each state and i will withdraw my statement. Good luck.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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Jimmy rustled. :lol:

We have won 3 of 4 and are currently headed towards a date for a possible 4th and three in a row as of right now. Top that then you can talk. Roll Tide


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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We have won 3 of 4 and are currently headed towards a date for a possible 4th and three in a row as of right now. Top that then you can talk. Roll Tide

Still rustled.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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Still rustled.

No matter how many times you post that, it doesnt make it true. I will say this one more time. My team has looked down at the rest of you for several years out of the past 4, got no complaints...can you say the same.


Rising Tide
Jul 21, 2013
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No matter how many times you post that, it doesnt make it true. I will say this one more time. My team has looked down at the rest of you for several years out of the past 4, got no complaints...can you say the same.

Might as well let it go. He has to act childish and kick and scream for attention cause his team sucks.

Roll Tide


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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No matter how many times you post that, it doesnt make it true. I will say this one more time. My team has looked down at the rest of you for several years out of the past 4, got no complaints...can you say the same.

This has nothing to do with how good your team is. Bama is undoubtedly on top of the football mountain right now, but that's not the point. The point some of you have your self esteem so tied to a program that isn't even aware you exist that you take everything personal.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
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This has nothing to do with how good your team is. Bama is undoubtedly on top of the football mountain right now, but that's not the point. The point some of you have your self esteem so tied to a program that isn't even aware you exist that you take everything personal.

If people were attacking Oklahoma and saying shit about them, would you not respond the same way?

Of course you would. But that's what goes on around here a bunch, people attack and then call people names for defending.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Might as well let it go. He has to act childish and kick and scream for attention cause his team sucks.

Roll Tide

Lol at this. I'm just taking the opportunity to laugh at all the Bama fans who get their panties in a bunch when people don't bow down to the mighty Alabama football teams. Attention? Ummm no.

Look, Bama is on top right now and they deserve to be. But they won't be there forever, and it wasn't that long ago that they were an also ran. These things go in cycles and I admire Alabama for what they've accomplished. But it's fans like you that act like the team's accomplishments are your accomplishments, as if you were some how an integral part of that success that is a giant joke to me.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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If people were attacking Oklahoma and saying shit about them, would you not respond the same way?

Of course you would. But that's what goes on around here a bunch, people attack and then call people names for defending.

I would probably ignore a lot of the obvious trolling like this. My self esteem isn't so tied to a college football team that I take it personal. I'll talk football with anyone here, and in a legitimate debate defend my team of appropriate. But this was obvious troll bait and plenty of Bama fans bit as intended.