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Smack Talk Thread


US ARMY retired /mod.
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You mad bovey lol

I understand how you guys got him AND it was you yourself that called him a steal. You claimed he was a 2nd round grade and how smart Washington was signing him. You also said two weeks ago that he was a player this year.

have a nice evening

if you understood how we got him then why did you say we drafted him ? . he got waived , most likely to our PS big deal . it isnt like we went to the dallas board proclaiming his greatness.

in the end the UDFA didnt make the team even if we had high hopes for him . no loss at all


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Got that idiot Eastbay sending me private messages about Chase Minnifield. Dude is desperate to talk smack.

lol... dude is talking smack to me also on PM's. He's like the little kid whose not picked for any team so he just stands on the sidelines behind the lines and yells out insults. :laugh3:


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if you understood how we got him then why did you say we drafted him ? . he got waived , most likely to our PS big deal . it isnt like we went to the dallas board proclaiming his greatness.

in the end the UDFA didnt make the team even if we had high hopes for him . no loss at all

My sentiments exactly dad. Pday got called out for being a buffoon and then he back peddles right into deeper shit. Guy should stay on his own side since he doesn't play the smack talk game very good.:lol:


US ARMY retired /mod.
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lol... dude is talking smack to me also on PM's. He's like the little kid whose not picked for any team so he just stands on the sidelines behind the lines and yells out insults. :laugh3:

why doesnt he use the smack talk thread ?


US ARMY retired /mod.
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He was banned from the Redskin section in the first week or so. Likes to blame me for it. Dude's an idiot.

is he still banned ? he was banned before we had mods and i thought it was for a week . did he get more ?

in any case if he sticks to the smack talk thread i dont have an issue but if he is PM'ing you and harrassing you i can get him banned from everywhere


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Nah, don't do that Skinsdad. Redskins will solve that problem for us after the season starts. Have a feeling he'll turn into a cricket.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Nah, don't do that Skinsdad. Redskins will solve that problem for us after the season starts. Have a feeling he'll turn into a cricket.
i dont like the stalking on PM's . heck warpath was chased onto FB by that nutjob b-man :wtf2:


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i dont like the stalking on PM's . heck warpath was chased onto FB by that nutjob b-man :wtf2:

I think you're perfect for the mod job here. Love the rules thread.

BTW....you should get out more.
Bovey is troll.....plain and simple.....certainly no victim as you insinuate here.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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I think you're perfect for the mod job here. Love the rules thread.

BTW....you should get out more.
Bovey is troll.....plain and simple.....certainly no victim as you insinuate here.

then your mods should take care of him if that is the case . i dont post on other sites but i do read the boys board and others and i will wish a team luck , console over an injury , or congratulate a team with a post but that is it

i dont see a smack talk thread there unless its called by another name but that is one way to put the trolls in one area and regulate it . i would post on that because you know what you are getting into there

he was chased by b-man and perhaps he isnt a total victim but that is crazy and i know 1st hand about being harassed by trolls .


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Pday is a whiny moron. I corrected someone about the score of a game... Get attacked for it and I am the troll. Get over it fuckhead.


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Pday thinks correcting someone when they say a game would have been tied by a touchdown when the other team is up 10 points is trolling. Pday thinks someone saying the RG3 trade will ultimately be judged down the road based on how well Sam Bradford performs compared to RG3 is trolling. I post something on topic over there and this moron gets his panties wadded and starts attacking me. Then comes over here to whine on top if it. Dude's a joke.


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Pday thinks correcting someone when they say a game would have been tied by a touchdown when the other team is up 10 points is trolling. Pday thinks someone saying the RG3 trade will ultimately be judged down the road based on how well Sam Bradford performs compared to RG3 is trolling. I post something on topic over there and this moron gets his panties wadded and starts attacking me. Then comes over here to whine on top if it. Dude's a joke.

Simply ignore him. He feels the need to defend the star at every turn. After a while it gets old.


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Simply ignore him. He feels the need to defend the star at every turn. After a while it gets old.

sorry boys....known both of you on these boards for sometime and you both bring an agenda to the Dallas board.

bovey you're a troll seeking attention, you whine about trolls and then bait like a troll with the same intention of bringing attention to yourself. You remain the worst poster of all on a sports chat page. I am impressed you got away from the computer last night. What a sad life you must live.

shark? What can I say except you bring nothing but the front page of the sports section. You are pure agenda. You only crawled outta your hole after 2012 to become this regular visitor to the Dallas board. You are a poster child redskin fan to me. Always on your mind and benchmark are you, Pal!

it's also funny you both talk about the ignore button, claimed to use it only to come back to one of my responses. That in itself is whipped, but you two go ahead and pin those stars on your chest and talk about truth, justice and the American way.

We all are what we are, and ain't what we ain't.


i know you don't like to hear the truth, but...
Jul 2, 2013
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Simply ignore him. He feels the need to defend the star at every turn. After a while it gets old.

PDay is what he is. He likes to call Skins fan names on the Dallas board if he doesn't agree with a comment, yet comes over here like he's never said anything derogatory. Too funny.

I sure hope he has his prozac prescription filled...because I for one think it's going to be a long season once again in Big D.


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sorry boys....known both of you on these boards for sometime and you both bring an agenda to the Dallas board.

bovey you're a troll seeking attention, you whine about trolls and then bait like a troll with the same intention of bringing attention to yourself. You remain the worst poster of all on a sports chat page. I am impressed you got away from the computer last night. What a sad life you must live.

shark? What can I say except you bring nothing but the front page of the sports section. You are pure agenda. You only crawled outta your hole after 2012 to become this regular visitor to the Dallas board. You are a poster child redskin fan to me. Always on your mind and benchmark are you, Pal!

it's also funny you both talk about the ignore button, claimed to use it only to come back to one of my responses. That in itself is whipped, but you two go ahead and pin those stars on your chest and talk about truth, justice and the American way.

We all are what we are, and ain't what we ain't.

Know Im going to regret this. But here goes any way.

I never said I used the ignore button. I generally just choose to ignore you because simply put you are a paranoid little shit that always feels some one has an "Agenda". You get offended if any one posts an opinion about the Cowboys that doesnt fall in line with YOUR opinion of the Cowboys.

So just to get it clear, if I feel you are worth my time to type a response on occasion, I will. But most times you arent because you come with the same tired drivel and are frankly incapable of forming an opinion that isnt biased by your feeling that Dallas is some how this all powerful team that the Skins, giants and Philly are simply lucky to be able to even be associated with.

Now carry on and go defend the star some more.


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I think it's hilarious that Pday wants to call someone a troll. I did nothing but talk football on that Cowboy forum until that jackass insulted me for simply saying that the RG3 trade will be judged years from now based on the performance of Bradford and RG3. Wasn't even talking to his ignorant ass, was having a civil debate with other Cowboy fans and then WHAM. This asshole pops in.

Fuck you, Pday. Don't whine about shit when you are the first to pop your idiotic self into a thread and insult someone for their opinion rather than debate the points that have been laid out.

You're the person who has an agenda.

Your bullshit finger pointing is meaningless.


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PDay is what he is. He likes to call Skins fan names on the Dallas board if he doesn't agree with a comment, yet comes over here like he's never said anything derogatory. Too funny.

I sure hope he has his prozac prescription filled...because I for one think it's going to be a long season once again in Big D.

I call stupid shit out and I still say you bring 85% pom pom to the Dallas board and the posts prove the point.

point that finger dude....by golly You're Special


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I call stupid shit out and I still say you bring 85% pom pom to the Dallas board and the posts prove the point.

point that finger dude....by golly You're Special

You're an idiot if you think that saying that the trade will be judged by how the two QBs perform over a long haul is pom pom waiving and cheerleading. That you feel that way shows you are an ignorant jackass who will do anything to pick a fight.

If you think it's wrong, show some knowledge and say why the point is wrong rather than acting like the idiot that you showed yourself to be.

There was nothing stupid about my comment. But your reaction was definitely mindless and a clear attempt to instigate.


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You're an idiot if you think that saying that the trade will be judged by how the two QBs perform over a long haul is pom pom waiving and cheerleading. That you feel that way shows you are an ignorant jackass who will do anything to pick a fight.

If you think it's wrong, show some knowledge and say why the point is wrong rather than acting like the idiot that you showed yourself to be.

There was nothing stupid about my comment. But your reaction was definitely mindless and a clear attempt to instigate.

You mad Bovey?
My post was clearly directed at another.