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Sick & tired of every team resting their starters

Beengay fudgepackers

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Easy! Besides the Spurs, what past champions did this?
Well, I remember the heat doing it and I remember the lakers doing it. Heck Lebron took a month off this year. I almost forgot about the celtics!


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Well, I remember the heat doing it and I remember the lakers doing it. Heck Lebron took a month off this year. I almost forgot about the celtics!

The heat did this when? Outside of Wade which was due to his knees. They never rested LeBron, Bosh, or any other starter until April.....let's not make up bullshit now

Beengay fudgepackers

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The heat did this when? Outside of Wade which was due to his knees. They never rested LeBron, Bosh, or any other starter until April.....let's not make up bullshit now
1. I was just talking about teams that rested their players.

2. Who cares if any past champions haven't given their players a game off this early in the past? I don't recall any team ever doing it this early so the point is moot.

True Lakers Fan

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Well Popovich. Started doing it first and no one had a problem with then so the cat is out of the bag now. It's a legitimate strategy when you think about it. By giving up one game that you know your players will be to tired to win you set them up for success for the next five or so


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As others have said 82 games is to much, should be only 70 games.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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Well, I remember the heat doing it and I remember the lakers doing it. Heck Lebron took a month off this year. I almost forgot about the celtics!

Like BK said, those teams were not resting players this early.


Fuck CBS
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1. I was just talking about teams that rested their players.

2. Who cares if any past champions haven't given their players a game off this early in the past? I don't recall any team ever doing it this early so the point is moot.

You said teams that don't rest players this early, will be beat up when playoffs come. I showed you that it didn't matter before. Now you admit that you don't recall any past champions doing it this early. MY POINT EXACTLY!!

Beengay fudgepackers

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You said teams that don't rest players this early, will be beat up when playoffs come. I showed you that it didn't matter before. Now you admit that you don't recall any past champions doing it this early. MY POINT EXACTLY!!

Besides the Spurs, no other TEAM has done this before. So to use your logic, 100% of all teams that used this tactic were champions. So everyone should do it!


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The Spurs started this trend a few years ago and now other teams are following. Atlanta already started resting their players on 2 consecutive Saturday night, Memphis did last night, & Golden State doing the same tonight. I also notice that all these teams excluding the Spurs always do it on the road.

Feel bad for the fans who paid to see a good game only to find out the opponent is resting several of their players.

Shit like this makes you not want to buy tickets for nba games after the AS break. Silver should do something

I agree with you.

If the guy is healthy he should play. I realize the counter argument to this- and selfishly I do not mind at all- and think it can be smart- for a player like LeBron to sit and rest.

-I just dont think that makes it ok though for the family who goes to 1 game a year, drives in- and sees soemthing like Curry and Klay sitting against Denver the other night. Or sees Wade sit, or James sit. They come to see those guys.

I dont like how that works at all. The league should re-work the schedule a little bit to give players more off-days- especially when on the road to keep this sort of thing from happening.

-I know LeBron basically has to be forced to sit out when he doesnt want to- he HATED being out that 2 weeks even though he had legit injuries- he knows he still could have played and helped the team- Kobe is the same way- he will play if its possible and has to be nailed to the bench to sit. I respect that a lot in those guys.


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Adam Silver is a little bitch. Stern would have fined some of these teams already


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I really don't know why any fan would ever buy season tickets. I understand why businesses do it. the nba and nhl regular seasons are a waste of time. too many teams make the playoffs, they play too many games, and the title contenders will always get in. it hasnt caught on yet but attendance will drop in the future. what the spurs started is just the beginning. LeBron taking a vacation in the middle of the season will be the norm. silver needs to get a backbone and do something about it instead of playing buddy to the players.

LeBron did not take a "vacation". The guy was beat to hell.

Do you have any clue the amount of games LeBron has played the last few years- not only barely ever missing regular season games, but all those playoff games, plus Team USA games?

And isnt the evidence of how amazing he was when he came back great proof that he needed that time off? There was a substantial difference in how he was playing pre- and post- those 2 weeks.

Vacation? PLEASE...

DRose was the one saying how he had his post career health to worry about when he was sandbagging it


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I call bullshit. The difference between now and then is that people get their every moved blown up on social media and in this technological age nothing goes unnoticed. If we had the same technology and access to players that we do now back then, then I promise you things would've been different.


great point. The media coverage and margin of error these guys have in their personal life is ridiculous compared to what it was back then. You cannot get away with basically anything today without the media finding out.

Michael Jordan came along at the perfect time. He rode the wave of NBA popularity Bird and Magic created, and it was before the ridiculous amount of media scrutiny came around.

Its one reason why you have to give LeBron some respect. He endures some much scrutiny and examination of his every move its ridiculous. It takes a lot to hold up under the weight of it all.

Who knows how Jordan would have reacted to it- he might have just been fine- but his gambling and night life would have been put out there for everyone to see


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LeBron did not take a "vacation". The guy was beat to hell.

Do you have any clue the amount of games LeBron has played the last few years- not only barely ever missing regular season games, but all those playoff games, plus Team USA games?

And isnt the evidence of how amazing he was when he came back great proof that he needed that time off? There was a substantial difference in how he was playing pre- and post- those 2 weeks.

Vacation? PLEASE...

DRose was the one saying how he had his post career health to worry about when he was sandbagging it

yes, he took a vacation. u can make all the excuses u want. whether it improved his play are not it is still a joke. he is in the stands of the national championship game jumping around celebrating while his team is back home working.

u can rip rose all you want. ive been doing it for 2 yrs. he is one the dumbest athletes in Chicago sports history


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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LeBron did not take a "vacation". The guy was beat to hell.

Do you have any clue the amount of games LeBron has played the last few years- not only barely ever missing regular season games, but all those playoff games, plus Team USA games?

And isnt the evidence of how amazing he was when he came back great proof that he needed that time off? There was a substantial difference in how he was playing pre- and post- those 2 weeks.

Vacation? PLEASE...

DRose was the one saying how he had his post career health to worry about when he was sandbagging it

The hell he didn't. There was nothing particularly wrong with him and no reason for him to sit out as long as he did. The only thing hurt on him was his vagina because the Cavs weren't looking to good at the time and he was catching flak.

You really need to quit white knighting Lebron every time someone criticizes him. It's making you look creepy.


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Wiggy is soooo butthurt lmao


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your right. LeBron was fine, he took a 2 week vacation just because he thought it would be nice to sit out for two weeks. The guy who has barely missed any games his whole career all of a sudden said- ya know waht would be nice? IF i could just chill out for 2 weeks....



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your right. LeBron was fine, he took a 2 week vacation just because he thought it would be nice to sit out for two weeks. The guy who has barely missed any games his whole career all of a sudden said- ya know waht would be nice? IF i could just chill out for 2 weeks....


Even Cavs writers knew he wasn't that hurt. Stop sucking Lebron's dick....It's not a good look for you.

The only reason he rushed to come back is because the Cavs were getting destroyed without him. If they were actually playing .500 basketball without him he would have probably sat out the entire roadtrip or until the Clippers game


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Even Cavs writers knew he wasn't that hurt. Stop sucking Lebron's dick....It's not a good look for you.

The only reason he rushed to come back is because the Cavs were getting destroyed without him. If they were actually playing .500 basketball without him he would have probably sat out the entire roadtrip or until the Clippers game

why did he sit out then? just out of curiosity. for a guy that has missed so few games in his career, why do you think he sat out two weeks?


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why did he sit out then? just out of curiosity. for a guy that has missed so few games in his career, why do you think he sat out two weeks?

He was tired from the last 4+ years and needed to get his batteries re-charged basically....Didn't help that Blatt was running him into the ground in the first month of the season either