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Sick & tired of every team resting their starters


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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Personally, I don't mind the Spurs doing it for their players because those guys are older and go to the playoffs every year, going deep sometimes. Its the teams, that are resting these young players with not a lot of extra playoffs miles on them, that I think are pussy.


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These guys want everything easy these days.

They want a shorter season, longer AS break, and less B2B.....and oh yeah they still want more money.

I really can't see the NBA going down below 74-76 games. No way will any owner agree to play a 62 or 64 game scheduled which means they're losing about 10 home games


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Personally, I don't mind the Spurs doing it for their players because those guys are older and go to the playoffs every year, going deep sometimes. Its the teams, that are resting these young players with not a lot of extra playoffs miles on them, that I think are pussy.

Yeah like Golden State, Memphis, and now Atlanta.

Who the hell needs rest on any of those teams? Seriously

These are young enough teams that haven't been making deep runs in the playoffs consistently to even warrant a break so far away from the playoffs. I get the whole resting players a week or 2 before the playoffs start but resting them 1.5/2 months away from the playoffs is ridiculous.

Silver need to do something


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Can you imagine if you pay to see the Cavs (even though they have that done this yet) and you find out Lebron isn't playing? Cavs road tickets are the most expensive in the league. I would seriously want a refund as a fan if I spent a ridiculous amount of money to see Lebron only to find out he's resting.

What these teams are doing is really not fair to the fans


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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The only problem that I have with it is that I liked the way that the Lakers and Celtics did it in the 80's better than the way some teams do it now. The Lakers and Celtics used to rest their starters at the end of the season when playoff seeding, etc. was already locked up. That felt a little more "fair" because, as a fan, you at least knew that there was a pretty good chance that you weren't going to see much, if any, of Magic, Bird, etc.

Having said that, there is something to be said for the way Pop does it. He has one goal, which is to get his team to the playoffs healthy and playing well. He seems to do that every year, so it's hard to criticize.

I think the bigger issue with the young guys isn't them sitting out some games, it's that so many of them seem to be okay with sitting out those games.


The Hawks make me emo
Jul 17, 2013
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It makes sense that the Spurs do it because of how old their players are. Atlanta's did it against the 76ers because they have a double-digit lead in the conference and wanted to get prepared for the huge road trip they're on right now.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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still mad dwight left?

Dwight is a pretty shitty example.
You get the point though
The only problem that I have with it is that I liked the way that the Lakers and Celtics did it in the 80's better than the way some teams do it now. The Lakers and Celtics used to rest their starters at the end of the season when playoff seeding, etc. was already locked up. That felt a little more "fair" because, as a fan, you at least knew that there was a pretty good chance that you weren't going to see much, if any, of Magic, Bird, etc.

Having said that, there is something to be said for the way Pop does it. He has one goal, which is to get his team to the playoffs healthy and playing well. He seems to do that every year, so it's hard to criticize.

I think the bigger issue with the young guys isn't them sitting out some games, it's that so many of them seem to be okay with sitting out those games.
Even if you have younger players that actually don't need the rest, it's still a legitimate strategy because your best players played Monday night, then Wednsday, travelled Thursday and played Friday night in Miami and flew to Denver to play the Thuggets on Saturday night, your best players aren't going to be worth crap. Denver under the George Karl era had the distinct advantage of playing tired teams in the altitude that favored his team. So under certain circumstances I say WHY NOT REST YOUR PLAYERS AND LET THE GUYS WHO NORMALLY DON'T PLAY GET THE MINUTES? Granted that we feel that the Warriors are healthy and don't need the rest; but the fact is that after having a game Monday night, the body is tired and needs 48 hours for the muscles to get the full rest they need and playing on tired muscles does increase the risk of injury, so as coach, I think it's legit to take precaution with your best players that you have invested a lot of money in. If the NBA doesn't like this strategy, then they need to find ways to keep it competitive for all of the games and even the Warriors playing their 4th game in six nights is not going to be as competitive as you would like.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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It's the smart thing to do. Teams that don't do things like this are beat up when the playoffs roll around. Just look at the Bulls under Thibs to prove my point.


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Apr 16, 2013
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It's the smart thing to do. Teams that don't do things like this are beat up when the playoffs roll around. Just look at the Bulls under Thibs to prove my point.

THibs run all his players into the ground so that's a different story. Resting is fine but resting nearly 2 months before the playoffs start when you don't even have some old aging team is a little ridiculous....Now as a fan you don't know when to buy tickets since teams have begun resting guys in February for the playoffs all the way in April.

I expect teams to rest guys in late March/Early April but now we're resting guys in February/very early March

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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THibs run all his players into the ground so that's a different story. Resting is fine but resting nearly 2 months before the playoffs start when you don't even have some old aging team is a little ridiculous....Now as a fan you don't know when to buy tickets since teams have begun resting guys in February for the playoffs all the way in April.

I expect teams to rest guys in late March/Early April but now we're resting guys in February/very early March
Meh, I don't really buy tickets so I don't really care. Kerr was probably rewarding his players with a well needed rest. I doubt it happens too often from here on out. You have to admit, there has been a large number of serious injuries this year. Personally, I think coaches should give 1 player the night off rather than the whole team and then do that for five games.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Sooner or later teams are going to abuse anything that becomes a useful tool, and no one gets to pick and choose when the tool should be allowed vs when it's not okay. Everyone will have a reason. For me it illustrates the need to find a way to eliminate the back to back games completely. It will make the games better because you will see better match ups over the course of the year instead of teams playing tired and losing because they are tired


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Apr 16, 2013
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Meh, I don't really buy tickets so I don't really care. Kerr was probably rewarding his players with a well needed rest. I doubt it happens too often from here on out. You have to admit, there has been a large number of serious injuries this year. Personally, I think coaches should give 1 player the night off rather than the whole team and then do that for five games.

It actually wouldn't bother me all that much if it was just one player but these teams are resting 3 or 4 of their starters


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Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
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The B2B excuse is such a lame excuse.

It's funny how basketball is the only sport where they complain about that garbage.

Amazing how I don't here NHL players complaining when they play the same schedule in a much more physical sport

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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The B2B excuse is such a lame excuse.

It's funny how basketball is the only sport where they complain about that garbage.

Amazing how I don't here NHL players complaining when they play the same schedule in a much more physical sport
I've never played organized hockey, but hockey players are playing much less time on the ice than basketball players do on the court. Sure, hockey players can suffer more physical injuries, but playing 35 to 40 minutes of intense basketball really wears down the body in a different way.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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The B2B excuse is such a lame excuse.

It's funny how basketball is the only sport where they complain about that garbage.

Amazing how I don't here NHL players complaining when they play the same schedule in a much more physical sport

Agree. Back in the day, teams used to play games on 3 consecutive nights 3-4 times a season. If memory serves, the '72 Lakers had 2 of those occur during their 33 game win streak.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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I've never played organized hockey, but hockey players are playing much less time on the ice than basketball players do on the court. Sure, hockey players can suffer more physical injuries, but playing 35 to 40 minutes of intense basketball really wears down the body in a different way.

as someone who has played hockey and basketball... this is entirely untrue. Hockey is significantly more tiring


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It's the smart thing to do. Teams that don't do things like this are beat up when the playoffs roll around. Just look at the Bulls under Thibs to prove my point.

The history of this league, disagrees with you.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Agree. Back in the day, teams used to play games on 3 consecutive nights 3-4 times a season. If memory serves, the '72 Lakers had 2 of those occur during their 33 game win streak.

Don't forget that they flew commercial and made wayyyyyy less.