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Sherman threatens reporter?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Sorry but im not seeing how you can be in charge of an nfl offense while being a weak beta male. If other teams held him in high regard he would get a HC job.

You don't see it because you see the world in black and white. Not all coaches are the same. Look at Pete for crissakes. Think that the California rah-rah, 'let's build a culture,' schtick is going to play everywhere? Compared to blood n' guts, rule by fear coaches, Pete is some new-agey, touchey-feeley, clown shoe wearing, gum-chewing dipshit.

But he works, IN SEATTLE. With this group of guys, and Schneider, HE WORKS.

And good grief, there's LOTS of coordinators (most!) that NEVER, EVER get a shot at a HC gig. They're very different skill-sets, and not all guys are cut out for it.

And btw, not all 'beta' males are 'weak,' they're just not alphas.

Take me. I'm very happy and productive working two steps behind the 'alphas' in my organization. I've got a wall full of awards and recognition for my work. I've also been self employed. Being an alpha is fucking exhausting. I'm HAPPIER bringing what I bring to the table, and letting someone else hog the 'glory' AND the aggravation.

I can be creative, be appreciated, and most importantly when I go home at night, I leave WORK AT WORK. Unlike some of my 'alpha' co-workers who take that shit with them EVERYWHERE.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Top 10 offense, a sb win, a second appearance, a top 5 qb developed, and on and on such a great play caller etc etc.

And not one job offer.

Proof is in the pudding.

Maybe ill be wrong and some team will hire him, but it will not work out well for him.

Then people here can ask dumb questions like "should we bring him back???"

And AGAIN, fire Bevell if you want. Just replace him with someone BETTER. And do it in the offseason when changes in good organizations get made.

You're like a bull with a red cape. It's all you can think about, or even see.

Bevell is all that's wrong with the world.