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Sherman threatens reporter?


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Apr 25, 2013
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His offense has been a top-10 offense for a few years now. Statistics show that he hasn't been "garbage" as offensive coordinator, so why would the media or anyone else say that he is?

Why isnt he a head coach? 2 superbowl appearances, top 10 offense, developed a top 5 qb, why hasnt he been taken from us?


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Aug 15, 2014
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Why isnt he a head coach? 2 superbowl appearances, top 10 offense, developed a top 5 qb, why hasnt he been taken from us?

Because he's a stat geek type guy. He doesn't have an alpha-male personality type. Those guys don't interview well. Not by a bunch of business types in suits who've always THOUGHT that THEY were alpha males.


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Either way, in the end this is only a big deal if the team thinks it is. If it doesn't create any internal friction, it's really just another story that we'll forget about for a while and then bring back up in a year or 2 when the next 'thing' with him happens. It'll be added to the growing pile of other 'things' like the Brady exchange, Trent Williams confrontation, Erin Andrews interview, Skip Bayless rant, etc. when anyone wants to make a case that he's a douchebag as opposed to a thoughtful, intelligent, elite athlete who's also a bit brash and ultra competitive. It's not getting easier to argue against them.

Most of those people had made up their minds on Sherman about five incidents ago. You weren't going to change their minds then, and you certainly aren't now.

It's the dreads.

Okay that last one was probably a bit out of line, but in the spirit of the thread....

it's the dreads.


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Apr 22, 2013
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Sherman seems to have let his head outgrow reason lol. Lets be honest here when talking about Sherman. He has always been a Brash "i am better than you" type guy. Do you all not remember his "i am better at life than you" rant?

Now after saying that he has started turning these rants onto his teams coaches and team mates. He needs to fix what is bothering him in his personal life because it has to be something or he is just turning into one of the sports biggest deva's that thinks he can control the wind and the rain. Sherman is as smart as they come but i think he is starting to get to full of himself. Maybe he feels he needs to be a more vocal leader but has no clue how to really do it? He should just chill out a little and take a breath of fresh air before he does enough damage that it can not be repaired or laughed off.


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I'm sure his agent already contacted him and gave the "endorsement companies know how to read the news" speech.


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Because he's a stat geek type guy. He doesn't have an alpha-male personality type. Those guys don't interview well. Not by a bunch of business types in suits who've always THOUGHT that THEY were alpha males.

One of the lamest arguments i have heard in his defense. But makes sense that he is a beta male running a beta offense.


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One of the lamest arguments i have heard in his defense. But makes sense that he is a beta male running a beta offense.

It's not a defense of him at all. It's simply how he is. Ever listen to an interview with him? The guy isn't comfortable in front of the camera at all. He's not an outgoing gregarious guy.

Those kinds of guys have a tough time becoming head coaches (on any level). They stay assistants (or even lower).

That last sentence says a LOT about you though btw.

Not everybody in any organization can be an alpha. An organization full of alphas is dysfunctional and downright prone to failure.

EVERY organization needs followers. EVERY organization needs organizers and detail oriented people, and yeah, vocal leaders.

EVERY organization needs left brain AND right brain employees.

What is it you do for a living?


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Apr 25, 2013
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im not buying the beta male excuse. the guy is an OC in the freakin NFL.

if he was as good as people think he is, the things i listed earlier would have earned him a spot as a HC. but he simply isnt any good, and other teams know this. hell, they have to face his offense at least once every four years and sometimes more.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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Either way, in the end this is only a big deal if the team thinks it is..

Bingo... Clayton mentioned today that Sherman apologized in the locker room privately... If that's the case, that's good enough for me... He doesn't need to publically do it imo... Like you said, if the team is good with the resolve, then i'm good with it...

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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im not buying the beta male excuse. the guy is an OC in the freakin NFL.

if he was as good as people think he is, the things i listed earlier would have earned him a spot as a HC. but he simply isnt any good, and other teams know this. hell, they have to face his offense at least once every four years and sometimes more.

You hate the guy... We get it... I don't understand it but you've definitely made it known... Amazing how hard it is for you to say anything nice about Bevel... That's when you know you truly hate someone... Sad...

For example, that was a great play call when Baldwin ran that out and up, which Wilson over threw Baldwin for a sure TD... The play call was brilliant but not executed by our QB...

... or...

that was a great play call that sprung Graham wide open which resulted in RW overthrowing him by 5 yards for a sure TD... Again, the play call was brilliant but not executed by our QB...

It's just sad that someone can hate someone so much, even though they don't actually know the person to not see the good things that transpire from his play calling... It must really suck to be a Seahawk fan in your household...


Well-Known Member
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Mosy people i know in real life hate bevell too. All the excuses you want to make for him in the world will not change my mind. 6 years of the same old BS is enough.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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Yeah, I thought apologized on Friday. That's disappointing that he didn't.

But Moore is no babe in the woods. I feel embarrassed for Sherman for being such an asshole with the douchy career comment. But everyone is an asshole sometimes, best we can hope for is that when we are, it's directed at another asshole. Which appears to be the case here, and in several other situations with Sherman.
The best I've seen -- the closest thing to an apology -- is some tweet or other social media comment where he said he "regretted" it (the comment he made to Jim Moore about ruining his career). To me that's not much of an apology, but I did hear Dave Wyman (I think it was him) say today that he considers that an apology. I dunno...it doesn't ring my ears with all that much contrition, but at least he seemed less proud of what he said to Moore than how he doubled down on his criticism of the playcall.

You really have a lackluster opinion of Moore? I am not saying he is a great journalist per se, but I definitely don't see him as a bad, antagonistic type guy. He seems like someone who would be really fun to have a beer with, and he laughs at himself quite a bit on the air.

I agree everyone is an asshole sometimes. I also agree with Colin Cowherd's "plus" theory. Wish I could find a link to it, but the gist is you start adding lots of similar type incidents/flaws/run-ins/whatever, and at some point it adds up to be the reality vs a perception or aberration. I like Sherm and have been a fan, think he does great stuff off the field, respect his intellect and points of view...but he's adding things to his plus theory in the wrong direction.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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Its a fact dude, listen to the radio, read the newspaper. I have not heard one person in the media admit he is garbage. Its nothing but stalwart defense. A lot like most people on here.
Actually, most people here are reasonable, respectful folks who are usually fun to talk football with. Only a select few stomp around like prick blowhards who think they know better than the coach 90% of the time.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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The best I've seen -- the closest thing to an apology -- is some tweet or other social media comment where he said he "regretted" it (the comment he made to Jim Moore about ruining his career). To me that's not much of an apology, but I did hear Dave Wyman (I think it was him) say today that he considers that an apology. I dunno...it doesn't ring my ears with all that much contrition, but at least he seemed less proud of what he said to Moore than how he doubled down on his criticism of the playcall.

You really have a lackluster opinion of Moore? I am not saying he is a great journalist per se, but I definitely don't see him as a bad, antagonistic type guy. He seems like someone who would be really fun to have a beer with, and he laughs at himself quite a bit on the air.

I agree everyone is an asshole sometimes. I also agree with Colin Cowherd's "plus" theory. Wish I could find a link to it, but the gist is you start adding lots of similar type incidents/flaws/run-ins/whatever, and at some point it adds up to be the reality vs a perception or aberration. I like Sherm and have been a fan, think he does great stuff off the field, respect his intellect and points of view...but he's adding things to his plus theory in the wrong direction.

I really like Moore. But there is a pattern with him too. He's very understated on air and has kind of an "aww shucks" type of delivery, but he can definitely be a passive aggressive little instigator when he wants to be.


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Apr 21, 2013
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Here's the last thing I'll say about Bevell, because, as usual, it's taken over the thread.... There have been enough dedicated threads and overtaken threads about Bevell that to say that all anyone on this board does is defend him is not accurate. There wouldn't have been that many threads dedicated to talking about him and those threads wouldn't consistently reach the double digits in pages if everyone, except one or two people, was totally happy with the job he's done here. In fact, I'd say he's probably the most frequently criticized person on the team on this board. He's certainly the most frequently criticized coach on the team. There's a difference between "stalwart defense" and just not thinking the guy deserves to get fired for everything that goes wrong when his offenses routinely finish in the top 10.


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Aug 15, 2014
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im not buying the beta male excuse. the guy is an OC in the freakin NFL.

if he was as good as people think he is, the things i listed earlier would have earned him a spot as a HC. but he simply isnt any good, and other teams know this. hell, they have to face his offense at least once every four years and sometimes more.

Oh ffs. Start at your conclusion, point out everything you THINK supports that conclusion, and ignore everything that doesn't.


Take the fucking military if you want. You don't put together units filled with guys who all are wired the same. Somebody has to FOLLOW orders. Someone has to CARRY OUT orders. In fact the military spends a lot of time and money TRAINING guys to just follow fucking orders and NOT be alphas questioning everything around them and thinking they can do everything better.

That's simple chain of command.

From wall street to main street, many many organizations are built the same way.

Including sports teams.


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Aug 15, 2014
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Mosy people i know in real life hate bevell too. All the excuses you want to make for him in the world will not change my mind. 6 years of the same old BS is enough.

If you act in RL like you do here, I'll let you in on a little secret. People say what they think you want to hear. It's less tiresome for them.


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Apr 25, 2013
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Sorry but im not seeing how you can be in charge of an nfl offense while being a weak beta male. If other teams held him in high regard he would get a HC job.


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Sorry but im not seeing how you can be in charge of an nfl offense while being a weak beta male. If other teams held him in high regard he would get a HC job.

Top 10 offense, a sb win, a second appearance, a top 5 qb developed, and on and on such a great play caller etc etc.

And not one job offer.

Proof is in the pudding.

Maybe ill be wrong and some team will hire him, but it will not work out well for him.

Then people here can ask dumb questions like "should we bring him back???"