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Senior Bowl information


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Aug 3, 2011
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What happened to Travis Benjamin? He didn't get an invite to Mobile?


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NFL Network coverage - Tuesday South Practice - Full pads

Mayock: I thought the best grouping when I saw the rosters was the south DL. There are two guys in particular I'm really intrigued by. One is Quentin Coples. If you want to draw up a DE this is the picture. He's 6'5 3/4, 281 lbs, long arms. Had a dominating junior year. No where near as good of a senior year. He's got something to prove this week. Was unblockable yesterday afternoon. Next to him was Melvin Ingram. Completely different body type. Not even 6'2 but 276 lbs. Really short arms which is not a good thing but at South Carolina I like what they did with him. They played him inside and outside. They played him up and down. The only common denominator was that no matter where he was he was explosive and productive. I think both are 1st round picks.

Charles Davis: The two guys that intrigue me, first is Brandon Weeden. I talked with people who were at the south practice yesterday and they said by far he was the number one QB. They liked everything they saw him do. His maturity, ball came off his hand, picked up things quickly and they thought he was the best one they saw yesterday. The second guy somebody that I got a little bit of a tip on, the TE from LSU - Deangelo Peterson. He's a former WR turned TE. Not because he ate his way out of the position but because of natural growth. Big, strong target.

Mayock: The interesting thing is the three TEs on this roster didn't play TE in high school. Two former WRs and a QB which tells you where that position has gone.


Mayock on Courtney Upshaw: No doubt about it (that he's a 1st-round pick). At Alabama there a base 34 defense. He played the rush LB position and did it incredibly well. In there sub package they kick him down to a 4-man front, he puts his hand in the dirt and becomes a DE getting up the field and at 270+ I thought he was effortless at both. There's true value there because he's scheme diverse.


Among those in attendance: John Harbaugh, Cam Cameron, Norv Turner, Juan Castillo.


Bag drills - observations

Brandon Thompson real quick for 311 lbs.

Tony Jerod-Eddie real stiff/tight/upright. On his second rep he was far too high/stiff.

Jaye Howard impressive for his size as well.

Tydreke Powell was quick but way too high. Stiff in the knees?


Heath Evans compared Courtney Upshaw to a "little, baby James Harrison out here"


Another bag drill - Running W's through several bags on the ground

Jaye Howard sluggish running W's through the bags on the ground.

Kheeston really tight and upright running his first time through.

Tony Jerod-Eddie really high again in this drill.

Courtney Upshaw real nice. Quick, precise, nice cuts for a big guy.


Butch Davis interview

on Quinton Coples: Terrific athlete in high school. Wasn't certainly as big. About 255 coming in. Now he's hovering around 285-290. He was a terrific basketball player and you could see instantly when we were recruiting him that he had good, nimble feet. He had good presence with his body. He was fluid on the basketball floor. All that stuff equated to being really a dynamic DE.

on Coples not living up to hype in senior year: There might be a little truth to that. I think what people fail to realize is the drama that that football team and program went through the last 24 months. It was tough. The assistant coaches were in disarray. I think the whole football team really rallied. I think Quinton handled it well. Had a brand new DL coach and had to make some adjustments so that was a part of it and put stress on him.

on if he's a top 10 pick and who does he compare to: I think he absolutely is. Why? I think he has the body to play in any scheme. He's tall, long, powerful. I've seen him do things with one hand, and I'm not going to tell you he's Reggie White, but I've seen him do some things, some pass rush moves and stick some guys, but he's nimble enough and he's quick. The immediate comparison because of his ties is Julius Peppers. Physically they look an awful lot alike. They're built alot alike. Julius might have had a little more first step explosion than Quinton but I think Quinton has the versatility to play in any of the 4-3 schemes, inside, right side, left side and I think he could play in a 3-4 scheme as a 5-technique. He's in the same mold as a Canty that plays for the NYG. A big, strong at the point of attack kind of a guy.

on Zach Brown and his track background: Two years ago he went to an indoor track meet and he set the UNC record for the indoor 60 meters. If he's in great shape at his pro day he's going to be a threat to run in the 4.3s. This is an electrifying kid. In high school he was a RB, ran kickoffs for TDs, great coverage skills, and can close on people.

on if he's physical enough to set the edge in NFL: I think he is. One of the things is he was also a high school wrestler. That equates well. They never get knocked off their feet. When you couple the speed he has and the foot agility and the ability to stay on his feet I defintely think he can set the edge in NFL.


RBs vs. LBs coverage drill - QBs throwing short passes to the RBs out of the backfield. 10 yards of separation between the RB/LB.

Lennon Creer vs. Keenan Robinson - Great job by Robinson initially to stay with him. Grabbed the jersey at the end which was unnecessary. (Charles Davis reminds that he's been moved to Sam LB this week after playing the Mike at Texas).

Terrance Ganaway vs. Zach Brown - Ganaway cut inside and beat Brown but Brown recovered nicely and batted the ball down.

Chad Diehl (at FB) vs. Nigel Bradham - Ball bounced right off Diehl's hands as Bradham got there as the ball arrived.

Lennon Creer vs. Sean Spence - Spence whiffs on Creer at the LOS after a head fake by Creer. Easily able to beat him for the catch. Spence thought he was going to go left and Creer went right.


Butch Davis on Dwight Jones: He's a blend of Hakeem Nicks and Greg Little. He's got the heighth and stature that Hakeem had. Greg was a terrific athlete. Dwight, interestingly enough, was a two-time Mr. Basketball in NC. He has great vertical leaping ability. His ability, not only to run routes and get in and out of breaks, but a big thing is can a QB throw him open? Dwight playing with T.J. Yates, they learned alot of that stuff. He's going to come in as a more polished guy playing in that system compared to the other receivers. He's got alot of speed and can run.


Butch Davis on Tydreke Powell: Had an oustanding practice yesterday. His first step explosion is really good. The thing tha'ts good about him is that inside he has that stature. His lower body is powerful. His thighs and butt, he's got that frame to hold the point of attack inside but he has that first step explosion for teams that are looking for penetrating DL. He has all that.


Butch's opinion on what you do with Melvin Ingram: The coaches are working him as an outside guy to see if he can be a 3-4 guy because he has great explosion. He can put pressure on the QB. I actually saw him some at SC and he has that playmaking ability. He has that inate ability and instinct to just make plays, make INTs, sack-strip fumbles, STs. He'll have a place. Is he going to be good enough in coverage if he's a 3-4 guy? Even at 6'1, we had a kid almost identical to him, E.J. Wilson, not as productive or explosive, but teams used him in run down situations as a 4-3 DE, which he could possibly be. What might he be like inside as a nickel, 3-technique guy that can explode and cause problems?


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Aug 3, 2011
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Brad Smelley at TE vs. DeQuan Menzie - Great diving catch with Menzie tight on him from behind.

Joe Adams vs. Ryan Steed (press) - Adams goes outside and then quickly goes inside to create separation but the ball was thrown behind Adams.

Jeff Fuller vs. Dwight Bentley (off 8 yards) - 12-yard slant. Ball goes right through Fuller's hands and hits him in the face. Ball pops in the air and Bentley dives to pick it off.

Patrick Edwards vs. Brandon Boykin (press) - Boykin lined up on Edwards' inside shoulder and Edwards immediately goes outside to beat him off the line. 13-yard comeback. Ball a little too high and off Edwards' hands. Not Edwards' fault.

Brad Smelley at TE vs. Brandon Taylor (off 5 yards) - 5-yard inside slant caught. Nice transition from Taylor.

Chris Rainey at WR vs. Janoris Jenkins (off 8 yards) - Rainey blows by Jenkins 20 yards down the field. Ball slightly underthrown forcing Rainey to slow up but he makes a nice over-the-shoulder catch with Jenkins a yard behind. At one point Rainey had 3 yards of separation.

Dwight Jones vs. Casey Hayward (press) - Great job by Hayward to jam him at the line and then just stay in his hip pocket. Jones ran a 10-yard comeback and made the catch but nice coverage.

Joe Adams vs. Ryan Steed (press) - Head fake off the line from Adams, doesn't fool Steed, fakes outside, cuts inside, tries going outside again and Steed holds Adams at 5 yards but Adams does a decent job of separating and makes a very nice over the shoulder catch near the sideline 20 yards down the field.

Brad Smelley at TE vs. DeQuan Menzie (off 5 yards) - 12 yard slant caught by Smelley.

Jeff Fuller vs. Dwight Bentley (off 8 yards) - Fuller fakes the comeback at 8 yards, Bentley bites, but then accelerates real quick to stay with Fuller. Bad ball. Incomplete.

Patrick Edwards vs. Brandon Boykin (press) - Clean release with no jam by Boykin. 10-yard comeback caught by Edwards. Edwards fought off Boykin just enough coming back to the ball. Boykin had a chance to bat it down, however.

Juron Criner vs. Casey Hayward (press) - Quick punch from Hayward but Criner gets a good release and runs a go route but Hayward is with him the entire way. Incomplete pass on a ball that was thrown pretty well over the top.

Chris Rainey at WR vs. Janoris Jenkins (off 7 yards) - Good coverage this time from Jenkins and the ball wasn't thrown too well and falls incomplete.

Jeff Fuller vs. Antonio Allen (press) - Big time jam at the line and Fuller can't separate at all.

Ladarius Green at TE vs. Ryan Steed (press) - Green just shrugs off Steed with one arm 10 yards as he was running an out. Made the nice hands catch.

Dwight Jones vs. Dwight Bentley (off 7 yards) - 10-yard slant and Bentley jumps the route and nearly makes the INT. Best job by a DB in a one-on-one drill so far this week that I've seen.

Joe Adams vs. Brandon Boykin (press) - One-handed push inside from Boykin, Adams releases outside but Boykin stays with him the whole way. A beautiful pass to the sideline shoulder but Adams can't locate the ball. Weeden made the pass. Great job all the way around except the ball wasn't completed.

Ladarius Green at TE vs. Antonio Allen (off 7 yards) - Again Green does a nice job over the middle of separating using his hands and then making the catch. Allen was caught flat footed as well as Green hit him.

Juron Criner vs. Casey Hayward (press) - No jam. 15-yard hitch where he turned toward the sideline, ball was thrown inside, and he stuck one arm out to make the catch. Wow. The best catch by far this week. One of the best I've ever seen at the Senior Bowl actually. Hayward was a hair out of position on the comeback but not bad.

Jeff Fuller vs. Dwight Bentley (off 8 yards) - Go route for Fuller. Bentley caught sitting on the route and he hit Fuller down the field for a would-be PI call. Ball slightly overthrown.

Ladarius Green at TE vs. Markelle Martin (off 8 yards) - GREAT coverage by Martin and then good job of batting the ball down inside. Fantastic.

Chris Rainey at WR vs. Brandon Boykin (press) - 15-yard comeback caught by Rainey. Clean release. Boykin fell over again as the WR was coming back for the ball. That's happened at least 2-3 times now.

That was all of that drill for now.


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One-on-ones - OL vs. DL

Philip Blake at RG vs. Tydreke Powell - Powell goes inside, spins back outside getting some separation and gets to the backfield just as Blake recovered.

William Vlachos at C vs. Tony Jerod-Eddie - TJE uses his strength and basically walks Vlachos right back into the pocket. Ugly rep for Vlachos. No contest.

Cordy Glenn at LG vs. Jaye Howard - Hand punch from Glenn, which does nothing, Glenn re-anchors as they were deep in the pocket and Howard doesn't get much ground.

Matt McCants at LT vs. Courtney Upshaw - Offside Upshaw. Set again and he almost jumped off a second time but it wasn't called back. McCants stays composed as Upshaw goes wide and then tries to get underneath McCants but he just rode him around the pocket. Nice composure from McCants.

Zebrie Sanders at RT vs. Quinton Coples - Sanders uses his arms to keep Coples neutralized throughout the rep. Good job by Sanders. Coples couldn't separate much. 2nd rep: Another nice job of using his arms to keep Coples from going much of anywhere. (Mayock notes Sanders struggled with him yesterday).

Will Blackwell at RG vs. Brandon Thompson - Good hand punch to the neck of Thompson and then good hand placement by Blackwell to stick him inside but Thompson gained some ground with good leg strength back into the pocket.

Ben Jones at C vs. Kheeston Randall - Jones dipped his head at the start, got off balance a bit and Randall was able to disengage and get back into the pocket.

Cordy Glenn at LG vs. Jaye Howard - Glenn's pad level was too low from the start. Howard used a spin move right off the ball and got right around Glenn for an easy win. Very bad rep by Glenn.

Jeff Allen at LT vs. Melvin Ingram (9-technique) - Allen went too far out wide and Ingram uses a very quick hand slap inside and easily beats him inside. Rough for Allen. Great quickness from Ingram.

James Brown at RT vs. Tony Jerod-Eddie - TJE tries going outside but Brown does a good job of using his hands to stay with TJE the whole time. Nice extension from Brown.

Philip Blake at RG vs. Tydreke Powell - Bull rush from Powell that initially got Blake going backwards but he did a good job of getting his lower body re-anchored and shutting Powell down.

William Vlachos vs. Brandon Thompson - Thompson very quick off the ball and he easily gets into the pocket. Nice job by Thompson to stay low and impressive power and speed off the ball.

Will Blackwell at LG vs. Jaye Howard - Nice burst from Howard off the ball and a good job of staying low and getting under Blackwell to get into the pocket with ease. Very nice.

Matt McCants at LT vs. Courtney Upshaw (9-technique) - Good punch from Upshaw getting into the pads of McCants, knocking him backwards off balance and getting into the pocket. Nice bull rush.

Zebrie Sanders vs. Quinton Coples - Coples tries using an out and in move, Sanders locks on and rides him around but Coples eventually throws him off balance with his arms and gets into the pocket at the end.

Ben Jones at RG vs. Kheeston Randall - Randall gets into Jones' pads and rocks him back into the pocket. Poor job of anchoring by Jones.

Philip Blake at C vs. Tony Jerod-Eddie - Blake shuts him down from the start but eventually TJE pushed him a bit into the pocket. Nice strength from TJE again.

Cordy Glenn at LG vs. Jaye Howard - Howard tries a spin at the start and Glenn just pushes him wide. Decent anchor.

Jeff Allen at LT vs. Quinton Coples - Allen dipped his pads a bit and Coples easily gets inside him back into the pocket.

Zebrie Sanders at RT vs. Melvin Ingram - Sanders dips his head as Ingram contacted him, Ingram spins inside and easily beats him. No recovery from Sanders.

Will Blackwell at RG vs. Brandon Thompson - Thompson tries going inside but Blackwell gets underneat Thompson and wins the rep.

William Vlachos at C vs. Tydreke Powell - Powell jumps offside. Lined up again and Powell bull rushes Vlachos back into the pocket but couldn't separate at all from Vlachos.

Cordy Glenn at LG vs. Kheeston Randall - Randall tries a spin and then bull rushes Glenn back into the pocket a bit but Glenn recovers at the end to stop him in the pocket.

Matt McCants at LT vs. Tony Jerod-Eddie (9-technique) - Fantastic arm extension from McCants and he just pushes TJE way around the pocket. Dominant.

James Brown at RT vs. Courtney Upshaw (standing up) - Upshaw delays a bit and then goes with a strong hand punch and darts inside for an easy win.

Philip Blake at RG vs. Jaye Howard - Blake drops his head and Howard gets underneath and gets into the pocket for the win. Howard looking real good as well.

Ben Jones at C vs. Kheeston Randall - Randall knocks Jones off his base and got his hand underneath his helmet and then spun off the block to get into the pocket for the win.

Will Blackwell at LG vs. Tony Jerod-Eddie - TJE bullrushed him right back into the pocket. He didn't disengage but got good pressure.

Jeff Allen at LT vs. Quinton Coples - Allen locks on high and rode him just around the pocket. Maybe a slight win for Coples but he could not disengage from Allen at all.

Zebrie Sanders at RT vs. Melvin Ingram (standing up) - Ingram fake dips his head inside causing Sanders to dip his head a bit and then he goes outside and Sanders can't quite get his arms on him and Ingram gets the pressure.

Philip Blake at RG vs. Tydreke Powell - Powell tries going way inside and then uses a spin and Blake stays with him the entire time to shut him down. One of the better reps by an OL today in my opinion.

William Vlachos at C vs. Jaye Howard - Vlachos had good hand placement and shut Howard down pretty well.

No more one-on-ones for now.


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Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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11-on-11 observations

Defense running some 3-4 looks with Upshaw standing up on the left side.

Weeden had a fantastic throw to Criner at the sideline (complete). Janoris Jenkins with tight coverage on Criner.

Courtney Upshaw (DE) had a would be sack on Weeden on a rollout. Got around a Ganaway block.

Dwight Bentley was beat badly by Patrick Edwards deep down the field but Weeden couldn't complete the ball to him.

Jaye Howard and Tony Jerod-Eddie, on the same play, could have absolutely lit into Nick Foles for a sack after beating their men. TJE wasn't blocked and Howard beat Vlachos inside from the get-go.

Coples blew up his man (couldn't see) and forced the RB to go wide out of bounds for no gain.

Rainey real quick, obviously, bouncing runs to the outside when nothing is there inside.

Vick Ballard with a very nice cut-back run that netted big yards before anybody could touch him.


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Final thoughts:

Mayock: The two guys on the OL that stepped up was, one, James Brown. Still don't know if he's a tackle. I liked him on tape as a tackle. Cordy Glenn was the other. He's either a right tackle or guard. A long phone booth guy but he's a starting player in the NFL.

Davis: We saw him (Glenn) get beat once in one drill and from then on didn't really get beat in one-on-ones. I'm looking at Jaye Howard. Had a nice day in one-on-ones. In the secondary Janoris Jenkins and Dwight Bentley. I think they are the two best CBs in this group, which is what one coach told me.

Mayock also thought Courtney Upshaw had a very good day. Also liked Boykin and Casey Heyward.



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Testament on the Niners' season that I didn't even realize the Senior Bowl was this week until yesterday. For the past decade I've been all over it.

I've been thinking the same thing today. Was pretty surprised to see practice on NFLN. I thought maybe it was last years rerun for a second.


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Matt Bitonti:

Georgia center Ben Jones isn't flashy but he gets the job done. Hard hat lunch pail player. #seniorbowl


Wes Bunting:

ULL CB Dwight Bentley is another impressive corner on the South roster, read the game well, flashed good range, Stock Rising

Clemson DT Brandon Thompson was an explosive power player inside, good 1st step, will drop pad level, gain leverage and one gap #SeniorBowl

Texas DL Kheeston Randle is a talented lineman w/ a good first step, flashed today, more of a one-gap five-tech in NFL #SeniorBowl #Cowboys

LSU TE DeAngelo Peterson looks like a big WR, athletic, can really run, he's raw, but has talent to be mismatch piece in NFL

LSU TE DeAngelo Peterson is one of those guys who could have a better #NFL career than college career #SeniorBowl boom or bust guy

OklahomaState QB Brandon Weeden can make all the throws, spins a clean football, more important than arm strength #SeniorBowl


Adam Caplan:

Two DEs who stood out to me from the rest: Kendall Reyes (U Conn/North) and Quinton Coples (UNC/South). Size, reach, strength impressive.


Cecil Lammey:

going to start calling App St WR Brian Quick 'Auto Body' -- does nothing but make body catches, practice notes same from yesterday to today


Sam Monson:

That was pretty ugly from Janoris Jenkins, got caught indecisive in his coverage, allowed the WR behind him for deep catch


Josh Norris:

Glenn did much better today as OG with addition of Jeff Allen at LT. Glenn has a bit of Marcus McNeil to him, a bender but wins.


Evan Silva:

Mayock on #Vandy CB Casey Hayward: "Not gonna run fast or jump high but ... always around football. 15 INTs, more than anyone in this game."

More Mayock on Jeff Fuller: "Not sure he's quick enough or physical enough. When you're that big you gotta be physical to get off the line."

Mayock on #Furman CB Ryan Steed: "He told me before practice that his goal this week is to erase the small-school stigma from his name."

Mayock on #Clemson DT Brandon Thompson:"Some ppl think he's a 1st-rd pick. ... I've got more of a 2nd-rd grade on him, but good FBplayer."

Mayock on #Troy T James Brown: "Intrigued by this kid. I put tape on vs Clemson & was really impressed w/ his ability to keep the QB clean."

Mayock on Brandon Weeden: "Saw him at the Manning Passing Academy. Not elite arm, but very good arm. Love his accuracy more than anything."


Chris Steuber:

Tweeted about #Baylor C Philip Blake last night. Like him a lot. Solid base, moves well, quick hands; versatile, still learning, but is 26.

Alabama LB Courtney Upshaw is the best player at the #SeniorBowl. Not even close. He's always around the ball; very active.

Watched #Arizona QB Nick Foles, who I really like, take 4 snaps: 3-of-4 were trash, one was a perfect play action comp. Still adjusting


Michael Tanier:

Shanahan just singled out RB Chris Rainey, Florida, for praise.


Kevin Weidl:

Melvin Ingram has pieced together two impressive practices the past two days. Leverage and explosive power are hard to ignore.

Texas A&M Tony Jerod-Eddie not an overly impressive athlete but country strong and at 6-4, 303 has the tools to develop into a nice 5-tech


Mike Wilkening:

Mike Shanahan on Chris Rainey: He's a guy who stood out to me.


Aug 3, 2011
Cloud 9
Hoopla Cash
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Fav. Team #3
Damn, looks like Doug Martin is tearing practices up. I was hoping he'd be available in the third, but it looks like that's a pipe dream now. Argh. I really thought he'd be great in Harbaugh's system, but I don't think I'm spending higher than a 3rd on another RB.

The 49ers talked to Lavonte David. He's one of my favorite prospects in the entire draft. Very, very explosive LB and is really impressie at the POA. With Willis/Bowman inside for us, though, I don't see us taking him. He'll be a high pick, IMO.

It also looks like Courtney Upshaw won't make it to our pick in the first - which is a huge bummer for me in a draft like this.
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Aug 3, 2011
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Wes Bunting:

OklahomaState FS Markell Martin was impressive in coverage today, reads and reacts well, under cut a route, made a play on ball #SeniorBowl

Watching #Arizona Nick Foles vs. #OklahomaState Brandon Weeden, Weeden is more natrual and the guy I will grade higher #SeniorBowl


Joe Everett:

MichiganState QB Kirk Cousins is currently working out with former #NFL QB Chris Weinke.


Shane Hallam:

redskins coach Mike Shannahan said he has no plans to practice some players in 3-4 positions\scheme this week

Shannahan also spoke very highly of #Florida RB Chris Rainey who played RB, WR, slot WR todya.

Just passed a few #Colts scouts discussing #OhioState WR Devier Posey

Bills met with #Baylor center Phillip Blake tonight


Russ Lande:

Ohio State RB D. Herron did not shine today at Senior Bowl practice. He looked like a one speed runner who lacked explosiveness & speed.

Ohio State WR D. Posey looked quick, fluid & athletic running sharp & precise routes at Senior Bowl practice today.

Nebraska LB L. David shined today at Senior Bowl - Was fast reading & reacting to play, exploded towards ball & showed VG playing speed.

Mich. St. QB K. Cousins was better today than Monday. He was more decisive, got rid of ball quickly, was accurate & showed a strong arm.

Penn St CB D. Lynn had an excellent day of practice today -Showed very quick feet, loose hips, VG agility & covered very well in all drills

Once again Nebraska CB A. Dennard struggled. He got back on heels in coverage, lost step when changing directions & was beaten deep.

Boise St RB D. Martin was clearly the best RB on North team - Was very quick, changed directions fast and showed good burst & athleticism.

Iowa St. CB L. Johnson was fundamentally sound in his pedal & stayed on WR's hip all day, but did not break-up or intercept any passes.

Ohio St. Center M. Brewster had another very bad day - He look limited athletically & got driven backwards by bull rushers over and over.

Mich. DT M. Martin had a 2nd good day in a row. He displayed VG strength at POA on bull rush & anchor vs run blocks.

Mich. DT M. Martin also showed surprising hand quickness to defeat one on one pass blocks.

Wisconsin OL K. Zeitler helped himself today by not only looking athletic & blocking well, but by being versatile & playing both OG & center

Iowa St OT K. Osemele had a VG day - Looked like a "Dancing Bear" sliding out & protecting corner with ease & changing directions with ease.

Wash. NT A. Ta'Amu may not make a lot of tackles in the NFL, but he has rare size & playing strength to be a VG starting nose tackle in NFL

Ohio St. OT M. Adams had a good all around day Tuesday. Showed feet to slide out to cut-off edge rusher & strength to tie up man.

Penn State DE J. Crawford struggled today as he looked stiff & limited athletically. He could not get free to make or impact plays

Arz St WR G. Robinson had another strong day Tuesday despite dropping a few passes. Good AA for size, can pluck ball with defender on back.

Missouri TE M. Egnew looked slow off the ball, was upright & stiff, lacked good athleticism & did not show speed to stretch the field


Chris Steuber:

It's hard to ignore #OKState QB Brandon Weeden's confidence. He's not overwhelmed by enviro. Smooth in set, mobile out of pocket; aware.

I'll say it again, #Georgia's Cordy Glenn reminds me of former #Arkansas OL Shawn Andrews. A massive, OG/OT prospect; top 20 pick.

Watching #Florida's Chris Rainey lineup at WR & burn by Janoris Jenkins made me immediately think of a Darren Sproles role for him in NFL.

Liked #LALafayette CB Dwight Bentley. Small stature, but physical. Cheats in coverage a bit; plays w/confidence. Has some Kyle Wilson in him


Mr. Wit The $h!t
Sep 16, 2011
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I've been really impressed with what George Iloka has been doing. I hadn't seen much of him at all, though I tried to keep an ear out based on his size and hitting. I had a feeling he'd show up on this stage. I think he could be a guy to grab, it seems that we'd have to get him in the 2nd now (with a solid combine).

He'd be a terror on st's the first season as he sits behind Goldson (hopefully just a franchise tag). When he's ready to step in at fs he'd be an intimidating force.


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As much as I enjoy following this type of stuff, I feel like it's next to impossible to get an accurate feel for how things are playing out. Different scouts have very different takes on the same player quite frequently. It's just not possible to keep an eye on everyone for the whole practice.


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Adam Caplan:

Was talking to former NFL QB Jim Miller a few minutes ago. He had an interesting comparison to Lindley for you old schoolers: John Friesz.

Lindley's upside is way better, but I got what he was saying. Arm action is similar


Shane Hallam:

Florida RB Chris Rainey said that Jeff Demps would beat him in a race with pads on. Without? Rainey wins 40, Demps wins 100. #SeniorBowl

Florida RB Chris Rainey told @Draftcountdown that he WILL run at the #NFLCombine and plans on running a 4.1 for his 40 time. #SeniorBowl


Russ Lande:

App St. WR B. Quick struggled catching the ball today, but he definitely showed he is a big WR with good AA - A project type with potential.

Cal WR M. Jones had another good day. He ran good routes, sold fakes well, was able to get separation deep consistently & caught ball well.

Wisc Punter B. Nortman has showed outstanding leg strength to drive ball with excellent height & hang time thru two days


Chris Steuber:

Jeff Fuller has potential, but wasn't impressive in 1-on-1's. Lacked explosion & focus; wasn't physical throughout route. Lost confidence?


Senior Bowl:

Roster announcement: Joe Looney of #WakeForest is out (foot). He'll be replaced by Rishaw Johnson of California Univ. of Pa. #SeniorBowl


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Draft Daddy: Blog

Day 2 Practice Notes: South.

Afternoon practice in Ladd Peebles Stadium was overcast, but the temperature was warmer and less windy than the morning session. Overall, this has been an enjoyable week in the Mobile area, balmy compared to prior years.

How to Succeed at the Senior Bowl, Rule 3: Listen up: if you can learn fast in Mobile, you can learn fast in the league.


North Carolina linebacker Zach Brown was extremely impressive today. Brown can stick with running backs and tight ends in coverage, and displayed athleticism with several nice pass break ups in drills. Brown is a complete player who can disrupt run plays, both up the middle and from sideline-to-sideline. He stops and starts on a dime and seems to diagnose where the play is going a touch faster than the other linebackers. Brown has top notch speed and agility, and should be an interesting player to watch during the Indianapolis Combine. Brown currently carries a solid first round grade.

Alabama-Birmingham offensive tackle Matt McCants is an interesting prospect. He has great length and foot speed, and usually finds the right positioning to get in the way of the rusher. McCants even had some success against Quinton Coples (who has been otherwise un-blockable this week). On the down side, McCants needs to get stronger in the run game and can be overwhelmed with the bull-rush. McCants is a finesse player at this point, but a player with his agility will get the attention of scouts. In summary, McCants is a mid-round project but has potential to start in the future.

Florida State offensive tackle Zebrie Sanders puts in an extremely high effort but it is not always controlled. He can get overextended and lose balance, and spends too much time on the turf. Like McCants, he has above average foot speed and could be developed by the right positional coach to eventually start in the league. Sanders carries a mid round grade due to his raw technique.

Clemson defensive tackle Brandon Thompson showed he could get up the field, and in drills he often shed blocks of interior linemen to make plays in the back field. He's a tough guy to move, and clogs up the middle. Thompson is true nose tackle in any defensive system and even offers a little pass rush, which was surprising. Thompson is a likely top 100 selection, pending workouts.

North Carolina defensive tackle Tydreke Powell is an absolute load at the point of attack, and is an excellent run defender. Powell doesn't offer much in the pass game and is probably a late round, two-down player in the league.

Texas linebacker Keenan Robinson showed very good speed getting to the ball carrier, and usually delivered a big hit upon arrival. Robinson is another player who could burn up the track in Indianapolis. Robinson appears to have the potential to be a starter at multiple spots in a 4-3 system, but will have to perform well on the track to solidify that projection, and garner a top 100 pick.

Georgia center Ben Jones was solid in practice today. He wasn't flashy, and he wasn't amazing, but he's a hard-hat, lunch-pail tough guy type who just gets the job done by any means necessary. Jones is a mid-to-late round pick who could eventually start in the right system.


Oklahoma State quarterback Brandon Weeden is having a great week so far. He throws an accurate football and shows excellent decision making in finding the open man. On the down side he can be flat footed in the pocket. But still, a reasonable case could be made he is the best quarterback in town.

So, what is his draft value? Weeden is a controversial prospect because of his relatively advanced age. Some believe he should be a first round draft pick, based purely on his performance. Ah, if only life were fair, that might happen. Scouts are worried about wear on his arm from baseball, and GM's are worried that he will be in his mid-thirties when he reaches his second contract. He will need to adjust to the speed of the league and it takes some quarterbacks as long as 8 years to make that adjustment. He would have to be great right away, and that's a tough expectation.

As such, a conservative grade for this player is the mid rounds, possibly as high as the late third. There are projections that have him higher than that, and we shall see. To be clear, he's not a bad player, just carrying the baggage of his age. On a personal note, I root for this player, as there is a lot to like about his game, (and even more to like about his intangibles as a leader).

On the other side of the spectrum, San Diego State quarterback Ryan Lindley is getting blasted for his accuracy issues (which are significant). But let's run down the positives: he has an extremely live arm, he has been successful throwing slants and the deep ball, and unlike other quarterbacks here, he stands much taller than six feet tall. Lindley has the upside to improve and is an interesting late-round developmental backup prospect.

Arizona wide out Juron Criner had an outstanding day, making multiple plays all over the field. Notably, Criner made the catch of the week to date with a wonderful one-handed grab of a ball thrown well behind him. As with all the wide receivers, his draft value will depend on workouts, and he looks like a long stride who might have trouble timing well on the track. Regardless, he has possession and red zone value and certainly helped his stock today. Criner is a mid-round prospect with upside to go top 100 with a good 40-yard dash.

Houston wide out Patrick Edwards might be the smallest player in Mobile this week, weighing in at 168 pounds. Still, he makes the most of his gifts, and completely sells out to make plays. Edwards bailed out his quarterback on several occasions and displayed both sure hands and deep speed during today's practice. Edwards is a mid-round prospect who could go higher, if he times as fast as he appears to run.

Louisiana-Lafayette cornerback Dwight "Bill" Bentley is a smooth coverage player who backpedals well and drives hard to the football when it is thrown. Bentley had an exceptional interception in drills, diving to snag a tipped ball just before it hit the ground. Bentley could easily find his way into the second round, pending workouts.

Vanderbilt cornerback Casey Hayward is a sticky coverage player who exhibits above average awareness of both the receiver and the football. Hayward seems to lack elite speed and can be beat on deep routes. But in off-man coverage or a zone system, keeping the play in front of him, Hayward excels. Hayward plays smart and there are few wasted motions in his game. Hayward will be graded higher by Cover-2 or Zone schemes and could sneak into the top 100 if the right team comes along. Probably more of a top 150 pick after workouts.

South Carolina defensive back Antonio Allen had the hardest hit of the day, running headlong into Vick Ballard and making the stadium go OOOOH. That hit was as much Ballard's doing as Allen's but either way it was a giant collision. Allen can struggle in coverage assignments but he's a top tackler and a possible late round pick.