Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Food is much more expensive here than it is there, FWIW.
Things in Canada are always overpriced compared to their American counterparts (thus jstew's garbage bags of Washingtonian gasoline and milk) and to top it off our taxes are higher overall than most states, both income and sales.
Which is why when people go on about Canada's healthcare system being so great I cringe.
we're not perfect ... we pay a shit tonne in taxes like you say and there is definitive waste in the system that needs some serious correction but thank fuck we have it
people dont like to hear anecdotal stuff because theyd rather form opinions/perceptions around stereotypes of the bad that they may hear because the horror stories are the ones that make headlines ... my dad had a pretty serious stroke in Sept 2016 and I dont have 1 complaint about the care he has gotten ... am I lucky? ... has our experience been contrary to the norm? ... could be ... was the karmatic timing of things about as good as when i bought my house ? lol perhaps
the system is not all roses of course ... for example, in his reexamination for his drivers license they discovered he should probably have cataract surgery ... both eyes ...wait list? a year ... he was booked for July 23rd 2018 ... they told him not to worry ... there would be a cancellation ... He got the right eye done June 5th
i need to buy more lottery tickets, i guess