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SEC Network


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
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Need I remind you that you went out of your way to go find Smiles and bring him here? :gaah:

I guess you thought every thread on this fine board needed to be hijacked and turned into a BSU pep rally.

He just wanted to dog out Smiles on a daily basis again. What's wrong with that?


I need to be commited to the nearest psych ward. Anyways... Couple more posts and its off to the ocean for some fishin... HALIBUT SEASON BABY!



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Apr 17, 2013
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Nice. That guy on the left looks really familiar to me.

SEC Official

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Apr 17, 2013
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I like Smiles...

But I will admit, since we left SeeBS... these boards have been pretty good with very little homerism and the same old arguments. Most of the conversations I have participated in have been good.

I hope the trolling with the same old tired weak arguments doesn't start on these boards.

Just my opinion...

In fact, let me go ahead and get all the anti-SEC crap out so we can move on:
(A) Our OOC schedule sucks.
(B) We duck the power teams like Boise
(C) Bowls are rigged because they are all in warm weather and the SEC won't win up North.
(D) We don't travel.
(E) We are inbreds who live in double wide trailers
(F) There is a conspiracy between CBS, ESPN, and the SEC to make the SEC even more powerful than they are today (Illuminati).. Elvis is alive, and he is hanging with TuPac on the beach right now.

What else did I miss?

Can we just go ahead and get all the garbage out of our system and go back to having good dialogue between good sports fans again? It was SOOOO nice the last 2 weeks.

SEC Official

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Outside the SEC, I just don't see such conference centric homerism/fanaticism. You folks in the SEC may prefer to watch SEC games first above all else, but I just don't think that's true of every one else.

That is not true... Unless Florida is playing, I will watch the best game (or flip back and forth between a couple of good games).

Trust me, I am no tOSU fan, but if they are playing Michigan, Michigan St, Wisky, etc.. I would watch that game over most SEC games anyday unless two powers are playing each other.


Roid Raging
Apr 25, 2013
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This just in: SEC Network hires Verne and Gary to announce all Alabama games.



May 1, 2013
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Deep breath, everyone. That is just how they are starting. They have until Fall 2014 to get the other cable and sat operators lined up. There is no exclusivity there. It's the 5th largest, so you can be sure they will be getting with Comcast, Time Warner, etc. My guess is it is easier to get started with one, and then spread out. As you can imagine, ESPN has some experience in getting on all the cable companies.

And that experience worked real well with the Longhorn Network.:laugh3:


(>',')> Laser_Mike_89
Feb 8, 2010
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That is not true... Unless Florida is playing, I will watch the best game (or flip back and forth between a couple of good games).

Trust me, I am no tOSU fan, but if they are playing Michigan, Michigan St, Wisky, etc.. I would watch that game over most SEC games anyday unless two powers are playing each other.



Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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And that experience worked real well with the Longhorn Network.:laugh3:

:lame: Yeah, because selling the SEC Network and the Tejas Network are so similar.


May 1, 2013
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:lame: Yeah, because selling the SEC Network and the Tejas Network are so similar.

Well the simmilarity starts with ESPN and ESPN hasn't done too well with the Longhorn network. I've mentioned this before about the BTN. Many many big Ten fans are spread out demographically throughout the country. You don't see that "movement" from SEC loyalists. They pretty much stay in the south.

Cornhusker fans will watch a Purdue/Nebraska game more than they would watch a LSU/Alabama game. And trust me the number of Nebraska alums living outside the state is huge. No one stays here. The same can be said for most of the other Big Ten schools and alot of the Big 12 schools as well.

SEC fans? Not so much. Your network will succeed but primarily on a local level simply because SEC graduates don't migrate in the numbers that Midwestern fans do.

That's no intended slam against the SEC, it's just the reality. Marketing 3rd tier SEC games outside the south is going to be more problematic than marketing Big Ten 3rd tier games out of the Midwest.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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Well the similarity starts with ESPN and ESPN hasn't done too well with the Longhorn network. I've mentioned this before about the BTN. Many many big Ten fans are spread out demographically throughout the country. You don't see that "movement" from SEC loyalists. They pretty much stay in the south.

So, you want to compare the SEC that spreads over 11 states to a single university in a single state. As my posts have shown for months, I happen to agree with you that the BTN has the advantage of more alumni spread out over a broader area ... moving Iowa to Florida, Florida to Iowa ... you can see what's happening and not happening there. But you are all conflating all sorts of arguments here.

Let's begin with the similarity, or lack thereof, of ESPN and the Tejas Network. It has nothing to do with ESPN and every reason to do with the idea that it's Texas v. the SEC. If ESPN is struggling with distributors for the Texas network, it's because the cable companies are saying, no, we won't pay for the Texas network in, say, Alabama, or Illinois. That should come as no surprise to anyone. Now, do you really think that ESPN will have any problem getting all the cable distributors in Alabama to pick up the SEC Network? Illinois would be more difficult, but there is a better chance that ESPN can make that happen with the SEC Network, with 14 schools and bad ass football than it can with UT. I can't believe I am actually having to argue this. So, it isn't ESPN ... it's UT v. SEC. ESPN will no problem selling it in the 11 state region covered, and then pretty easy in the surrounding states, and then more difficulty the further it goes out.

Cornhusker fans will watch a Purdue/Nebraska game more than they would watch a LSU/Alabama game. And trust me the number of Nebraska alums iving outside the state is huge. No one stays here. The same can be said for most of the other Big Ten schools and alot of the Big 12 schools as well.

Well, obviously B1G fans will watch their games over SEC or other games, and vice versa. But, that has nothing to do with this. Again, your argument about alumni size and scope is probably correct, but all the networks will do well where their fans are, and not so well where they aren't. Again, it's obvious.

SEC fans? Not so much. Your network will succeed but primarily on a local level simply because SEC graduates don't migrate in the numbers that Midwestern fans do.

While I agree the B1G alumni base is larger and more dispersed, you may be overstating your case a bit. SEC alumni disperse at some levels, and the total number of them probably isn't all that different, even if it's a few million. I'd like to get some facts and figures before continuing this debate.

That's no intended slam against the SEC, it's just the reality. Marketing 3rd tier SEC games outside the south is going to be more problematic than marketing Big Ten 3rd tier games out of the Midwest.

And, here is where you are wrong, I believe. This goes back full circle and why you were wrong about ESPN being the problem. I've been reading a lot about this and see that CBS gets the first SEC game of the week, but that under the agreement with ESPN they get the next games on ESPN/ESPN2/ESPNU. I've been reading that since ESPN controls all of these games, they are going to commit better games to the SEC Network in order to get better distribution. So, while CBS might get UF v. UGa, ESPN gets the next 3 games and they are going to commit many of them to the SEC Network instead of ESPN/2/U. That is the advantage about ESPN being the partner.


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So, you want to compare the SEC that spreads over 11 states to a single university in a single state. As my posts have shown for months, I happen to agree with you that the BTN has the advantage of more alumni spread out over a broader area ... moving Iowa to Florida, Florida to Iowa ... you can see what's happening and not happening there. But you are all conflating all sorts of arguments here.

Never said that and you know it.

Well, obviously B1G fans will watch their games over SEC or other games, and vice versa. But, that has nothing to do with this. Again, your argument about alumni size and scope is probably correct, but all the networks will do well where their fans are, and not so well where they aren't. Again, it's obvious.

You're right, the SEC network will do well in the south and the Big 10
network will do well everywhere else.

While I agree the B1G alumni base is larger and more dispersed, you may be overstating your case a bit. SEC alumni disperse at some levels, and the total number of them probably isn't all that different, even if it's a few million. I'd like to get some facts and figures before continuing this debate.

Google/Bing to your hearts content...the numbers are there. If they weren't I wouldn't have opened my mouth in the first place.

And, here is where you are wrong, I believe. This goes back full circle and why you were wrong about ESPN being the problem. I've been reading a lot about this and see that CBS gets the first SEC game of the week, but that under the agreement with ESPN they get the next games on ESPN/ESPN2/ESPNU. I've been reading that since ESPN controls all of these games, they are going to commit better games to the SEC Network in order to get better distribution. So, while CBS might get UF v. UGa, ESPN gets the next 3 games and they are going to commit many of them to the SEC Network instead of ESPN/2/U. That is the advantage about ESPN being the partner

Could be true but how do you explain going initially with AT&T instead of some of the other "major" feeds? If the quality of games are as you say, why aren't major feeds like Direct TV not falling over themselves to sign up?


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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So, you want to compare the SEC that spreads over 11 states to a single university in a single state. As my posts have shown for months, I happen to agree with you that the BTN has the advantage of more alumni spread out over a broader area ... moving Iowa to Florida, Florida to Iowa ... you can see what's happening and not happening there. But you are all conflating all sorts of arguments here.

Never said that and you know it.
Let's see, here is what you said: Well the similarity starts with ESPN and ESPN hasn't done too well with the Longhorn network.

As I read this, you are saying that ESPN is the SEC's partner and they haven't done well with the Tejas Network. Sounds like you are comparing what ESPN will do with the SEC that spans 11 states and Texas. If that isn't what you meant, why even bring it up.

Well, obviously B1G fans will watch their games over SEC or other games, and vice versa. But, that has nothing to do with this. Again, your argument about alumni size and scope is probably correct, but all the networks will do well where their fans are, and not so well where they aren't. Again, it's obvious.

You're right, the SEC network will do well in the south and the Big 10
network will do well everywhere else.
Yeah, now I know you are way overblowing the spread of the B1G and the impact that it will have on the network. But, hey that's your opinion and I lean in your favor on it, just not to the degree that you are now wanting to take it. I think that ESPN > Fox is more important than B1G Alumni base > SEC alumni base. We shall see in about a decade.

While I agree the B1G alumni base is larger and more dispersed, you may be overstating your case a bit. SEC alumni disperse at some levels, and the total number of them probably isn't all that different, even if it's a few million. I'd like to get some facts and figures before continuing this debate.

Google/Bing to your hearts content...the numbers are there. If they weren't I wouldn't have opened my mouth in the first place.
You're fighting just to fight now. I've clearly stated the B1G has an advantage in numbers. I don't think you were at CBS, but I had a bunch of threads going with another Neb fan about this and it was me in that argument that brought up the B1G advantage first. Mom, aunts, uncles and cousins Illini grads, nephew at NW. I get the B1G.

And, here is where you are wrong, I believe. This goes back full circle and why you were wrong about ESPN being the problem. I've been reading a lot about this and see that CBS gets the first SEC game of the week, but that under the agreement with ESPN they get the next games on ESPN/ESPN2/ESPNU. I've been reading that since ESPN controls all of these games, they are going to commit better games to the SEC Network in order to get better distribution. So, while CBS might get UF v. UGa, ESPN gets the next 3 games and they are going to commit many of them to the SEC Network instead of ESPN/2/U. That is the advantage about ESPN being the partner

Could be true but how do you explain going initially with AT&T instead of some of the other "major" feeds? If the quality of games are as you say, why aren't major feeds like Direct TV not falling over themselves to sign up?
You do realize they don't launch until Fall 2014, 18 months from now, right? Do you really doubt that ESPN will get the channel on the same networks that carry the B1G, or even more importantly the other ESPN channels? DO you really think the reason they went with AT&T is because the others turned them down? :laugh3:


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Let's see, here is what you said: Well the similarity starts with ESPN and ESPN hasn't done too well with the Longhorn network.

And ESPN hasnt done well with Texas. Maybe it's the fact that the Texas program has fallen on semi-bad times. All I know is that there aren't that many quality outlets signing up for the Longhorn Network. And the SEC network starts with AT & T?

Yeah, now I know you are way overblowing the spread of the B1G and the impact that it will have on the network. But, hey that's your opinion and I lean in your favor on it, just not to the degree that you are now wanting to take it. I think that ESPN > Fox is more important than B1G Alumni base > SEC alumni base. We shall see in about a decade.

I don't really think you get what I'm saying. The number of alums from either conference are probably basically the same. But Big 10 (and even Big 12) alums are more proned to move where the money is. That isn't the case with SEC migration. They'll for the most part move around in the south. The Big 10 alums will go wherever they can get a better paying job and geography has no bearing on their decision. So Big 10 alums are spread out further across the country. Hence there will be a bigger demand to get the B1N in say California then their would be for the SEC network.

You're fighting just to fight now. I've clearly stated the B1G has an advantage in numbers. I don't think you were at CBS, but I had a bunch of threads going with another Neb fan about this and it was me in that argument that brought up the B1G advantage first. Mom, aunts, uncles and cousins Illini grads, nephew at NW. I get the B1G.

No, I wouldn't bother to just fight and BTW I was a long time poster on CBS. If there are 8000 Big 10 alums in Texas and only 800 SEC alums--which conference do you think is going to be picked up and make more money in the process? Doesn't make any difference if it's ABC or Direct TV, they want viewers.

You do realize they don't launch until Fall 2014, 18 months from now, right? Do you really doubt that ESPN will get the channel on the same networks that carry the B1G, or even more importantly the other ESPN channels? DO you really think the reason they went with AT&T is because the others turned them down?

I'm quite aware they start in 2014. I honestly believe they went with AT & T simply because everyone else believes the SEC network is going to be more regional in nature and won't attract that many viewers outside the south.


License to Thrill
Aug 31, 2011
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I have the B1G network, Longhorn network, Sooner Sports Network, all them. U-Verse, which is shit btw. They all come in nice packages so the trick is to get it carried by the provider. They are not exclusive select channels, they come in packages.

Don't watch them often though, I skim over just to see whats on and if something peaks my intrest like college baseball regionals etc, I'll watch. The 3rd tier football games are not worth it honestly. If you go after these networks its for the baseball and basketball coverage. The SEC network could thrive in baseball season. It's hockey for you B1Gs. Either way, arguing over who will take off better or not is just pissing contests. I enjoy them for a varity of reasons because I choose to buy the all sports package with whatever provider I get.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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Let's see, here is what you said: Well the similarity starts with ESPN and ESPN hasn't done too well with the Longhorn network.

And ESPN hasnt done well with Texas. Maybe it's the fact that the Texas program has fallen on semi-bad times. All I know is that there aren't that many quality outlets signing up for the Longhorn Network. And the SEC network starts with AT & T?

You don't think that has anything to do with 1 school's limited scope (albeit in Texas) v. a 14 school, 11 state, top football conference scope? Quit comparing the SEC Network with the Longhorn Network ... it's ridiculous.

Yeah, now I know you are way overblowing the spread of the B1G and the impact that it will have on the network. But, hey that's your opinion and I lean in your favor on it, just not to the degree that you are now wanting to take it. I think that ESPN > Fox is more important than B1G Alumni base > SEC alumni base. We shall see in about a decade.

I don't really think you get what I'm saying. The number of alums from either conference are probably basically the same. But Big 10 (and even Big 12) alums are more proned to move where the money is. That isn't the case with SEC migration. They'll for the most part move around in the south. The Big 10 alums will go wherever they can get a better paying job and geography has no bearing on their decision. So Big 10 alums are spread out further across the country. Hence there will be a bigger demand to get the B1N in say California then their would be for the SEC network.
I get exactly what you are saying. I will even argue he fact that the alumni base for the SEC is smaller. The B1G schools have been much larger for decades. Today, the B1G schools are 10% larger, more like 15% if you include Maryland and Rutgers. But, B1G schools have been larger for much longer. SEC schools have only grown to the B1G size in the past couple of decades.

I totally get they are more dispersed ... who wants to live in Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio and Pennsylvania? Kind of kidding, but I get that the B1G is more dispersed.

I would still point out that that number of B1G fans outside the B1G states is very small in relation to the viewing population of those areas, and that ESPN > Fox. But, we will have to agree in part and disagree in part on this one.

You're fighting just to fight now. I've clearly stated the B1G has an advantage in numbers. I don't think you were at CBS, but I had a bunch of threads going with another Neb fan about this and it was me in that argument that brought up the B1G advantage first. Mom, aunts, uncles and cousins Illini grads, nephew at NW. I get the B1G.

No, I wouldn't bother to just fight and BTW I was a long time poster on CBS. If there are 8000 Big 10 alums in Texas and only 800 SEC alums--which conference do you think is going to be picked up and make more money in the process? Doesn't make any difference if it's ABC or Direct TV, they want viewers.
I doubt that outside of the B1G footprint you would find a 10-1 ratio. Moreover, outside the region the money is fairly insignificant ... a dime a subscriber ... hence the move into DC and NY.

You do realize they don't launch until Fall 2014, 18 months from now, right? Do you really doubt that ESPN will get the channel on the same networks that carry the B1G, or even more importantly the other ESPN channels? DO you really think the reason they went with AT&T is because the others turned them down?

I'm quite aware they start in 2014. I honestly believe they went with AT & T simply because everyone else believes the SEC network is going to be more regional in nature and won't attract that many viewers outside the south.
You got anything to base that on? I find it interesting that you are so skeptical of the SEC and ESPN on this. But, we shall see over the coming months. I look forward to revisiting the thread.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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One last thing ... I'm not sure you or I am arguing this from the perspective of the perverse way that cable works. Neither of our arguments may make much sense. For example, I get the PAC and B1G networks, and to the best of my knowledge, I am not paying a premium for either. I'm in NC. It's not like they measured B1G penetration in Raleigh and that's why we get it, I am assuming.