Active Member
Yeah, I am trolling seahawks fans on the 9ers board. Good thinking dude.

Yeah, I am trolling seahawks fans on the 9ers board. Good thinking dude.
I know right. If I had a 11-2 record going into the playoffs with home field advantage using Candlestick as a glorified practice field, I'd sure as hell would laugh it off.
If they are going to spend the time organizing a boycott, they ought to do so on something worthwhile like a boycott against foreign goods made using slave labor or something like that. I am sure no one will even remember this commercial in a couple of months.
Sad thing is they don't even care about their own hometown Mariners signing Cano. Seems like the Beats commercial is more important.
Strange, on an NFL board nonetheless.
I took a quick peek at the Mariners' board. Its anecdotal evidence that shows me the priorities of your city's sports fans nonetheless. Not to mention that a number of you guys have Niner players in your avatars. I always get a crack out of seeing those.
You can't look at this websites Mariner's board. There are a whole 12 New Orleans Saints threads compared to 5,121 for the 49ers. Is that anecdotal evidence that there are 427 times as many more Niners fans than Saints fans?
Anecdotal evidence = crap.
The avatar was special for the rivalry week. It will be changed soon.
Anecdotal means my opinion, so thanks for calling it crap.
Words have actual meanings. Here's what the word anecdotal actually means, you know, in real life.
Anecdotal evidence = crap = (see meaning below)
an·ec·do·tal: not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research
Lol I said it means my opinion, which according to your posted definition is the same thing. Did I presume to say it was "true or reliable?"
If a commercial was made about Wilson walking into SF with headphones I would laugh it off. People who organize boycotts over this need to get a life.
If I were a Hawks fan, I'd love that ad. They're being used as the example of the most intimidating place to play in the league. I'd view that as a compliment.
If a commercial was made about Wilson walking into SF with headphones I would laugh it off. People who organize boycotts over this need to get a life.
Not disagreeing with that.
Though I am sure you would laugh at it considering Wilson hasnt won there. Its just that much funnier to me considering just how piss poor Kap has played in Seattle, in large part because of an inability to "block out the noise".
Oh my god, I am so pissed!! I just saw a Geico commercial and they had a pig at a football game where all of the fans were dressed in red. Geico must be saying that all Niner fans are pigs!
That's it lets boycott Geico!
Well, if only he could wear those sweet headphones on the field huh?
Speaking of an accessory for players on the field, have you ever considered a butt plug for Dick Shermans mouth? You know, so he doesn't embarrass himself... or at least make the embarrassment boldin unleashes on him hurt so badly that he has to blame the refs for getting manhandled.
As I watched that commercial, I am not thinking about how Kap played in Seattle or how Wilson played in SF. It is just a commercial and how they played has lnothing to do with that. Don't know why you are so fixated on how each one played.