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Season Predictions

Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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I admit that I don't watch much summer league. Not saying Clarkson doesn't have a future in the NBA, just saying that the "top 10 NBA guard" label is major homerism.

So what? Last time I checked this is a 'prediction' thread. And I can say with almost 100% certainty I've watched more basketball and know more about the game than you do.

You seem to have an avid fascination with contradicting anything anyone says on threads like these, without any decent input yourself. If I were to say "The Lakers will win 50 games this season", you would come out of your little hiding space, and ridicule the notion without any knowledge of the current affairs.

And btw, yes I do think the Lakers, barring any major injuries like we had last year, will win close to 50 games this year.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So what? Last time I checked this is a 'prediction' thread. And I can say with almost 100% certainty I've watched more basketball and know more about the game than you do.

You seem to have an avid fascination with contradicting anything anyone says on threads like these, without any decent input yourself. If I were to say "The Lakers will win 50 games this season", you would come out of your little hiding space, and ridicule the notion without any knowledge of the current affairs.

And btw, yes I do think the Lakers, barring any major injuries like we had last year, will win close to 50 games this year.

Really? 50 games in the west with that lineup? I've got to question your 'knowing more about the game'. 50 in the west should get you sneaking into the playoffs as a low seed, but I think there are 8 teams in the west better than the Lakers.


Most Popular Member
Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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Wow 50 wins lol...Lakers fans should be happy if they win 44


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Wow 50 wins lol...Lakers fans should be happy if they win 44

If everything falls in place, I could see a 50 win season.

By everything I mean:

Kobe has to stay healthy all season and be at least 80% of what he was before the Achilles. 80% of Kobe is still better than 90% of the league.

Lin needs to play well. He doesn't have to be "Linsanity", he just needs to be solid.

Randle needs to play well. For the Lakers to win 50, he can't have much of a learning curve. He has to adapt to the league right away.

Hill needs to continue to improve and he has to be tough on defense or it will look like a layup line at times.

Boozer has to play better than he has the past couple of seasons. In an interview that I heard, he sounded like he has a bit of a chip on his shoulder. He needs to use that.

Nash has to contribute something.....anything.

The bench has to play well and produce.

If all of the above happens, then I think the Lakers can get 50 wins. Since I don't think all of it will happen, I expect they'll flirt with the playoffs most of the season, but ultimately will settle in at right around .500.
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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Wow 50 wins lol...Lakers fans should be happy if they win 44


The only loss we had this year is Pau Gasol, who has been on a steady decline over the years and has missed more than 50 games over the last two years. We more than made up for that with the drafting of Randle and the acquisition of Boozer.

We also lost Kendall Marshall and replaced him with Lin, a major improvement. Clarkson is also more skilled than Farmar and I'd rather have Ed Davis on the team than Kaman.

Oh, and a guy called Kobe Bryant is healthy too now. If he stays healthy, that alone gives us 15 more wins than last years team.


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
Ellicott City, MD
Hoopla Cash
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The LAKERS will be in the mix.

All the western good teams outside of say (SA, OKC, LAC) are still not sure things.

I did not pick LA, but they are right there with Phoenix for me. It was a coinflip.

Portland, Houston, Phoenix, LA, and Memphis are all lumped together for me.

I can see any one of them getting hot enough to win 50 or more.
I could see all of them doing a Denver Nuggets and cratereing.

The LAKERS winning 50 games is not inconceivable....unlikely....but the roster does have some potential to be good.


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The only loss we had this year is Pau Gasol, who has been on a steady decline over the years and has missed more than 50 games over the last two years. We more than made up for that with the drafting of Randle and the acquisition of Boozer.

We also lost Kendall Marshall and replaced him with Lin, a major improvement. Clarkson is also more skilled than Farmar and I'd rather have Ed Davis on the team than Kaman.

Oh, and a guy called Kobe Bryant is healthy too now. If he stays healthy, that alone gives us 15 more wins than last years team.

Sorry to burst your bubble but Kobe will never be the same again after the a achillies injury. People can come back from that but never will be the same Ever


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
Hoopla Cash
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So what? Last time I checked this is a 'prediction' thread. And I can say with almost 100% certainty I've watched more basketball and know more about the game than you do.

You seem to have an avid fascination with contradicting anything anyone says on threads like these, without any decent input yourself. If I were to say "The Lakers will win 50 games this season", you would come out of your little hiding space, and ridicule the notion without any knowledge of the current affairs.

And btw, yes I do think the Lakers, barring any major injuries like we had last year, will win close to 50 games this year.

I've backed up each and every claim I've made in this thread. If you're butthurt about me not liking your team that ain't my problem. There's lots of teams I'm not that high on, and the Lakers just happen to be only one of them.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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My prediction is that one team will win it all this year. Now that's really going out on a limb!


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Wow Hambombs your East standings were the exact same as mine LOL


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I've backed up each and every claim I've made in this thread. If you're butthurt about me not liking your team that ain't my problem. There's lots of teams I'm not that high on, and the Lakers just happen to be only one of them.

Apparently, you have no more clue about what "backing up a claim" means than you do about what the words hypocrisy or hypocritical mean.

It's a prediction thread. There is nothing to back up. It's all opinions. These predictions can only be backed up or not by how the teams/players perform. So what, exactly, have you "backed up".

If anyone is butthurt here, it's you. However, that's not exactly unexpected as you tend to get butthurt anytime someone disagrees with you.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
Hoopla Cash
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Apparently, you have no more clue about what "backing up a claim" means than you do about what the words hypocrisy or hypocritical mean.

It's a prediction thread. There is nothing to back up. It's all opinions. These predictions can only be backed up or not by how the teams/players perform. So what, exactly, have you "backed up".

If anyone is butthurt here, it's you. However, that's not exactly unexpected as you tend to get butthurt anytime someone disagrees with you.

Translation: The words "hypocricy" and "hypocritical" do not apply to almighty Laker fans. Because last spring, you claimed Dante Exum will be a top 10 guard had he came to the Lakers. Now, you claim Jordan Clarkson will be a Top 10 guard. LOL


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 506.35
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Rookie of the Year- Andrew Wiggins
Coach of the Year- David Blatt
Defensive Player of the Year- Joakim Noah
6th man of the year- Jamal Crawford

Western Conference Standings

1) OKC
2) SA
3) LAC
4) GSW
5) Blazers
6) Mavericks
7) Grizzlies
8) Rockets

Eastern Conference Standings

1) Cavs
2) Bulls
3) Wizards
4) Raptors
5) Heat
6) Bobcats
7) Hawks
8) Knicks

WCF- OKC over SA in 7
ECF Cavs over Bulls in 6

NBA Finals- Cavs over OKC in 5
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The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Look Shaqdaddy,

I don't know who you are or what your motive is here. But, I've never had a problem with you. However, in the wake of Dr. Buss' death, I'll believe this ownership can build a winner when I actually see it.

This might be difficult for someone like you to believe, but the entire basketball world does not revolve around who loves and who hates the L.A. Lakers. Some of us might not care for them but can still respect what they accomplish. Believe it or not, I rooted for you guys in 2002 vs Sacramento since I thought the Kings were the whiniest team in the league at the time.

If the Lakers win 50 or anything close this year, I promise I will call you out and give you your props.

Until that happens, you're a 27-55 ball club and I don't have to prove my fanhood to you. I'm a Cubs fan for heaven's sake.

Get off your high horse and deal with it.


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,109.09
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Here's my predictions.

Cavs win East. Defeat Miami in 7. I would kill for Miami to beat them, I just don't think it is in the cards.

San Antonio wins West over OKC in 6.

Spurs over Cavs in 7. Duncan rides off into the sunset a 6 time champion.

Scoring Champ- Durant

East Standings:

1. Cavs
2. Bulls
3. Miami
4. Washington
5. Toronto
6. Bobcats
7. Knicks
8. Pacers

West Standings

1. Spurs
2. OKC
3. Houston
4. LA Clippers
5. Golden State
6. Memphis
7. Portland
8. Phoenix


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,109.09
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Also the Lakers aren't getting 50 wins. Not in the West. Wrong neighborhood to be trying to get 50 wins in.

Lakers are a cellar dweller again.. with or without Kobe. That whole organization is a huge dumpster fire right now.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Translation: The words "hypocricy" and "hypocritical" do not apply to almighty Laker fans. Because last spring, you claimed Dante Exum will be a top 10 guard had he came to the Lakers. Now, you claim Jordan Clarkson will be a Top 10 guard. LOL

Wow, continuing to make a fool of yourself. First of all, I never said Exum was a top 10 guard no matter who he plays for and I never said that Clarkson will be a top 10 guard.

I said that Lakers fans stopped commenting on Exum because he's not a Laker and that Clarkson appears to have the talent to be a top 10 guard some day.

It's one thing to disagree with someone and something else entirely to flat out lie or misrepresent what they said. The next time I see you lie or misrepresent what I or anyone else has said, you're gone and not for a timeout either. You will be banned permanently. You will receive no more warnings.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Wow, continuing to make a fool of yourself. First of all, I never said Exum was a top 10 guard no matter who he plays for and I never said that Clarkson will be a top 10 guard.

I said that Lakers fans stopped commenting on Exum because he's not a Laker and that Clarkson appears to have the talent to be a top 10 guard some day.

It's one thing to disagree with someone and something else entirely to flat out lie or misrepresent what they said. The next time I see you lie or misrepresent what I or anyone else has said, you're gone and not for a timeout either. You will be banned permanently. You will receive no more warnings.

Come on man, we can be adult here can't we? There's no lies, or misrepresentation. Shaqdaddy himself (not you) said Clarkson would be a top 10 guard one day. It's nothing more than good, clean arguments about sports. I had already promised I would give Shaqdaddy his props if the Lakers in fact approached 50 wins.

Nothing personal is taking place here.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Come on man, we can be adult here can't we? There's no lies, or misrepresentation. Shaqdaddy himself (not you) said Clarkson would be a top 10 guard one day. It's nothing more than good, clean arguments about sports. I had already promised I would give Shaqdaddy his props if the Lakers in fact approached 50 wins.

Nothing personal is taking place here.

You quoted me in post #93. Then went on to say the following:

Translation: The words "hypocricy" and "hypocritical" do not apply to almighty Laker fans. Because last spring, you claimed Dante Exum will be a top 10 guard had he came to the Lakers. Now, you claim Jordan Clarkson will be a Top 10 guard. LOL

See those to bolded words? That means you quoted me and then directed your post at me. Blatantly and intentionally misrepresenting what another poster says in the manner you did, is not "good, clean arguments about sports". If you can't differentiate between the two, then message boards may not be the best thing for you.