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Seahawks offseason rumor/discussion thread


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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From what I read somewhere else it's looking like extending Thomas is the priority right now and they'll look at Sherman later. Sounds like it's going to end up with one of them getting extended while the other possibly gets franchised. I don't see Sherman taking that too well if he does end up getting franchised. I could see some holdout/trade if it comes down to that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yes, I do understand that. Just pointing out that our cap number the year that Wilson and Sherman would be looking to extend has room that they can still prioritize those players if they wanted. We should have a better idea of how Thomas impacts the 2015 cap when they complete his extension. Clemons may have an impact on it, but unless he has a monster year this coming season (and I'm not even sure he's on the team in 2014), there's no way they pay big $ for a 34 year old DE. We'll have to see how Maxwell's season is like next year, cause he only started for less than half the season this year. He played well, but let's see what he does next year before committing a lot to him. Also, I love KJ, but I would find it more important to lock up Bobby Wagner, but that's just me.

I understand your thoughts. Just mostly pointing out that actually $50 million in cap after this season isn't a whole lot in comparison to other teams around the league. It actually puts Seattle about middle of the pack in Cap Space at this point. Most likely means when next year roles around there will be some talent leaving Seattle. I still think Seattle can sign Thomas, Sherman, and Wilson and still be able to field a good team as I expect Seattle to keep drafting well. Just think some of those other players outside of those 3 will most likely be gone. Part of the problem of being on top is every team takes notice of the players that you have and are willing to spend a little extra to get a Super Bowl player compared to others. Look at Baltimore this past season and how they got ripped apart and a lot of their younger talent got offered big contracts to play elsewhere.

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aka Raindrop
Apr 26, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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From what I read somewhere else it's looking like extending Thomas is the priority right now and they'll look at Sherman later. Sounds like it's going to end up with one of them getting extended while the other possibly gets franchised. I don't see Sherman taking that too well if he does end up getting franchised. I could see some holdout/trade if it comes down to that.

I could definitely see that scenario playing out. I'm just not sure how they can pay ET and Sherman top value at their position unless one of them takes smaller annual salary but longer years to help with the cap.


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
Seattle, Washington
Hoopla Cash
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I think Zach Miller is interesting because Miller's 2013 cap hit was $11m and in 2014 it will be dropping to $7m, then $6m in 2015. If he would restructure that would be great but I think his restructuring should be towards the bottom of the list due to the fact that the initial structuring of his deal has his cap hit drop $4m already.

If Michael Bennett can be retained I think it could make sense to simply show Chris Clemons the door unless he was willing to stay on at a reasonable salary. He is aging and was not overly effective this year. Perhaps his money and roster spot could be better invested into a younger player with longer term potential.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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First thing home town discounts are like half a mill. Not 5 mill. There will be players leaving,,,,,and js will continue to draft in the fourth and fifth rounds.....

Also the one who mentioned brady, he dropped his number after being the highest or near the higest paid players for almost a decade....

Cant fault any player for getting as much as possible. Especially considering the team can cut them at any time,,,ahem convo about cutting clem, miller, bryant etc.............