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Russell Wilson: The most overrated player in the NFL


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Apr 23, 2013
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I find it funny,

Wilson is "overrated" even though noone calls him an elite qb.

Wilson only won a super bowl because of the D and RB, yet noone (cept caliskinsfan) mentions the terrible oline play all year, or the fact that his top TWO Wideouts missed basically the entire year (Rice) and the entire year (harvin)

Then when good ol Gowazzu02 posts a ton of stats that show how Wilson really actually played very well, they just ignore them.

Oh adding one more.

-When the thread is about the Seahawks defense, they aren't really that good, they only are good cause Seattle bought the refs and lets seattle cheat. But since this threads about Wilson the defense is the best in 30 years:lol:

I love the hate!!!! love it! feels SO good to be the bad guy for a change. Let Cleveland be the lovable loser I want more rings

Banned 10x

aka Raindrop
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Same crap, different day. Wilson walked into a perfect situation with a passing offense that was basically the worst in the NFL and turned it into one of the most efficient ones. Anybody could do it besides the bums we had the year before he arrived who looked like they didn't belong in the league.


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Jul 17, 2013
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gowassu02 maybe you should go back and read some of this thread if you think nobody here has called Wilson elite. I have seen one Seahawks fan say that Manning and Brady couldn't have lead the Seahawks even to the playoffs let alone to the Super Bowl. Another said Wilson is the best quarterback in the league right now. Now obviously not all Seahawks fans think that way and none of those guys have been called out for their homerism towards Wilson. It is those few (every fan base has them) that have been propping him up almost to the level of HOF.

The majority agree with where most have him in that 6th-12th range in the league. Obviously the OP was just trying to get a rise out of people and for the most part people have just been laughing at him for posting such a thing. Most on here agree with each other that Wilson is a very good quarterback in this league.

Your stats are fine. They do show a very good quarterback. I could say that you are cherry picking stats but I do think most will show Wilson to be a very good quarterback with a very bright future ahead of him. Now most do agree though on here that he has been fortunate to have such a good team around him where he doesn't have to be in that elite category of quarterbacks in order for the team to win. I think Wilson can do just fine if he were asked to throw it 30-40 times but at the same time I don't think he would be putting up stats quite like the elite guys. He would be putting up stats that are close to where they have him in that 2nd tier of quarterbacks. Maybe someday we will get the chance to see what he can do when asked to throw like them and maybe he proves everybody wrong and shows he deserves to be in that elite class. He has the head to do it so it wouldn't surprise me.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I find it funny,

-Wilson is "overrated" even though noone calls him an elite qb.

-Wilson only won a super bowl because of the D and RB, yet noone (cept caliskinsfan) mentions the terrible oline play all year, or the fact that his top TWO Wideouts missed basically the entire year (Rice) and the entire year (harvin)

-Then when good ol Gowazzu02 posts a ton of stats that show how Wilson really actually played very well, they just ignore them. Stats dont mean anything, repeat the D and RB argument

Apparently stats dont matter, unless you want to talk about yards.


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Apr 23, 2013
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gowassu02 maybe you should go back and read some of this thread if you think nobody here has called Wilson elite. I have seen one Seahawks fan say that Manning and Brady couldn't have lead the Seahawks even to the playoffs let alone to the Super Bowl. Another said Wilson is the best quarterback in the league right now. Now obviously not all Seahawks fans think that way and none of those guys have been called out for their homerism towards Wilson. It is those few (every fan base has them) that have been propping him up almost to the level of HOF.

The majority agree with where most have him in that 6th-12th range in the league. Obviously the OP was just trying to get a rise out of people and for the most part people have just been laughing at him for posting such a thing. Most on here agree with each other that Wilson is a very good quarterback in this league.

Your stats are fine. They do show a very good quarterback. I could say that you are cherry picking stats but I do think most will show Wilson to be a very good quarterback with a very bright future ahead of him. Now most do agree though on here that he has been fortunate to have such a good team around him where he doesn't have to be in that elite category of quarterbacks in order for the team to win. I think Wilson can do just fine if he were asked to throw it 30-40 times but at the same time I don't think he would be putting up stats quite like the elite guys. He would be putting up stats that are close to where they have him in that 2nd tier of quarterbacks. Maybe someday we will get the chance to see what he can do when asked to throw like them and maybe he proves everybody wrong and shows he deserves to be in that elite class. He has the head to do it so it wouldn't surprise me.

He's in year 2. Hence My stats about qbs after 2 years. If your comparing Wilson in year 2 to Brady, Manning, Brees and Rodgers right now who have been in the league forever then no stats aren't there.

But anyway my post was about how funny it is to be the guy now. Where no matter the topic your going to get hate,

This threads about Wilson so he gets the its all the Defense and RB and he didn't do anything special

Past thread was about Sherman, he's not good despite the overwelmind statistical evidence, he's only good cause of ET and chancellor

Another past thread about Earl Thomas, he's not that good, he's only good cause of Sherman and the front 7

Defense as a whole, their not that good, its just the refs that let them play that way,

Doesn't matter what part of Seattle were talking about the hate is strong and I for one LOVE IT!@


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Apr 22, 2013
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gowassu02 maybe you should go back and read some of this thread if you think nobody here has called Wilson elite. I have seen one Seahawks fan say that Manning and Brady couldn't have lead the Seahawks even to the playoffs let alone to the Super Bowl. Another said Wilson is the best quarterback in the league right now. Now obviously not all Seahawks fans think that way and none of those guys have been called out for their homerism towards Wilson. It is those few (every fan base has them) that have been propping him up almost to the level of HOF.

The majority agree with where most have him in that 6th-12th range in the league. Obviously the OP was just trying to get a rise out of people and for the most part people have just been laughing at him for posting such a thing. Most on here agree with each other that Wilson is a very good quarterback in this league.

Your stats are fine. They do show a very good quarterback. I could say that you are cherry picking stats but I do think most will show Wilson to be a very good quarterback with a very bright future ahead of him. Now most do agree though on here that he has been fortunate to have such a good team around him where he doesn't have to be in that elite category of quarterbacks in order for the team to win. I think Wilson can do just fine if he were asked to throw it 30-40 times but at the same time I don't think he would be putting up stats quite like the elite guys. He would be putting up stats that are close to where they have him in that 2nd tier of quarterbacks. Maybe someday we will get the chance to see what he can do when asked to throw like them and maybe he proves everybody wrong and shows he deserves to be in that elite class. He has the head to do it so it wouldn't surprise me.

Seems a pretty good summary to me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
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He's in year 2. Hence My stats about qbs after 2 years. If your comparing Wilson in year 2 to Brady, Manning, Brees and Rodgers right now who have been in the league forever then no stats aren't there.

But anyway my post was about how funny it is to be the guy now. Where no matter the topic your going to get hate,

This threads about Wilson so he gets the its all the Defense and RB and he didn't do anything special

Past thread was about Sherman, he's not good despite the overwelmind statistical evidence, he's only good cause of ET and chancellor

Another past thread about Earl Thomas, he's not that good, he's only good cause of Sherman and the front 7

Defense as a whole, their not that good, its just the refs that let them play that way,

Doesn't matter what part of Seattle were talking about the hate is strong and I for one LOVE IT!@

I and many others believe Seattle to be one of the top-3 rosters in the NFL right now. Main stream media has said that and many on here have said that. You can't focus on the few who are just mostly trying to get a rise out of Seattle fans.

As for Wilson's stats compared to those other guys again you can't really compare as it was and is 2 totally different situations. Different rules and different expectations for those guys coming in. Such as Manning was on the Colts because they were the worst team in the league when he first started. He also was expected to throw it quite a bit more and was expected to score a lot more in order to win games. Please understand that is not trying to discredit what Wilson has done so far in his career. He has done great and I think just about any organization would love to have their starting quarterback play as well as he has in his first 2 years in the league. I'm saying lets let this all play out over the next few years and see if he continues to develop into the player you all hope he will. He is top-10 after his 2nd year in the league. Not many 2nd year quarterbacks have ever been able to say that. He is on the right path to go down as a great quarterback when all is said and done. No need to rush it quite yet though and just let him do the talking on the field.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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I and many others believe Seattle to be one of the top-3 rosters in the NFL right now. Main stream media has said that and many on here have said that. You can't focus on the few who are just mostly trying to get a rise out of Seattle fans.

As for Wilson's stats compared to those other guys again you can't really compare as it was and is 2 totally different situations. Different rules and different expectations for those guys coming in. Such as Manning was on the Colts because they were the worst team in the league when he first started. He also was expected to throw it quite a bit more and was expected to score a lot more in order to win games. Please understand that is not trying to discredit what Wilson has done so far in his career. He has done great and I think just about any organization would love to have their starting quarterback play as well as he has in his first 2 years in the league. I'm saying lets let this all play out over the next few years and see if he continues to develop into the player you all hope he will. He is top-10 after his 2nd year in the league. Not many 2nd year quarterbacks have ever been able to say that. He is on the right path to go down as a great quarterback when all is said and done. No need to rush it quite yet though and just let him do the talking on the field.

Quit being so sensible, it's annoying.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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We heard the same thing before this last season. Fans up here and pundits from all over predicted he would have a sophomore slump. Defenses were going to take the read zone away (they didn't run it that much in his first season anyway) and they would find ways of containing him.

Now it's he did ok, but only because of the defense he has and because of lynch and we can't give him credit for what he is doing now or compare him to anyone else and what they are doing now until he has done it for a few more years.

In a few more years the bar will be moved yet again.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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The correct spelling of "bandwagon" may help your case immensely. And then again, probably not.

I always love grammar police. I am lysdexic and know my grammar is beyond fucked up. I pay no attention to people so insecure to make themselves feel better. People understand where I am coming from in my posts regardless of grammatical errors.


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Jul 17, 2013
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We heard the same thing before this last season. Fans up here and pundits from all over predicted he would have a sophomore slump. Defenses were going to take the read zone away (they didn't run it that much in his first season anyway) and they would find ways of containing him.

Now it's he did ok, but only because of the defense he has and because of lynch and we can't give him credit for what he is doing now or compare him to anyone else and what they are doing now until he has done it for a few more years.

In a few more years the bar will be moved yet again.

So what are you wanting us to say? Most on here have said he is a very good quarterback that is deserving of being a top-10 guy in the league. Yes most of us recognize he does have a lot of talent around him that definitely helps him but because he is talented as well he helps them as well. Kind of how that goes. Again just not sure what you want? Is him being in the top-10 quarterbacks in the league not enough? Is saying he is a very good quarterback with especially a great mind for the game not enough? I just don't get it.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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Any time you'd like to stop by the Lions Board, consider yourself invited.

Ohhh lord he would be treated like UK is here. Deservingly so IMO for UK here... Oldtimer not so much, would be stating what many (some) (just me and you)agree on over there.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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So what are you wanting us to say? Most on here have said he is a very good quarterback that is deserving of being a top-10 guy in the league. Yes most of us recognize he does have a lot of talent around him that definitely helps him but because he is talented as well he helps them as well. Kind of how that goes. Again just not sure what you want? Is him being in the top-10 quarterbacks in the league not enough? Is saying he is a very good quarterback with especially a great mind for the game not enough? I just don't get it.

I don't care what you say. Say anything you like. Have your own opinion.

Some up here are saying you can't compare Wilson to other QB's over their first two years because its a different era. We can't compare him to QB's in the league now that have more than 5 years on them because he hasn't been in the league long enough.

All I'm doing is pointing out the bar has been moved in the past and it seems no matter what he does it will be moved again. If you don't count yourself among those that it applies to then disregard it. But this thread is full of people with those moving targets.

He could go out and have the best year of any active QB next season and these same people would still be telling how overrated he is and how his team carries him.

That's the point. Haters gonna hate.

And as I pointed out some 10 pages or so ago now, I can remember a few years ago wishing it was my players and my team people were bitching and moaning about as it means they have arrived. So I'm happy for the hate. You don't hate on teams that don't matter.

Again, if it doesn't apply to you specifically then don't take any offense to it. There is a lot of talk going on by a lot of people and all I did was add my 2c.



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Jul 16, 2013
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So what are you wanting us to say? Most on here have said he is a very good quarterback that is deserving of being a top-10 guy in the league. Yes most of us recognize he does have a lot of talent around him that definitely helps him but because he is talented as well he helps them as well. Kind of how that goes. Again just not sure what you want? Is him being in the top-10 quarterbacks in the league not enough? Is saying he is a very good quarterback with especially a great mind for the game not enough? I just don't get it.

There isn't that much talent around him. Not that I need to google the ring, but he was working with a group of solid 2's for his wr corp that didn't do a very good job of separation and needed to hit tight windows to get the passes completed. People talk like there's a bunch of other QB's that could do the same thing but running this offense takes a strong, accurate arm. These aren't easy passes that he's completing to move the ball. Now that they spent the draft getting some speed at the WR position it should loosen things up a little.


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There isn't that much talent around him. Not that I need to google the ring, but he was working with a group of solid 2's for his wr corp that didn't do a very good job of separation and needed to hit tight windows to get the passes completed. People talk like there's a bunch of other QB's that could do the same thing but running this offense takes a strong, accurate arm. These aren't easy passes that he's completing to move the ball. Now that they spent the draft getting some speed at the WR position it should loosen things up a little.

In fairness to mentioning tight windows, you also had a WR corps whose STRENGTH was catching the ball at the apex aggressively. There were throws that RW threw into that window...then there were many throws that SEA fans HAD to thank their lucky stars Tate or Kearse or Baldwin has strong hands and the aggressiveness to attack that ball.


The Real Deal
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Rivers hasn't had great postseasons, but he's only really had one truly great team. And that team got screwed by the ref's in the AFC Championship game against the Pats.

A lot of the teams Rivers has led had no business even being in the playoffs. I'll never understand how little credit that guy gets. He was arguably the best QB in the NFL over a 5-year span of 2006 to 2010.

Aww, cry me a Rivers, lol.

It's possible he might still have something left in the tank, but I think that ship has done sailed.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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In fairness to mentioning tight windows, you also had a WR corps whose STRENGTH was catching the ball at the apex aggressively. There were throws that RW threw into that window...then there were many throws that SEA fans HAD to thank their lucky stars Tate or Kearse or Baldwin has strong hands and the aggressiveness to attack that ball.

Everyone talked about how similar our two teams are/were. Both built on defense and both have offenses built around a strong running game.

Give an edge to Seattle's defense.

Lynch > Gore, but not by miles.

9'ers WR corp > Seattle's and it's not close.

9'ers oline >>>> Seattle's at least in pass protection and it wasn't close last year.

Special teams? both were kind of even? :noidea:

So what was the difference?

Wison got it done in games where he had to make those tough reads and accurate throws and Kaepernick didn't. In the NFCCG Wilson made a bomb of a 4th down throw to the end zone in double coverage for a TD. Kaepernick threw an ill advised ball to a WR that was not only covered, but was wearing Sherman like a suit the ENTIRE route.

I'm not trying to pick on kaepernick here. I'm pointing out that QB's DO matter even on teams with strong running games and outstanding defenses. Wilson was much more important to that entire season than he gets credit for.


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Jul 17, 2013
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I don't care what you say. Say anything you like. Have your own opinion.

Some up here are saying you can't compare Wilson to other QB's over their first two years because its a different era. We can't compare him to QB's in the league now that have more than 5 years on them because he hasn't been in the league long enough.

All I'm doing is pointing out the bar has been moved in the past and it seems no matter what he does it will be moved again. If you don't count yourself among those that it applies to then disregard it. But this thread is full of people with those moving targets.

He could go out and have the best year of any active QB next season and these same people would still be telling how overrated he is and how his team carries him.

That's the point. Haters gonna hate.

And as I pointed out some 10 pages or so ago now, I can remember a few years ago wishing it was my players and my team people were bitching and moaning about as it means they have arrived. So I'm happy for the hate. You don't hate on teams that don't matter.

Again, if it doesn't apply to you specifically then don't take any offense to it. There is a lot of talk going on by a lot of people and all I did was add my 2c.


I am one saying wait a few years so I guess this does apply to me. Yes I say that about all the young guns. I think on this list having Andrew Luck with the elite 4 is a mistake. He hasn't shown yet that he belongs in that group and even if he had the stats to back up such a thing I would still be saying wait just a bit. This is a tough league to make it in and you just never know what could happen. Heck not too long ago Carson Palmer was considered one of the best up and coming quarterbacks and was being mentioned with that elite group. Look at him now bouncing from team to team and by many being considered a bottom half of the league starter. That is why I say wait. I'm not ready to prop any of the young guns up but I can also still recognize what they have done so far in their career. Wilson has done a heck of a job and deserves to be mentioned among that top-10 at this point in his career. He plays well within the system around him and does his job. You can't ask much more of him that what he is already doing.

To gohusk...I agree there wasn't a ton of talent around him on the offensive side of the ball. The OL did pretty good run blocking as 3 of the 5 finished with a positive grade run blocking by PFF. He did have an elite RB in Lynch running behind him and that definitely helped just like he helped open things up for Lynch. WR and TE wise you are right they were average. I will say though 3 of his main WR's and TE finished with a positive grade so it wasn't like they were the worst in the league. Heck he had 2 WR's that finished in the top-20 for ranking and his TE finished 8th in the league. Again that doesn't make them great but it wasn't like they were a sack of potatoes either.