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Russell Wilson: The most overrated player in the NFL


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Jul 27, 2013
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Is there a fan base on these boards that doesn't have a poster with the odd extreme view? There is no doubt that if they had any of those other QB's the offense would be different. They have crafted what they have to maximize the tools they have. That's what every decent GM/HC in the league does. If they had Manning out there Lynch probably gets at least 10% less carries as well.

This same argument is also what makes some of the Seahawk faithful go crazy with all of the hate toward Wilson. He may not be asked to do what some other QB's are, but he does what he is asked to do quite well. It's not his fault that his defense often puts them in great position to win, but it's also a fallacy that he has never been asked to make a comeback. Hell, he orchestrated two incredible come from behind wins just last year. One overcoming a 21 point deficit. So when the odds were against him and he was asked to step up and pick the team up he has. Really not his fault it doesn't happen as often as some other teams and he shouldn't be downgraded for it IMO.

Right, because ALL seahawk fans believe what he said right? :doh:

Nice way to generalize. Like there aren't any delusional bronco fans.

Really ?? so the Hawks don't also have the best corner in the league ? the best running back in the league ?? the best safety in the league ?? pretty much the best at EVERY position in the league ??

yeah...ok...whatever you say


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I simply suggest that ignorance is pervasive. If you know what I mean.

Can't win an argument with Einstein here. Feel like I came to a gunfight with a pee shooter. And please dumb down the words , we are not all Mensa Cardholding members like you. You get hit by lightning like John Travolta in that movie?


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Dec 7, 2013
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This is what epitomizes my perception of hawk fans. Even with all the out and out generosity for RW on here. I put him around 15-16.

Really? One poster (who may be joking, and I hope he is) says RW is #1. Dozens of other posters put him out of the top 5 and it looks to me like the average is in the 8-11 range.

But because 1 poster says one crazy thing, that "epitomizes [your] perception of [ALL] hawk fans"???!?!?!?


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Winning a division filled with scrubs does NOT a Super Bowl contender make. You still have the playoffs.

Don't be so hard on your weak ass division. Wish we had teams like Oakland and KC who haven't won in like forever. SD is marginal at best

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
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Don't be so hard on your weak ass division. Wish we had teams like Oakland and KC who haven't won in like forever. SD is marginal at best
Come on dude, I hope you don't think the AFC East is better than the AFC West? Correct me if I'm wrong.


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
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Really ?? so the Hawks don't also have the best corner in the league ? the best running back in the league ?? the best safety in the league ?? pretty much the best at EVERY position in the league ??

yeah...ok...whatever you say
Best corner - Yes
Best RB - No, 2nd best :suds:
Best Safety - Absolutely

No not the best at every position, but a couple. You're not very good at arguing your points correctly.

Hey, check it out. I used the correct form of "you're" just for you!


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Jul 17, 2013
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Is there a fan base on these boards that doesn't have a poster with the odd extreme view? There is no doubt that if they had any of those other QB's the offense would be different. They have crafted what they have to maximize the tools they have. That's what every decent GM/HC in the league does. If they had Manning out there Lynch probably gets at least 10% less carries as well.

This same argument is also what makes some of the Seahawk faithful go crazy with all of the hate toward Wilson. He may not be asked to do what some other QB's are, but he does what he is asked to do quite well. It's not his fault that his defense often puts them in great position to win, but it's also a fallacy that he has never been asked to make a comeback. Hell, he orchestrated two incredible come from behind wins just last year. One overcoming a 21 point deficit. So when the odds were against him and he was asked to step up and pick the team up he has. Really not his fault it doesn't happen as often as some other teams and he shouldn't be downgraded for it IMO.

Right, because ALL seahawk fans believe what he said right? :doh:

Nice way to generalize. Like there aren't any delusional bronco fans.

That is why I am only arguing with that ONE Seahawk fan not the whole Fan base. I realize every fan base has those extreme people. I've seen plenty of Bronco fans that leave me shaking my head just hating how they are representing the entire fan base as some do put the rest of us in with those few. I would not want to do that to any fan base. I recognize there are plenty of Seahawk posters on here that look at Wilson half way objectively (I mean really none of us can be completely objective). That is why I have said I think Wilson is a very good player and deserves to be in the top-10 quarterback talk. Like I said and many Seahawks fans have said he doesn't quite deserve to be in that top-5 talk yet. Can I see him getting there...Yes. He above anything else has a great head on his shoulders that will take him a long way. It is why he can overcome his weaknesses. Same with Drew Brees. Both are limited in some things but know what they do great and do those things. Teams that can take those away obviously make them struggle some just like any quarterback when you force them into their weaknesses.

I am interested what will happen to Wilson when the threat of Lynch is gone in the next year or two but as you pointed out he has had times where he has shown he can shine when asked to. I don't have many doubts that he will continue to shine even if some of the talent around him begins to go downhill. Now I don't think he will get to the level of a Brees, Manning, Brady, or Rodgers but honestly that is not meant as an insult as those guys are possibly HOF bound and that is a very hard group to crack. Now Wilson could prove me wrong and that is just fine. He is a very good guy and I would love to see the underdog overcome the obstacles put before him. I've seen jerks make it into the HOF and it pisses me off. I understand it is more about their play on the field but I definitely love rooting against them. That is not the case with Wilson. The only reason I pull against him is because I want the Broncos to win the Super Bowl. Beyond the 1 game in the regular season and the possible repeat Super Bowl I have no reason to root against him. Heck there will be 3 other games this season I will be cheering almost as loud as you Seahawks fans for them to win.

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
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That is why I am only arguing with that ONE Seahawk fan not the whole Fan base. I realize every fan base has those extreme people. I've seen plenty of Bronco fans that leave me shaking my head just hating how they are representing the entire fan base as some do put the rest of us in with those few. I would not want to do that to any fan base. I recognize there are plenty of Seahawk posters on here that look at Wilson half way objectively (I mean really none of us can be completely objective). That is why I have said I think Wilson is a very good player and deserves to be in the top-10 quarterback talk. Like I said and many Seahawks fans have said he doesn't quite deserve to be in that top-5 talk yet. Can I see him getting there...Yes. He above anything else has a great head on his shoulders that will take him a long way. It is why he can overcome his weaknesses. Same with Drew Brees. Both are limited in some things but know what they do great and do those things. Teams that can take those away obviously make them struggle some just like any quarterback when you force them into their weaknesses.

I am interested what will happen to Wilson when the threat of Lynch is gone in the next year or two but as you pointed out he has had times where he has shown he can shine when asked to. I don't have many doubts that he will continue to shine even if some of the talent around him begins to go downhill. Now I don't think he will get to the level of a Brees, Manning, Brady, or Rodgers but honestly that is not meant as an insult as those guys are possibly HOF bound and that is a very hard group to crack. Now Wilson could prove me wrong and that is just fine. He is a very good guy and I would love to see the underdog overcome the obstacles put before him. I've seen jerks make it into the HOF and it pisses me off. I understand it is more about their play on the field but I definitely love rooting against them. That is not the case with Wilson. The only reason I pull against him is because I want the Broncos to win the Super Bowl. Beyond the 1 game in the regular season and the possible repeat Super Bowl I have no reason to root against him. Heck there will be 3 other games this season I will be cheering almost as loud as you Seahawks fans for them to win.
Solid comment and that is why as a Seahawk fan I don't get too carried away about bragging on Wilson. IMO he is a solid QB and I'm sure he will improve. I think it's unfair to compare him with "Brees, Manning, Brady, or Rodgers". Hell Rodgers, Manning, Brady and Manning didn't accomplish what Wilson did in his first two years in the NFL.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Really ?? so the Hawks don't also have the best corner in the league ? the best running back in the league ?? the best safety in the league ?? pretty much the best at EVERY position in the league ??

yeah...ok...whatever you say

Ok, so to you if they have the best safety, corner, and RB that means they have it everywhere on the field. :laugh3:

Aren't there a dozen threads with people telling us that Sherman isn't the top corner? Which is it?

No one is discrediting that Seattle has one of the top defenses of the last 10 years. But you believe that offense was full of the top people in the league? Are you fucking high? :lol:

Who was a top 10 WR on that team last season.

Name me more than one offensive lineman that would be a starter on any other team in the league.

Tell me how special their TE's are and show me where they rank among others at their position.

Yes, they have Marshawn and that's a hell of a back to put your offense on. I can name at least 3 other RB's that also are monsters on the field. How many of their offenses were carried to superbowls by them alone? Right.

Wilson does what he is asked to do and does it very well. He does so despite having one of the worst pass blocking lines in the entire league, what was described by every pundit as a mediocre receiving corp, and TE's that don't scare anyone.

Ask your own defense how shitty he is.....

I think while you were dialing them the Seahawks scored again.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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Have to interject here and say that the Hawks Oline was pretty shaky most of last year. Gotta give props to RW on his ability to scramble damn effectively.


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Apr 22, 2013
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Wilson is a great kid who walked into the perfect situation. But he had about as much to to with his team winning a Super Bowl as did other one and done's like Trent Dilfer. Once Seattle starts paying Wilson like the leagues really great QB's, instead of what he really is, a 3rd round caretaker, their team is gonna hit the skids. It already has in a way. Losing free agents, having a poor draft, and getting ready to finish 3rd in their own division behind SF and St Louis. Once the Seahawks start paying Badger Smurf 8 figures, it's all over

I haven't read through this thread yet, and will go out on a limb and guess that your opinion has been challenged somewhere in the 18 pages of discussion so far. My only thought is how inexpressibly glad I am that the people running the Seahawks don't think like you do. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Come on dude, I hope you don't think the AFC East is better than the AFC West? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Def not last season but last 13 years or so I bet AFCE went to the AFCG more than them and more SB's


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Jul 17, 2013
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Def not last season but last 13 years or so I bet AFCE went to the AFCG more than them and more SB's

AFC East has been better than the AFC West for a while. Last season obviously the AFC West showed some promise of being one of the better divisions in football again but definitely want to see them repeat it this year with a much tougher schedule. I don't think the Chiefs were as good as their record and I could see them slipping back quite a bit this season. Throw in now people have more tape on what Andy Reid wants to do on both sides of the ball. Denver is obviously the class of the division but honestly I could see it being them as the only playoff team this year.

Now I will say pointing towards the AFC East and them making the Championship game and SB's is a bit unfair considering what all NE has done in that time span. You take them out of the equation and it equals out a bit more. Still favors the AFC East though so I have no problem saying they have been the better division of the 2 in that time span.


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Dec 3, 2013
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AFC East has been better than the AFC West for a while. Last season obviously the AFC West showed some promise of being one of the better divisions in football again but definitely want to see them repeat it this year with a much tougher schedule. I don't think the Chiefs were as good as their record and I could see them slipping back quite a bit this season. Throw in now people have more tape on what Andy Reid wants to do on both sides of the ball. Denver is obviously the class of the division but honestly I could see it being them as the only playoff team this year.

Now I will say pointing towards the AFC East and them making the Championship game and SB's is a bit unfair considering what all NE has done in that time span. You take them out of the equation and it equals out a bit more. Still favors the AFC East though so I have no problem saying they have been the better division of the 2 in that time span.

No I agree and I know the Jets were the only other team in division to go to 2 AFCG and I think Pats to 8. I think the 3 other teams have potential but need real HC's in my opinion


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Jul 17, 2013
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No I agree and I know the Jets were the only other team in division to go to 2 AFCG and I think Pats to 8. I think the 3 other teams have potential but need real HC's in my opinion

That is still a pretty darn good stat though in 10 of the last 13 or whatever AFC Championship games the AFC East has been represented. I would take that in a heartbeat for the AFC West especially if the Broncos were the 8 like the Pats. It is so hard to stay on top in the NFL so for the Pats to have done it as much as they have just shows how good of a coach BB is and how good of a QB Brady is. Broncos have now won 3 straight division titles so hoping to see them get on one of those runs as Manning seems to think he is going to play 3 more years and hoping Elway can become the BB of GM's in this league. I've been impressed with him so far but it is easy to do your job when Manning is the quarterback. He makes everybody look good.


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Dec 3, 2013
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That is still a pretty darn good stat though in 10 of the last 13 or whatever AFC Championship games the AFC East has been represented. I would take that in a heartbeat for the AFC West especially if the Broncos were the 8 like the Pats. It is so hard to stay on top in the NFL so for the Pats to have done it as much as they have just shows how good of a coach BB is and how good of a QB Brady is. Broncos have now won 3 straight division titles so hoping to see them get on one of those runs as Manning seems to think he is going to play 3 more years and hoping Elway can become the BB of GM's in this league. I've been impressed with him so far but it is easy to do your job when Manning is the quarterback. He makes everybody look good.

CD I think Denver will be around for a long time to come. I real like Fox/Del Rio combo. A real HC has been to a few SB's and a Ex D player as your as DC. Throw that in with a stable of studs at WR and TE and Montee Ball at back. Even when Manning retires, and they pick up a better than Avg QB, I can see them competing for a long time


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Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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CD I think Denver will be around for a long time to come. I real like Fox/Del Rio combo. A real HC has been to a few SB's and a Ex D player as your as DC. Throw that in with a stable of studs at WR and TE and Montee Ball at back. Even when Manning retires, and they pick up a better than Avg QB, I can see them competing for a long time

It is the same for the Patriots. As long as BB is around they are going to be competitive. Brady obviously helps but BB has been doing it even before Brady came into the picture. Throw in there is quite a bit of young talent forming for NE right now. I am impressed especially with the defensive talent they have put together. Mayo might be one of my favorite Linebackers in the NFL. He does not always get the credit he deserves for what he does on the field. I also think Chandler is going to emerge as one of those consistent 10 sack guys a year that at the end everybody looks at him and says "Man that guy was better than we thought."

Could be a fun run between our 2 teams for a while! At least that is my great hope!


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Apr 23, 2013
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I find it funny,

-Wilson is "overrated" even though noone calls him an elite qb.

-Wilson only won a super bowl because of the D and RB, yet noone (cept caliskinsfan) mentions the terrible oline play all year, or the fact that his top TWO Wideouts missed basically the entire year (Rice) and the entire year (harvin)

-Then when good ol Gowazzu02 posts a ton of stats that show how Wilson really actually played very well, they just ignore them. Stats dont mean anything, repeat the D and RB argument
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