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Russell Wilson Still Has a Long Way to Go


Feb 3, 2014
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Certainly Russell Wilson is going to improve in every area of his game, which technically makes your thread title correct. But I can't help feeling it's only because he clearly has such a high ceiling that he has " a long way to go".
In return I'll ask you this, Can you think of another NFL star who has shown the willingness, no not willingness but the desire to put in the countless hours of work it takes to become great?


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Yeah, I understand the OP's point and it is kinda obvious when we really think about it. It's easy to lose sight of the fact that RW has only played 2 years because of the success he and the team has had. I love the kid but obviously, he, like every young QB that has ever played this game has to keep learning on the job and improving his overall game. I think the post about the O-line improving is a good one too. That will allow him to develop better in the pocket and that is the biggest thing, imo. I don't mind him continuing to look for the pass while on the run. Yeah, sometimes you watch a game and say," WTF, Russell, you could have walked for 10 yards there." But it is always preferrable in coaches and coordinators eyes to have the QB get the ball out of his hands when possible. He will be fine, because I think he has the desire and work ethic to never be satisfied with the past glory and will always be looking to being better.


Jul 20, 2013
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Not at all, I just know that he's just completed his second season and that he still has a lot he can improve upon. The areas I highlighted are not to be seen as a "Oh my God! He's terrible!", but more of a "What can he do to become better?". He is a hard worker, and a quick learner, but if Seattle wants to contend for more than the Super Bowl we just won, the players on the team can't get complacent with their success or they'll stop being competitive. I don't see that happening, but even though he had a higher QB rating and such, I thought that Wilson played better as a rookie than he did this year, not that he played bad this year, just that teams started to adjust to him and he was less effective overall (or at least he didn't perform much better). In the end, Russell Wilson is a major reason why Seattle won the Super Bowl, but he shouldn't be satisfied with what he's already accomplished.

I guess what I was trying to say is that after reviewing what the Seahawks have had for QB's, this guy is like finally getting a breath of fresh air. The main reason being probably is, less mental blunders than for his accuracy. What he has lacked in accuracy he has made up for with running skills and playing smart. Hasselbeck had far more passes batted down as I remember, trying to throw fast and low over the middle. Anyway Krieg, Moon, Dilfer etc. did some tremendous things but then usually once a game followed with something very negative especially in clutch games. Just like with Peyton, may have set the record for SB pass completions but negated it by forcing bad passes and getting pick 6'd. Seahawks have D first, running game next and a low pass low mistake QB formula. But I really think this season they had to rely on Wilson to pull a rabbit out of a hat in order to pull through with some needed wins a few times. The Peyton/Brady formula may not be the best way to win anymore even though we mostly all prefer to see memorable offenses to have real passion and hero's in the game.


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I don't understand the criticism about his accuracy. That was one of his big selling points when he was drafted and when he's on he throws darts. The thing with him is he's a rhythm qb and needs a couple of throws to find his range. At some points in the season the play calling didn't even give him a chance to get started and at others (the 49ers game in SF in particular) he was hot and they decided to put him in the cooler for god knows what reason. He also has to be in a position where he can be assertive. When he's on, he's not like you're typical qb. He's a football player who can throw the ball behind the LOS and he's always thinking about how to maximize the return on every play. Everyone talks about the "short" thing, but he was cutting apart the Broncos defense between the hash marks. I think everyone on the coaching staff had a "let's not fuck this up" attitude with the play calling. Now that we have the SB under our belt the coaching staff will be more willing to be aggressive on offense instead of being overly turnover adverse with the play calling.


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2 1/2 days after the Super Bowl Win, (during the Seahawks parade no less) and blstoker makes a long post casting a negative light on Russell Wilson and nit-picking every little flaw. Just a tad bit odd.


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
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2 1/2 days after the Super Bowl Win, (during the Seahawks parade no less) and blstoker makes a long post casting a negative light on Russell Wilson and nit-picking every little flaw. Just a tad bit odd.

He brings up valid points. Wilson is our franchise QB, but you must remember that he has an amazing team around him that really helped contribute to that Superbowl win.

The Seahawks won the Superbowl, but that does not mean that Wilson does not have room to improve. Nowhere did Blstoker say that Wilson is a bad QB, he simply pointed out where he could improve.


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May 22, 2013
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2 1/2 days after the Super Bowl Win, (during the Seahawks parade no less) and blstoker makes a long post casting a negative light on Russell Wilson and nit-picking every little flaw. Just a tad bit odd.
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