Well-Known Member
shot a 45 last night after about a month of playing shitty shitty golf
shots were coming off clean, only a couple miss hits...putting sucked though. Partially because the greens were dying and it really is tough to gauge speed on those fuckers, but also because I was pushing the ball on longer putts. Gross
lipped out 2 birdie putts.
Made an effort to having better posture when swinging, which puts a better face on the club at impact. Still hoping that will help with the slice on my driver.
Huh, I started doing that as well. Noticed I was getting too much on the toes of my feet, leading to slightly off balanced and miss-hit shots. More even balance on my feet straigtened out most of my shots and I even hit a draw or two in there.
It's always about the fundamentals.