Garage League
The whole talking to the refs in between games thing just bothers me. It reeks of foul play. I think there should be a rotation of refs in between every game to avoid just that. If someone has something to complain about, bring it to the series supervisor. It's hard to complain about something that is technically an infraction and the refs have the 'right' to call, but the amount of soft calls that have happened all series is just weird. Honestly, the Pens having 12 in 2 games is a crap ton. The penalty numbers against the Pens make sense. I'd rather the refs simply call an even game in the sense that they don't call as much instead of calling everything for both teams. I just have a gut feeling that the stupid "high stick" on St.Louis is what shifted their focus towards penalizing the Pens.
They are actually rotating refs... but the end result stays the same. Bylsma probably won't have much to say to the officials other than just to let them play.
Game #1
Eric Furlatt, Wes McCauley
Steve Barton, Steve Miller
Game #2
Tim Peel, Chris Rooney
Scott Cherrey, Greg Devorski
I remember from the past couple of post-seasons that as the games move along, it seems the ticky-tacky calls start to thin out. Maybe this will be the case in this series.
I'm not saying I want them to put their whistles away, I just want them to call penalties when they are there, and not call penalties because they feel the need to 'even up' for the opponent. Boucher bitching about calls he didn't get from game one, so he wants them in game 2?? C'mon, man:wacko: