Game fucking on!!
Funny stuff in this thread.
Thanks for the laughs guys.
Thanks for the laughs guys.
whats a rep point?
Funny stuff in this thread.
Thanks for the laughs guys.
You're welcome, Tox...
lol I'd rep you, but I just did in another thread, so get your grubby hands out of my damn pockets!!!
That was me. Sorry. Didn't think you'd notice.
Was just looking for gum.
I noticed all right. Shit, if you left your hand in there any longer I'd have to put a goddamn ring on your finger!!
I thought they were pennies too, but with your diligence, they somehow managed to expand into 2 rolls of Susan B. Anthony's with a mushroom cap.
Would you expect anything less....I mean, come on! lol
I need to whore it up, I am 9 points away from 500.
Let's see if Nicky will do the trick.