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Refs tried


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Jul 3, 2013
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I really don't care about the number of fouls called. I just look for a game that's called consistently. The one and only complaint that I have is with the "let them play" notion where the refs swallow the whistle in the last 2 minutes and in the playoffs. A foul is a foul regardless of when it happens.

Unfortunately, that has been part of things for decades, so it's unlikely to change. It's pretty much universally accepted.

I agree a foul is a foul when it happens... WHEN IT HAPPENS... Sadly NBA refs call fouls when they don't happen...

Beengay fudgepackers

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Ah, thank you for continuing to prove that you have no logical argument. Feel free to continue embarrassing yourself and showing how little you know about basketball by blaming the refs. I'll bet you have a whole room full of participation trophies to show what an incredible athlete you were. You're quite entertaining.
And again, you are doing nothing to prove my argument wrong. Thanks for your over simplification of what I am trying to say. A lot of children do the same.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Again you mention emotion... I really don't care who wins or loses... I care about watching a good game .. Refs kinda take that away sometimes...

Yep, clearly no emotion at all.

Dude GTFO.... Warriors were living on that free throw line in the 4th quarter... I think the Grizz were in the penalty with about 9 minutes left in the quarter give or take... Did you watch the game dude ? That was some ridiculous Chiat .... Refs simply wouldn't let the Grizz play D in the 4th quarter and it made the game a helluva lot closer than it should a been ....

Bottom line NBA refs suck ... They SUCK!!! They don't let teams play defense and they swing momentum with their ridiculous call's ...

OMG ... Dude ... lol common ... How many times do we watch refs blow the dam whistle for no dam reason... It's maddening... I"m not reaching for a conspiracy, i"m just stating what I watched, and I have no emotion for either squad...

So, is it the skinny jeans or are you just "naturally sensitive?" :lol:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I agree a foul is a foul when it happens... WHEN IT HAPPENS... Sadly NBA refs call fouls when they don't happen...

Who said the refs don't miss fouls or make bad calls? They are human. Are you seriously expecting games to be called perfectly? Because if you are, you may as well quit watching all sports because you are going to be extremely disappointed.

They miss fouls that should be called and call fouls when there are none. With players who are as big, fast and athletic as NBA players and as small as the court is in relation their size, it's impossible for them to not get every call right. In fact, it's kind of amazing how often video evidence shows the refs to be right when everyone thought they were wrong. All things considered, they actually do a pretty amazing job.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Who said the refs don't miss fouls or make bad calls? They are human. Are you seriously expecting games to be called perfectly? Because if you are, you may as well quit watching all sports because you are going to be extremely disappointed.

They miss fouls that should be called and call fouls when there are none. With players who are as big, fast and athletic as NBA players and as small as the court is in relation their size, it's impossible for them to not get every call right. In fact, it's kind of amazing how often video evidence shows the refs to be right when everyone thought they were wrong. All things considered, they actually do a pretty amazing job.

Dude... it's OVER and OVER that they call tick tack fouls that aren't fouls... Go watch the NBA in the 70' and some of the 80's ... flying into the paint and expecting a foul everytime was not part of the game... NBA refs are vaginized to call games like little puzzles... If you can't see that I'm sorry.... I'm not talking about getting every call right JESUS..


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Dude... it's OVER and OVER that they call tick tack fouls that aren't fouls... Go watch the NBA in the 70' and some of the 80's ... flying into the paint and expecting a foul everytime was not part of the game... NBA refs are vaginized to call games like little puzzles... If you can't see that I'm sorry.... I'm not talking about getting every call right JESUS..

I've been following the NBA since 1970. There have always been ticky tack fouls called. The only difference is that since the late 1990's the rule book has changed to discourage the physical style we saw in the 80's and 90's. So if you have an issue with the way the game is called, bitch to or about the rules committee and/or commissioner who responded when fans cried about wanting a less physical, more up and down style.

For example, "hand checking" was a widely taught part of perimeter defense. Now it's a foul. Not because the refs suddenly decided to start calling it but because the rule changed.

Memphis and the Bulls are probably the 2 most physical teams in the league and they would be considered soft by 90's standards.


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Jul 3, 2013
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I've been following the NBA since 1970. There have always been ticky tack fouls called. The only difference is that since the late 1990's the rule book has changed to discourage the physical style we saw in the 80's and 90's. So if you have an issue with the way the game is called, bitch to or about the rules committee and/or commissioner who responded when fans cried about wanting a less physical, more up and down style.

For example, "hand checking" was a widely taught part of perimeter defense. Now it's a foul. Not because the refs suddenly decided to start calling it but because the rule changed.

Memphis and the Bulls are probably the 2 most physical teams in the league and they would be considered soft by 90's standards.

Dude I"ve been watching the NBA also since the 70's and i'm calling BS ... The game was reffed way different back in the day... WAY more physical style of play and much more low post defense.... My argument isn't that tick tack call's can happen from time to time, so stop deceiving yourself for the sake of an argument .... 70's and 80's the teams were allowed to play WAY MORE PHYSICAL overall ... You know that and I know that.... Oh and stop looking at guy's in skinny jeans bro ....


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Dude I"ve been watching the NBA also since the 70's and i'm calling BS ... The game was reffed way different back in the day... WAY more physical style of play and much more low post defense.... My argument isn't that tick tack call's can happen from time to time, so stop deceiving yourself for the sake of an argument .... 70's and 80's the teams were allowed to play WAY MORE PHYSICAL overall ... You know that and I know that.... Oh and stop looking at guy's in skinny jeans bro ....

It was reffed different because the rules were different. There is no conspiracy. It really is that simple.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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It was reffed different because the rules were different. There is no conspiracy. It really is that simple.

Actually it's been proven their has been conspiracy's in the NBA with refs... That's not even debatable... Point shaving and betting has been going on... Tim Donaghy not only admitted it, but also implicated many other refs who were in on it... He then did a 180 after, and tried to say it was only him... BS ... His life was probably threatened who knows...


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Actually it's been proven their has been conspiracy's in the NBA with refs... That's not even debatable... Point shaving and betting has been going on... Tim Donaghy not only admitted it, but also implicated many other refs who were in on it... He then did a 180 after, and tried to say it was only him... BS ... His life was probably threatened who knows...

So, one guy gets caught. Claims "everyone else was doing it too" to try and get himself a lighter sentence. Then he recants and says it was only him.

And you see that as indisputable proof of a grand conspiracy? Really?!? :tinfoil3:

The faster you go, the behinder you get.


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So, one guy gets caught. Claims "everyone else was doing it too" to try and get himself a lighter sentence. Then he recants and says it was only him.

And you see that as indisputable proof of a grand conspiracy? Really?!? :tinfoil3:

The faster you go, the behinder you get.

Actually he might be right about that.


Well-Known Member
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Im a GSWs fan who can admit that bad calls were made in the 4th.

What I dont get is how in the hell are you going to ignore the terrible calls made earlier in the game?

If you're a fan, of course you want the win no matter how bad the calls are. But it shouldnt sit well with you. You feel like you cheated.

BUT, as far as that game goes, the way I look at it, it evened out. There were some big time bullshit calls made against GSW so hard to feel too bad about the 4th qtr calls