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Refs tried


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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No, I hate the stat because it proves nothing except that fouls were called. Seriously, if you know how to construct/deconstruct an argument, you would know that the fouls called stat proves absolutely nothing.

If you knew anything about basketball, you'd realize that they do. There was no large free throw differential that you would expect to see. The only free throw differential in the 4th quarter was the result of GSW finally getting into an offensive rhythm and the Grizzlies trying to stop them with tired legs and while going through an offensive drought.

Generally speaking, I do agree that there are "lies, damn lies and statistics," but the stats show that there was no significant difference in fouls called throughout the game. Had the Grizzlies not recovered and won, it would not have been the refs fault. It would have been the Grizzlies fault for choking.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
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If you knew anything about basketball, you'd realize that they do. There was no large free throw differential that you would expect to see. The only free throw differential in the 4th quarter was the result of GSW finally getting into an offensive rhythm and the Grizzlies trying to stop them with tired legs and while going through an offensive drought.

Generally speaking, I do agree that there are "lies, damn lies and statistics," but the stats show that there was no significant difference in fouls called throughout the game. Had the Grizzlies not recovered and won, it would not have been the refs fault. It would have been the Grizzlies fault for choking.
Oh my god, I feel like I'm arguing with a 7 year old... They don't. Some teams foul more than others. Some teams that don't foul much, foul a ton in one game. That stat proves absolutely fucking nothing other than the fact that fouls were called. NOTHING!!! Stop acting like it does.


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No, I hate the stat because it proves nothing except that fouls were called. Seriously, if you know how to construct/deconstruct an argument, you would know that the fouls called stat proves absolutely nothing. I would change my mind if you could, without a doubt, prove that the referees were fair by using that stat. That's like saying the police are catching every person that speeds based on the total speeding tickets they give. It doesn't address several other issues...

Bottom line NBA refs suck ... They SUCK!!! They don't let teams play defense and they swing momentum with their ridiculous call's ...


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I got a better idea. You gtfo with blaming the refs nonsense. Take your tinfoil hat off. There is no grand conspiracy. It happens all of the time, especially when teams play physical defense. They get tired, they start reaching instead of moving their feet and fouls get called.

And yes, I watched the game. I saw Memphis start reaching, go into one of their offensive droughts and I saw a very good offensive team play like a very good offensive team. It happens all of the time throughout the regular season and playoffs.

I'm really beginning to question whether or not you watched the game or any other games, ever.

OMG ... Dude ... lol common ... How many times do we watch refs blow the dam whistle for no dam reason... It's maddening... I"m not reaching for a conspiracy, i"m just stating what I watched, and I have no emotion for either squad...


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Oh my god, I feel like I'm arguing with a 7 year old... They don't. Some teams foul more than others. Some teams that don't foul much, foul a ton in one game. That stat proves absolutely fucking nothing other than the fact that fouls were called. NOTHING!!! Stop acting like it does.

Okay, whatever you say. I'll continue with my opinion and you can continue to lamely blame refs. I'll bet you're wearing skinny jeans too. :lol:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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OMG ... Dude ... lol common ... How many times do we watch refs blow the dam whistle for no dam reason... It's maddening... I"m not reaching for a conspiracy, i"m just stating what I watched, and I have no emotion for either squad...

:lol: Your skinny jeans are too tight. It's cutting off the circulation to your brain and causing you to react emotionally rather than logically.

You need to go change into a pair of Levi 501's before you end up like Bruce Jenner.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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Okay, whatever you say. I'll continue with my opinion and you can continue to lamely blame refs. I'll bet you're wearing skinny jeans too. :lol:
I'm not even blaming the refs in these posts. I don't think you understand my argument at all.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I'm not even blaming the refs in these posts. I don't think you understand my argument at all.

I do understand it. I disagree with it. I don't think stats are the be all, end all and I understand that they can be manipulated. However, to just dismiss them as irrelevant because you don't like what they show is shortsighted.

I watched the game and the free throw and number of fouls bear out exactly what I watched.

Oh and this looks like ref blaming to me.

The NBA is the only professional sporting league where I truly believe the officials are corrupted. It's already been proven when Tim Donaghy was caught. He said that everyone does it, but nobody believes him because he's a dirtbag. I personally think there are plenty of other officials that do the same, whether it be to keep superstar players in the playoffs longer or if it's caused by gambling, I am not sure, but I am convinced that NBA referees are corrupt. It's so easy for NBA referees to do as well because there is really no repercussions if they do blow a game for a team. They might get a slap on the wrist behind closed doors, but I'm willing to bet that slap on the wrist is really a high five. Just go look at FIFA officials. They are so worried about corruption that if even 1 call is blown in a big game, then that referee is banned from that teams games, maybe even that leagues games. AND CORRUPTION STILL HAPPENS!!! How come we just assume it doesn't happen in the USA, where it's so easy to get away with it and keep your job at the same time?

And then there's this:

No, I hate the stat because it proves nothing except that fouls were called. Seriously, if you know how to construct/deconstruct an argument, you would know that the fouls called stat proves absolutely nothing. I would change my mind if you could, without a doubt, prove that the referees were fair by using that stat. That's like saying the police are catching every person that speeds based on the total speeding tickets they give. It doesn't address several other issues...

Are you serious with the bold? Really?!? Who claimed the refs get every foul? They miss things. They miss them because they are human, not because of some grand conspiracy. The refs aren't corrupted because of what Donaghy said any more than you would be a thief just because one of your co-workers was caught stealing from the company you work for.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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I do understand it. I disagree with it. I don't think stats are the be all, end all and I understand that they can be manipulated. However, to just dismiss them as irrelevant because you don't like what they show is shortsighted.

I watched the game and the free throw and number of fouls bear out exactly what I watched.

Oh and this looks like ref blaming to me.

And then there's this:

Are you serious with the bold? Really?!? Who claimed the refs get every foul? They miss things. They miss them because they are human, not because of some grand conspiracy. The refs aren't corrupted because of what Donaghy said any more than you would be a thief just because one of your co-workers was caught stealing from the company you work for.
I'm arguing that the stat that was provided proves nothing. You have provided nothing that proves me otherwise. Nothing at all.


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
Eugene, OR
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Less fouls need to be called in the nba overall. Tired of these refs trying to take over games. There's a reason some compare the nba to WWE.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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I'm arguing that the stat that was provided proves nothing. You have provided nothing that proves me otherwise. Nothing at all.

You keep telling yourself that. Maybe if you do it enough times you'll even believe what you're saying yourself.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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:lol: Your skinny jeans are too tight. It's cutting off the circulation to your brain and causing you to react emotionally rather than logically.

You need to go change into a pair of Levi 501's before you end up like Bruce Jenner.

Again ... I HAVE no emotion for either team... I"m just trying too watch a good basketball game... Refs suck.. And dude skinny jeans ? Your not a tootie fruity are you ? :scratch:


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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Less fouls need to be called in the nba overall. Tired of these refs trying to take over games. There's a reason some compare the nba to WWE.

Thank you .... couldn't agree more...


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Again ... I HAVE no emotion for either team... I"m just trying too watch a good basketball game... Refs suck.. And dude skinny jeans ? Your not a tootie fruity are you ? :scratch:

Not me. I'm not the one wearing them. You are, as evidenced by the emotion in your posts.

Oh, and I watched a great basketball game. The team I was pulling for won and everything. It was really cool. Sorry you missed it.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Less fouls need to be called in the nba overall. Tired of these refs trying to take over games. There's a reason some compare the nba to WWE.

I really don't care about the number of fouls called. I just look for a game that's called consistently. The one and only complaint that I have is with the "let them play" notion where the refs swallow the whistle in the last 2 minutes and in the playoffs. A foul is a foul regardless of when it happens.

Unfortunately, that has been part of things for decades, so it's unlikely to change. It's pretty much universally accepted.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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You keep telling yourself that. Maybe if you do it enough times you'll even believe what you're saying yourself.
You're either below the age of 16 or fucking retarded. I'm leaning towards both. You have no idea what is going on. Join your local schools debate club. If you have your GED, you should be upset that your schooling system failed you so miserably.


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
Eugene, OR
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I really don't care about the number of fouls called. I just look for a game that's called consistently. The one and only complaint that I have is with the "let them play" notion where the refs swallow the whistle in the last 2 minutes and in the playoffs. A foul is a foul regardless of when it happens.

Unfortunately, that has been part of things for decades, so it's unlikely to change. It's pretty much universally accepted.
I see this point of view, I agree...but I'd just like to see overall less fouls called in the nba season. I think we agree with that as well, you want a consistent game, as do I, consistency with less fouls called overall. Just let them play at all times.

I can't stand it when an all star player goes up for a layup or close range shot and misses due to good defense, yet a foul is called because the mindset is, "there's no way this all star player misses that shot without some sort of contact. "


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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You're either below the age of 16 or fucking retarded. I'm leaning towards both. You have no idea what is going on. Join your local schools debate club. If you have your GED, you should be upset that your schooling system failed you so miserably.

Ah, thank you for continuing to prove that you have no logical argument. Feel free to continue embarrassing yourself and showing how little you know about basketball by blaming the refs. I'll bet you have a whole room full of participation trophies to show what an incredible athlete you were. You're quite entertaining.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I see this point of view, I agree...but I'd just like to see overall less fouls called in the nba season. I think we agree with that as well, you want a consistent game, as do I, consistency with less fouls called overall. Just let them play at all times.

I can't stand it when an all star player goes up for a layup or close range shot and misses due to good defense, yet a foul is called because the mindset is, "there's no way this all star player misses that shot without some sort of contact. "

Believe me, given a choice, I want fewer fouls called overall. I loved the more physical style of the 80's and 90's. Some of those games, especially in the Eastern Conference in the 90's were bloodbaths. Made for some incredible series and games. They were sooo much fun to watch.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Not me. I'm not the one wearing them. You are, as evidenced by the emotion in your posts.

Oh, and I watched a great basketball game. The team I was pulling for won and everything. It was really cool. Sorry you missed it.

Again you mention emotion... I really don't care who wins or loses... I care about watching a good game .. Refs kinda take that away sometimes...