Viva El Gordo!
Good to have you back, Tenac!
Good to have you back, Tenac!
Im good just ready for this divorce to get final. I get the kids the house and the car.
Im good just ready for this divorce to get final. I get the kids the house and the car.
isnt that one and the same for you?
Im good just ready for this divorce to get final. I get the kids the house and the car.
Hey... You know why divorce is so expensive?
and much like the sun rising...the cycle begins anew and rock want to have sex but are afraid now uno is courting down....while rock and snoogs try to fuck behind unos back...
you know same old same old
alright ladies
im not gonna be here til monday, enjoy
down and francis, keep uno occupied til i return, thanks
later ladies
Because it's worth it?
Who we got left out there?
Bucky for sure.
Was Floff the one with the av of himself in a car with nice p0rn-stache? I lose track sometimes and can't remember.
Pete have the av of the dudes fighting in the mud, or always Yankee Stadium?
Who else? Visionquest... Hmmm...
you are lucky, tenac
you live in New England and get a dee-vorce, you have almost zero chance of getting the kids or the house no matter what the wife did or whose fault the breakup was
Glad to hear.
I never liked that wife of your's, anyway. Too much bitching.
I have no idea about her, actually, just trying to be a good friend.
I cant get a avatar up it wont let me