Well-Known Member
Thought Marco was going to have a rough day but he turned in a solid game. Never did I think they drop 7 on Sale but I'll take it. Team played well tonight.
That irritated me and came off as condescending.
You can probably argue that A-Rod is the most hated former player in Seattle sports history. Off the top of my head I can't really think of anyone who comes close.
Yeah, it is kinda ironic... Also, I have nothing against women broadcasting a male's game but this woman in the booth is annoying... I don't like how this industry forces this agenda... I'm all for equal rights but this lady isn't very good... I grew up with only sisters (3) and have all daughters (3)… It's just getting annoying having this crammed down our throat among other things...
The thing is all he had to do was say yeah I took the money. I mean he still would have been booed sure, but I really don't think the dislike would have been nearly as great or even still really exist anymore if he had done that. Look at Randy. He's loved in Seattle, even after he tanked half a season to get out of here. But he never BS'd the fan base, at least not directly and so people don't care.
I also think part of the bitterness is compounded by the fact that we lost one of the greatest players of that generation when he was only 24 and we received nothing for him.
It's tough not to imagine how many games that 2001 team would've won if A-Rod was on the team. Maybe the playoffs would've gone differently too.
Eh, my animosity is two fold. His first press conference with the Rangers where he said it wasn’t about the money, it was about winning. Then most importantly, the Mariners negotiating with and offering ARod more money than they were negotiating with Junior IMO led to his tantrum that made him demand a trade.
Then Santana absolutely ends a balls lifeWTF????? First pitch and Smith shoots a bomb? This is starting to look un f'n real!!
Haven't had this much fun watching the M's in a long, long time.![]()