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Really guys


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
Chicago, IL
Hoopla Cash
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I understand that the refs make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes impact a team's performance.

I don't understand why anyone would bother complaining about it. It's never going to change and it makes you sound like a fool. It really does. Have you ever read a comment on another team's game and saw people complaining about officiating and just shake your head. It's a worthless discussion to have and seriously makes you look like a whiny baby.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The "hold" on Bailey in the 4th qtr when Lynch scored was as bad as it gets, that was a text book block where he drove the guy back 10 yards down the field and at no time did he hold, yet a blatant hold on 3rd and 6 on STL last TD drive was not flagged. Then there was the PI on Simond in the first quarter of the game where replay CLEARLY shows Quick holding Simonds shoulder pad, which again was a 3rd down and the flag extended the drive which ended up in the endzone. It has been a recurring theme of the Hawks playing the opponent and the refs this season.

4 flags for SEA, 8 for GB
8 flags for SEA, 6 for SD
7 flags for SEA, 4 for DEN
13 flags for SEA, 3 for WAS
9 flags for SEA, 6 for DAL
10 flags for SEA, 2 for STL

As you can see, only one game we were not called for more flags than the opponents, but 13-3 and 10-2 are obviously not evenly called games. Especially when blantant fouls are occuring that are not being called on the opponents, but flagged every time on the Hawks.

Also out of all those flags, the Hawks have had at least 4 or 5 TD's taken off the board. Some we shot ourselves with but other flags were horrible calls also.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I understand that the refs make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes impact a team's performance.

I don't understand why anyone would bother complaining about it. It's never going to change and it makes you sound like a fool. It really does. Have you ever read a comment on another team's game and saw people complaining about officiating and just shake your head. It's a worthless discussion to have and seriously makes you look like a whiny baby.

Everybody that's on the field is fair game. When the players stink we complain, when the coaches get out coached we complain and when the refs suck we get to complain. It goes with the territory. I'll complain about the refs when it is called for (yesterday afternoon) but I will also lay blame on the first half woes and our poor ST play.


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I understand that the refs make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes impact a team's performance.

I don't understand why anyone would bother complaining about it. It's never going to change and it makes you sound like a fool. It really does. Have you ever read a comment on another team's game and saw people complaining about officiating and just shake your head. It's a worthless discussion to have and seriously makes you look like a whiny baby.

Oh, I so agree with you. It gets embarrassing actually. No amount of complaining will change anything and bad calls even out, at least some what. I find complaining about calls or the refs, in a whole different category then critizing your team, your owner, your GM, your coach, or the players. I say that because all those complaints are about your team, so fair game. Complaining about the refs falls into the poor sport category.

Yet every active board has the regular complainers about refs and nobody is going to stop them from complaining about calls and refs, never ever, their committed to it. With a passion.

So the rest of the board gets branded by it and we just have to deal with it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't think anybody likes to complain about the officials or looks to do it, but it's hard not to say something when you see blatantly bad calls. I cringe when bad calls/no-calls go in our favor too, because I know that somebody is going to say something and they'll be right to do so.

Having said that, it's not like people are whining about a bunch of iffy calls/non-calls or seeing penalties where none were committed or suggesting that the Seahawks played an otherwise clean game. We're talking about calls that should have been made that were missed and calls that were made that shouldn't have been. I think the most egregious misses were the neck/helmet-takedown no-calls with St. Louis on defense. It happened several times and was never called. It's not like that's one of those calls that people say could be flagged on every play like they say about holding. It's not exactly a subtle penalty either. You can't tell me you weren't yelling at your TV each time it happened and wasn't called.

The Hawks certainly had their share of legitimate penalties called on them and that's something that has been a staple of Carroll's teams in his entire time here, but I think that having that rep and the rep of being a physical team has worked against them at times.

Plenty has been said about how badly the special teams played all day and how bad the offense looked in the first half. I don't know why missed calls/non-calls can't be part of the post-game conversation when they also had an impact on the game. It won't change anything to complain about blatantly bad officiating calls, but neither will getting pissed off about crappy special teams play, horrible blocking and lack of pass rush, but we talk about that kind of stuff after every game when it's warranted.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
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Jul 3, 2013
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And I am not trying to argue that all the calls are not legit. I just want them to call the same penalties on the opposing team when they are commiting the exact same fouls we are, just without the flag being thrown.

Actually some of the calls weren't legit... I was ticked off yesterday at some of the utterly cheesy holding calls... I'm not making excuses for our lack of focus and terrible first half ... But add in stupid penalties and it compounds the issue ... Refs were shit yesterday ...


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Apr 26, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I hate to blame refs, but there have been some serious bad calls and non calls against our team. Can anyone honestly say Sherm should of been called for tripping in the Dallas game? Carp flagged for PF on 1 of the 3 Harvin TD's in DC. Fumble recovery by Sherm in the Lambs game? 2 out of 3 of these games were losses decided by these calls.

How come I can see at least 3 helmet hits on RW during the Skins game and the refs can't? He was getting the crap beat out of him.

Penalties are part of the game and refs have a tough job, but when they keep making mistakes on crucial or game deciding calls...They need to be held accountable!

But it's all good... The league will call the team the next day and say they fucked up!


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
Chicago, IL
Hoopla Cash
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I hate to blame refs, but there have been some serious bad calls and non calls against our team. Can anyone honestly say Sherm should of been called for tripping in the Dallas game? Carp flagged for PF on 1 of the 3 Harvin TD's in DC. Fumble recovery by Sherm in the Lambs game? 2 out of 3 of these games were losses decided by these calls.

How come I can see at least 3 helmet hits on RW during the Skins game and the refs can't? He was getting the crap beat out of him.

Penalties are part of the game and refs have a tough job, but when they keep making mistakes on crucial or game deciding calls...They need to be held accountable!

But it's all good... The league will call the team the next day and say they fucked up!

There is not ONE SINGLE TEAM in the whole NFL that can't make the same claims.

THAT is why blaming the refs makes people look like big giant whiny babies.


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Apr 26, 2013
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Not blaming, just pointing it out. Just seems worse than usual to me is all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
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It was pretty hilarious how, after one of our OL took a rams DT to the ground and drew a holding flag, the color guy says "well thats just a call thats going happen 10 times out of 10". then literally a series or two later on a critical 3rd down for the rams their OL blatantly tackles one of our DTs and it doesnt get called.

but, i thought i was gonna get called 10 times out of 10.

oh and the head ref congratulating fisher on the fake punt, that was just wonderful. wake me up when a ref congratulates one of our coaches.
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