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New Member
Dec 8, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
You know what, I have been thinking about this series and have realized if they lose tomorrow nite its not one of the ultimate choke jobs. The could just have easily lost the first three games and been swept. Its not like we dominated the first three and totally fell apart. The Wings are a very good team and it would be extremely disappointing to lose tomorrow, but I dont think its one of the ultimate choke jobs. The reality is every game could have gone either way and I just hope we fight hard. Thats all I ask for is to go out with "GUTS". If the Wings beat so be it, Ill tip my cap and say the better team won. Now if they dont show heart and got there ass handed to them at home then I will have a problem. Go down with a fight boys! Thats all I ask for. We all have been very hard on this team. I think this team has showed a lot of heart, except for Patty. I dont want to get started on him. We should all be proud of our team no matter what and be excited for future Sharks teams. I think there is a strong young core and the best is still to come.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2010
somewhere i shouldn't be
Hoopla Cash
$ 737.76
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strong young core and 3 geezers who are shit except for jumbo taking 40% of the cap space


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
strong young core and 3 geezers who are shit except for jumbo taking 40% of the cap space

Yeah, I know. Im trying to be positive. I really do see hope for the future. I know we still need some major parts, but I dont think theres a need to clean house. Get rid of Marleau for something and keep Joe. Heatley is untradeable. Unless there is GM out there who wants a worthless two way player. Not sure theres a GM out there like that. I think there are teams that will jump at the chance at taking Patty.


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Lets all just hope for a battle tomorrow nite and an exciting game 7. There are a lot of teams golfing right now and we are playing a game 7 in the second round of the playoffs. Lets all remember only one team can win the cup each year. We should be proud our team is always in that conversation. In my book the Sharks have only choked in two series, Edmonton and Wings a few years back. That Anaheim team was damn good and matched up against us perfect. That was not a choke job. Anaheim was just better. They were the 8th seed cause they had a lot of injuries and came into the playoffs on fire. Its nbot like were the Bills and lost four Super Bowls in a row. These are analysts each year who pick the Sharks and put high expectations on them. When can we just say the other teams were better and we werent as gtood as everyone thought. I really dont see this franchise as a bunch of chokers.


Active Member
Oct 27, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
no doubt about the strong core. Pavs, seto, cooch, gooch, clowe, Mitchell (though I can hardly include him), demers, wellwood (who better as hell get resigned), vlasic, white (I would expect him to resign too), Nemo are all 28 or under. That is a lot of guys coming into their primes, not to mention up-and-comers like braun who are likely to debut next year. The sharks really do have the supporting cast to make a legit cup run for the next 2-3 years. The key will be getting the proven veteran few that will step up just when needed and help lead the team. Also, that younger core is proving that htey are pretty clutch, hardworking guys. Clowe and cooch have been arguably the 2 best forwards on the team. Pavs has a history of coming up big. Demers is rounding into a very nice Dman and already has a few big goals. The younger guys are already starting to take the reins, so with a little help and a few new big time faces, I would definitely be quite optimistic...


Active Member
Nov 22, 2010
Austin, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Jesus, what is it with you guys and not using line breaks.



New Member
Dec 8, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
no doubt about the strong core. Pavs, seto, cooch, gooch, clowe, Mitchell (though I can hardly include him), demers, wellwood (who better as hell get resigned), vlasic, white (I would expect him to resign too), Nemo are all 28 or under. That is a lot of guys coming into their primes, not to mention up-and-comers like braun who are likely to debut next year. The sharks really do have the supporting cast to make a legit cup run for the next 2-3 years. The key will be getting the proven veteran few that will step up just when needed and help lead the team. Also, that younger core is proving that htey are pretty clutch, hardworking guys. Clowe and cooch have been arguably the 2 best forwards on the team. Pavs has a history of coming up big. Demers is rounding into a very nice Dman and already has a few big goals. The younger guys are already starting to take the reins, so with a little help and a few new big time faces, I would definitely be quite optimistic...

+1. Nice post Rules! I really believe if this team gets some experienced leaders with the talented young core we have, I think we could really contend. To be honest, this team has played much better than I ever expected. I think Wellwood and White have been excellent additions. I really like Braun's potential and what isnt there to love about his ability to get pucks through from the point, which our PP seems to always lack in the playoffs. It will be very difficult to get teams to take Heatley, which could be the downfall of this team. I think there are a lot of teams out there that would take Patty in a heartbeat. I say keep Joe. I know hes expensive, but we cant get rid of all our bad contracts. He has shown the most heart and leadership of the three. Maybe Calgary says to themselves we cant win with Iginla (yeah right) and we can trade Patty for him. Maybe we can trade Heatley and say Mitchell for Suter. I know it seems idiotic for the Preds to make that trade, but that team lacks scoring every year and we could really use a shut down D Man.