Dr. Strangelove
Well-Known Member
He's trying to get in before the market correction, imo. I think there is far too much of supply on quality WRs these days to continue the trend of overpays that we are seeing. Yes, certain guys are elite or very good but I think GMs are going to realize soon that putting all your resources into that position doesn't really help you win championships. Thinking back, the only teams that won SBs with an elite WR were the Chiefs with Hill ( and 2 more without him ) and the Colts with Harrison in this century. Common denominator being HOF QBs. Maybe Demaryius Thomas but the Broncos won with defense. The rest have relied on a bunch of pretty good guys and possession receivers or great defense.$40M per is crazy. It's just too soon for that. It only goes up a couple million per year. But, I suspect after this upcoming season Chase is not only the highest paid WR but the first one you guys are all taking in your FF drafts too. Bet this man this year and his QB too. It's going to be huge. IF...they both can stay healthy. I already have my "over" bets in on both of them