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Rams Acquire #1 Pick


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Jul 16, 2013
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No one is going to give us anything for fools gold. With that contract we would probably have to give them a draft pick to take him.

You don't understand his contract then. Rams have already paid his bonus, so the receiving team doesn't have to pay that. They would only be on the hook for his base salary of $1.75M in 2016. His base salary of $10.75M in 2017 is not guaranteed.


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I with you Shopsin, I'm trying to be optimistic. Hoping the kid does good, we get a qb and we get criticism, we can't even win for trying. Yeah, we don't like giving up those picks, but you need to take risks sometimes. If this fails than Snisher is out.


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Develop the ones they have except for Keenum shopson. That's what other teams do. The Rams had plenty of chances in the past four years and they chose Foles and Mannion. Why would you think that this trade is now going to give us the franchise QB you suggest we need if our offense is predicated on a maintain QB and a run game? We don't know what we have with Mannion. If they do know and they still did this, then they wasted yet another pick.

I think both Goff and especially Wentz as prospects are much better than the Rams have had since the GSOT, including Bradford.

Teams waste draft picks on later round QBs all the time, fishing for a surprise. Rams continued to draft 6th round QBs before Mannion, which almost never bear fruit. Mannion could still be retained, we don't know. His projections during the draft last year were for a future backup.

2015 NFL Draft Profile: Sean Mannion

Matt Schaub
Tall, rhythm thrower who shows an ability to play with confidence and accuracy when used as a game manager within an offense featuring a strong rushing attack. Mannion needs plays to stay on schedule or his confidence becomes shaky and the turnovers start rolling in. Mannion lacks arm talent to carry an offense, but has enough ability to become a capable backup.


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Jul 4, 2013
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Why, why, why in the hell did we do this? We basically let the Titans do to us what we did to the Skins. You would think the Rams out of all teams would not do this based on what happened with RGIII. I haven't been following the draft prospects but I know none of those QB's have been buzzing to the point where a team gives up the house for them. This trade makes my head hurt.


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Same Rams team, just in a different city. I said the stupidity will follow the Rams from St. Louis to LA... And look what happened.
Sadly this doesn't surprise me one bit.

I think that this is the first time in a very long time where I have just lost interest in the Rams (part of the reason why I haven't been on these boards much lately). I think it all started with how piss poor the move was handled by the organization and the league and now them giving up the farm on someone that is essentially an unknown on what we'll get.

I know it's a very fresh wound for many of you, but I choose to be positive about the trade and hope for good value picks with what's left of their draft. If you guys want to assume they'll blow everything (despite a pretty solid drafting resume from Snisher), that's your prerogative.

I will ask this however; how else do you suggest the Rams finally get a real QB? Hope one becomes available in FA (rare)? Hope a later pick bears fruit (even though you have no faith in the FO to make good picks)? The Rams made the biggest jump to #1 in draft history (14 slots), while giving up less in trade value than the Redskins did to move up 4 slots.

I want very much to be wrong about this and that whichever QB the Rams decide on does stay with the organization for his entire career and ends up being a HOF QB. I just don't see that potential right now from anyone in this draft class. If there was a QB that was a can't miss pick like Peyton Manning was coming out of that draft, then I would understand giving up all that they did and would think that this would be a steal for the Rams.

As for your second question, I would have much rather stuck it out at 15 and gotten Lynch. We wouldn't have given up anything and could still have ended up with a QB as good as they'll get with the 1st pick. Also, this team is not just one player away from seriously contending. Those picks could've been used to fill positions of need on guys that could start immediately.


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Jul 16, 2013
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I don't agree that Lynch is as good as Goff or Wentz. If he was, he would be in the discussion for a top 10 pick, not often rumored to the Broncos at #31. He's much rawer than Goff or Wentz and reminds me of a slower Kaepernick.


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I don't agree that Lynch is as good as Goff or Wentz. If he was, he would be in the discussion for a top 10 pick, not often rumored to the Broncos at #31. He's much rawer than Goff or Wentz and reminds me of a slower Kaepernick.

But can you say that Goff or Wentz are #1 pick material and worth what was given up? When you give up as much as the Rams did to trade to #1, you better be 1000% sure that he's going to be the backbone of the franchise and instantly produce for many, many years.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Fisher: Les, we can't keep selling Keenum as our starter. if we have another losing record this year, we will both be fired. we need to make a splash in this draft

Les: Jeff, this team is not just a QB away. we have several holes to fill and an Oline that can't pass protect because you wanted maulers for your ground and pound scheme. it would cost way too much to move to #1. a trade like that is not in the best interest of the team/fans.

Jeff: this isn't about the team or the fans. this is about both of us having a job after this next season. no one is going to hire me after this and chances are, your GM days will be over as well since we didn't capitalize on the RG3 trade like we should have. by making a splash and taking a QB, we can buy ourselves another 3 years at least.

Les: okay, but what about Stan?

Jeff: Stan doesn't have a clue about football. all he cares about is money. we tell him this is the best move for the organization and will get fans excited about the season and maximize his profits and he will be all in.

Les: and the fans? they are going to see right through this and know the team is not just a QB away?

Jeff: Les, we are master BSers. when this doesn't work out this season, or next season, we tell the fans we knew this was going to be a process and not a miracle fix. that we knew the QB was going to need time to develop and that would give us time to fill in the other holes.

Les: but Jeff, after this trade, we won't have any draft capital to fill those holes.

Jeff: Les, it doesn't matter if we save the draft capital only to be fired next year. get it done.
this will buy us 3 more years of fleecing Stan. the fans will just have to trust that we know what we are doing.

Les: alright, if we do this, we are going to do this together and sell the crap out of this like it's the best move at the best time for this franchise no matter what.

Jeff: sounds good to me


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Jul 18, 2013
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Develop the ones they have except for Keenum shopson. That's what other teams do. The Rams had plenty of chances in the past four years and they chose Foles and Mannion. Why would you think that this trade is now going to give us the franchise QB you suggest we need if our offense is predicated on a maintain QB and a run game? We don't know what we have with Mannion. If they do know and they still did this, then they wasted yet another pick.

:clap: Bravo!!!


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Jul 11, 2013
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Sadly this doesn't surprise me one bit.

I think that this is the first time in a very long time where I have just lost interest in the Rams (part of the reason why I haven't been on these boards much lately). I think it all started with how piss poor the move was handled by the organization and the league and now them giving up the farm on someone that is essentially an unknown on what we'll get.

I want very much to be wrong about this and that whichever QB the Rams decide on does stay with the organization for his entire career and ends up being a HOF QB. I just don't see that potential right now from anyone in this draft class. If there was a QB that was a can't miss pick like Peyton Manning was coming out of that draft, then I would understand giving up all that they did and would think that this would be a steal for the Rams.

As for your second question, I would have much rather stuck it out at 15 and gotten Lynch. We wouldn't have given up anything and could still have ended up with a QB as good as they'll get with the 1st pick. Also, this team is not just one player away from seriously contending. Those picks could've been used to fill positions of need on guys that could start immediately.

I completely agree and I understand your frustration and hope you continue to post here!

The success rate of young qbs coming into the pros now a days is very very slim! Especially the ones that are picked very high! They usually go to a team that isn't very good(like us) and end up in a bad situation. How many times have we seen this sort of situation fail?

I'm with you, I would have preferred we build in other areas first and just stick with who we have.:gaah:


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Is anyone going to start up a Rams jersey for all of our starting QB's since Bulger left, like the one in that Cleveland Browns fan picture that had them all listed since Couch? If so, they're about to have to have another one added to the list.


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I completely agree and I understand your frustration and hope you continue to post here!

The success rate of young qbs coming into the pros now a days is very very slim! Especially the ones that are picked very high! They usually go to a team that isn't very good(like us) and end up in a bad situation. How many times have we seen this sort of situation fail?

I'm with you, I would have preferred we build in other areas first and just stick with who we have.:gaah:

I probably will but with it being baseball season, I'll likely be more on the Baltimore Orioles board and other miscellaneous boards more than here but will likely post sporadically.

I believe with a lot of the QB's, a good majority you can tell with their on and off the field play whether or not they're going to be worth an early pick or not (Peyton and Eli Manning and Andrew Luck come to mind). It is also beneficial that whomever the QB is gets in a system that they're familiar with. If it's a completely different system than they're used to then you could be asking for serious trouble as well, unless they're naturally talented and are able to learn any system thrown at them.

I would've especially stuck with the 15th pick since this offseason has been very unspectacular with the guys we've signed compared to losing.