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Quinn being targeted


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Dec 28, 2014
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This would make for a really happy reunion with Harvin, I'm sure.

Harvin strikes me as a guy who wouldn't even have taken the time or put forth the effort to get to know the coaches on the other side of the ball. If Quinn is hired there, wouldn't surprise me a bit if we saw some goofy quote from Harvin verifying as much.


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Quinn deserves a shot if someone is willing to give him one, so I think it's great that there's interest. I just hope he doesn't end up with the Niners, which has been rumored (or maybe just wishfully thought by Niners fans) ever since it became apparent that Harbaugh was done there.


Human NFL Almanac and College Football Insider
Nov 24, 2014
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Harvin strikes me as a guy who wouldn't even have taken the time or put forth the effort to get to know the coaches on the other side of the ball. If Quinn is hired there, wouldn't surprise me a bit if we saw some goofy quote from Harvin verifying as much.

Harvin: I look forward to working with our new coach. Geno just told me that he's supposed to be pretty good.


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Plot thickens. Looks like the Jets are planning a twofer raid on the Seahawks talent.

Jets reps are flying out to not only interview Dan Quinn for the open HC position on Friday, but they will interview Seahawks personal director, Trent Kirchner, for their GM position as well.

Kirchner was hired on the same time John Schneider was in 2010. He's been one of the top scout and talent evaluators from us during the Carroll era.

Figures a NY team would go for our guys,that place is brutal on coaches and players,good luck you will need it.


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I disagree what team you know can be 4-12 and have a defense ranked 6th in the league? they have talent at the WR position, a young TE in Jace Amaro (whom i wanted the hawks to draft) he really just needs to retool the run game and find a QB that doesnt turn the ball over similar to the seahawks.

I'll give you that there is talent on the defense, but the entire offense needs to be imploded and redone. Quinn would have to surround himself with some very knowledgable coaches that can teach Geno or draft another QB.


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What???!!!!!!???? No love for Bevel????

Please! He's the best O.C. in the NFL!!!!! HE DESERVES CONSIDERATION!!!!


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What???!!!!!!???? No love for Bevel????

Please! He's the best O.C. in the NFL!!!!! HE DESERVES CONSIDERATION!!!!


I know it's sad that he's not getting any love... I think there is a reason for that... :L

Too bad SF doesn't sign him, we'd be guaranteed 2 wins each year...:gaah:

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Its a good thing when your assistants are promoted out as HCs for other teams.

Good assistants know that if they do well here it will benefit.

An earlier poster said it would attract more good assistant coaches and players, and I totally agree.


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Apr 25, 2013
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My dream is the niners doing us the favor of hiring bonehead bevell.

I would just love to see kraperdick completely hung out to dry like he is always doingg to wilson.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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My dream is the niners doing us the favor of hiring bonehead bevell.

I would just love to see kraperdick completely hung out to dry like he is always doingg to wilson.

Man, I've noticed a few things when it comes to the Seahawks offense. It's Bevell's fault. It's Cable's fault. It's the line's fault. It's the receiver's fault. It's the TE's fault. So, the question is, when does it become Russell Wilson's fault?

Yes, the line has issues at times with getting burned by pass rushes, but that doesn't happen nearly as often as people would like to think it does. But, Russell also likes to hold onto the ball for much longer than he should. He's cause more than 1 sack (and also run for big gains) because he held the ball longer than any line should be expected to keep a pocket clean. Hell, he leaves good pockets early. We all know he holds the ball too long, but it's excused because (like Big Ben), while he has the ball in his hands there's still a chance for a big play. So, yes, Russell has avoided quite a few would be sacks purely from his ability to avoid tacklers, but how many of this year's 42 sacks were actually his doing?


Human NFL Almanac and College Football Insider
Nov 24, 2014
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Doug Marrone just opted out with the Bills.

That has to mean he already has a deal with another opening, likely the Jets?


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Man, I've noticed a few things when it comes to the Seahawks offense. It's Bevell's fault. It's Cable's fault. It's the line's fault. It's the receiver's fault. It's the TE's fault. So, the question is, when does it become Russell Wilson's fault?

Yes, the line has issues at times with getting burned by pass rushes, but that doesn't happen nearly as often as people would like to think it does. But, Russell also likes to hold onto the ball for much longer than he should. He's cause more than 1 sack (and also run for big gains) because he held the ball longer than any line should be expected to keep a pocket clean. Hell, he leaves good pockets early. We all know he holds the ball too long, but it's excused because (like Big Ben), while he has the ball in his hands there's still a chance for a big play. So, yes, Russell has avoided quite a few would be sacks purely from his ability to avoid tacklers, but how many of this year's 42 sacks were actually his doing?

Wilson isn't perfect, he's still a work in progress. Yes he leaves the pocket early at times, but when your OL is a sieve as a rule ( and it is) that whats happens. Hold on to the ball to long....maybe at times, but I don't see this as one of his flaws myself. I have seen him choose not to make a throw that I though he could complete on several occasions, but I chalk that up to not taking any chances...per Pete.


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Apr 22, 2013
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Man, I've noticed a few things when it comes to the Seahawks offense. It's Bevell's fault. It's Cable's fault. It's the line's fault. It's the receiver's fault. It's the TE's fault. So, the question is, when does it become Russell Wilson's fault?

Yes, the line has issues at times with getting burned by pass rushes, but that doesn't happen nearly as often as people would like to think it does. But, Russell also likes to hold onto the ball for much longer than he should. He's cause more than 1 sack (and also run for big gains) because he held the ball longer than any line should be expected to keep a pocket clean. Hell, he leaves good pockets early. We all know he holds the ball too long, but it's excused because (like Big Ben), while he has the ball in his hands there's still a chance for a big play. So, yes, Russell has avoided quite a few would be sacks purely from his ability to avoid tacklers, but how many of this year's 42 sacks were actually his doing?

It happens a TON, all you have to do is watch the all 22 and just shake your head. You see wide open WR, you see plays to be made but the thing you also see is Russell Wilson running for his life before he has a chance to get the ball to those guys. Yes Russell is not perfect and makes mistakes and misses open people but more often than not he finds them when he has the time to do just that. The Key words here is " when he has the time" something this oline does not give him very often. Do they always fail? hell no, we all have seen them play GREAT games giving Russell all the time in the world. That just proves to me that they have the talent to be a solid to great oline, so whats holding them back? it's not Bevell but Bevell is being blamed to much for the Olines short comings, we all have to really look at the ASSISTANT HEAD COACH and OLINE COACH. If he can not get these guys playing at their best then what is he doing? he is not helping the team win plain and simple.

When the Hawks Oline is playing well this team is damn near unstoppable. We have seen it and these are the games you need to connect with Bevell's offense. He can not run his offense if his QB is running for his life. People that pointed fingers at bevell just feel it's a easier fix than fixing the oline or they don't understand the game of football. You put pressure on the QB and you mess up the offense. Look what the Hawks did to the Bronco's in the superbowl lol. That was one of the greatest offenses in the NFL and look what happened. Do you blame the OC? nah
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Apr 25, 2013
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Bevell gets most of the blame because he calls the plays that put wilson in bad situattions. Its not a surprise when there is a defendwr running free into our backfield on every play, we know this will happen. But bonehead bevell does nothing about it. He will call a 5 wide empty set on 1st or 2nd down and allow the defense to tee off on our OL that the whole world knows is GOD AWFUL against the pass rush.

Go back and watch the second niners game. All day long they had one or two guys in wilsons face almost as soon as the ball was snapped. The whole thing is capped off by the two pass play calls with under 5 minutes to play that put us at a 4th and 40 something on our own 5 yard line.

How more people dont see how bad bevell is blows my mind.


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Bevell gets most of the blame because he calls the plays that put wilson in bad situattions. Its not a surprise when there is a defendwr running free into our backfield on every play, we know this will happen. But bonehead bevell does nothing about it. He will call a 5 wide empty set on 1st or 2nd down and allow the defense to tee off on our OL that the whole world knows is GOD AWFUL against the pass rush.

Go back and watch the second niners game. All day long they had one or two guys in wilsons face almost as soon as the ball was snapped. The whole thing is capped off by the two pass play calls with under 5 minutes to play that put us at a 4th and 40 something on our own 5 yard line.

How more people dont see how bad bevell is blows my mind.

So your blaming Bevell for the presnap penalties the online commits to put them in a 1st and long situation that forces their hand to pass? or are you Saying he shouldn't try and use his play book and run the ball into the strongest part of the 49ers defense ( the run defense) ?

If the line could keep Wilson clean for 1 to 2 more seconds than they normally do they have success, thats on the Oline not Bevell's offensive play calling, don't equate a bad day on offense as bevell's fault when the Oline is stinking up the field. Where is the praise for the magnificent games he has called like the superbowl, When this team is clicking even you have to admit they are unstoppable. That say a lot about the OC and you all want to just ignore that fact. When the oline plays good this teams offense is a BEAST. That is on Bevell, when the oline plays like crap and the offense looks bad, that is NOT on Bevell. You can not run your offense when your QB is running for his life and you can not run the ball 100 out of 100 times you have to mix it up.

I am glad we finally got a OC that doesn't call a draw play on every 3rd down and 7+ EVERY SINGLE TIME or one that doesn't call a run play on first down 99% of the time. Some times it works some times it doesn't but when Bevell's offense clicks it's a thing of beauty. Say it isn't. I think many of you believe we got more talent than we actually do on the offense. Wilson and Lynch are the studs the rest are average players right now at best. They can be much more with some help on the oline and giving Wilson time.
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Apr 21, 2013
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The truth is that the struggles on offense occur because of all of the things mentioned in this thread to one degree or another. The offensive line can't pass protect well enough on a consistent basis, Wilson sometimes holds the ball longer than he should, receivers sometimes can't get separation, Bevell sometimes gets stubborn with his playcalling and Cable is probably focusing too hard on finding really good run blockers at the expense of pass protection. The thing is... even with all those issues on offense, this is still one of the top tier scoring offenses in the league and has been for at least the last couple of years. Is it often frustrating to watch? Of course. Just remember that it could be a lot worse. The defense might get most of the credit for the success of the team, but this offense, while frustrating at times, is pretty good too.


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Dec 28, 2014
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With respect to Russell holding the ball, be careful what you wish for. Some of the biggest plays this offense makes -- plays that make our offense a problem for the other team -- come from RW's scrambles. You handcuff him in that regard and now you just took a step toward limiting him as a player and marginalizing part of what makes him a huge headache for defenses. There's no scheme or game plan to stop what he does on the move outside the pocket. I'm not even sure you can really practice for it because he makes plays on a weekly basis that no one around the league is really making.